Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 394 Rattle\r

To put it bluntly, the reason why Luo Bing didn't retreat as far as Thor did, was all due to his immortal body and his precise control of his own strength.

Although the realm was forcibly suppressed by himself, the manipulation of those details and the ability to perceive the realm were by no means comparable to Thor.

Simply put, Thor doesn't lose money.

Although Luo Bing seemed to be nothing on the surface, it was actually not the case. The entire arm he had just fought against Thor was faintly tingling, and it felt obvious.

The layman is watching the excitement, the expert is watching the doorway, and the crowd in the outfield is relatively close to the explosive strength of Luo Bing and Thor just now, and only Hela and Carol are the two.

At the moment, the two of them were secretly shocked, surprised that they had not seen each other for many days, and Thor's strength was so strong again.

Hela thought silently in his heart: Thor deserves to be the heir of which dead ghost father most resembles.


Luo Bing let out a sigh of relief and laughed loudly: "Not bad, brother-in-law, do you want to do some more tricks?"

Thor immediately said with a sad face: "Forget it, brother-in-law, you are too powerful, I am not your opponent."

He is aware of his current state, he has no doubt that if he comes again like just now, and this arm is scrapped.

Luo Bing became interested and said quickly: "Don't, this time you use Stormbreaker, I still don't need anything"


"Don't! My beloved Mjolnir has been crushed by the old lady, and I don't want to be crushed by you with an axe that I just got and it's not a thousand years old." Thor immediately shook his head and rattled, yes, he wouldn't say anything continue to fight.

"Brother-in-law, I was wrong, I was wrong head office."

Luo Bing shrugged helplessly, "Okay, but it can be seen that you have not slackened in all these years. Given time, you will definitely be one of the superpowers in the universe."

Thor smiled and said, "Hey, thank you brother-in-law for your compliment. I also believe that I can reach that point."

At this time, Hela and the others stepped forward and said, "You two have it, you have forgotten your important things.

Quill patted Thor's shoulder and smiled: "Okay, you punched the boss, and you still haven't died, you really give us Guardians of Galaxy a long face!

Thor looked tired, thinking that the more he heard these words, the less they were good words, what does it mean that he is not dead yet, is it normal that he is dead?

Heimdall said lightly: "Sir, please pay attention to your words, Thor is a member of Asgard."

As the Avengers five mouth cannon, Quill said: "This gentleman with gold rims in his eyes, I also ask you to find out, this guy has joined the Guardians of Galaxy, or you can take him away and save him day by day. Compete with me for the captain's seat.

Hela frowned and said, "Okay, you two stop arguing, listen to Luo Bing.

"Yes, Her Majesty." Heimdall returned respectfully.

And Star-Lord is not a fool. He has long heard that Thor has an old sister who is not only violent, but also more powerful than Thor. Facing such a role, he is very knowledgeable and silent.

Thor also asked: "By the way, brother-in-law, I haven't asked you, why are you here?

Luo Bing said: "This matter is a long story, so let me tell you a long story, we are tracking Bifrost."

Thor nodded and said, "That's right, Bifrost hasn't been found for so many years, and the status of Aesir's realm is indeed damaged.

Rocket Raccoon exclaimed: ".~ Bifrost? Are you talking about the Bifrost that can reach any place in the Nine Realms?"

Luo Bing asked: "Yes, this is it, have you met?

Rocket Raccoon sneered: "Hey, that's not true, I just heard about it.

In fact, he has not only heard of it, he has been thinking about Bifrost for a long time, and has always thought of having the opportunity to receive it in his own treasure house.

Quill pouted, with a confused look on his face, "Wait, if I heard correctly, you are looking for a bridge? Waite? Why can't you find something so big? No, no, no, I think what I should ask is, how could something so big be lost?"

Gamora rolled his eyes and said: "You are still not convinced that you are Wen (Noli's) blind. According to legend, Bifrost kaleidoscopic Shapeshift can become anything. It is not so much a bridge as it is a rainbow. .

Luo Bing added: "Rather than saying that he is a rainbow, I think it is best to describe it as a light."

Hela nodded and said, "Yes, it is said that when the old Odin found it, he called Roar the light of hope."5

Quill said in surprise: "Wow, you are tracking rainbows, this is so cool, can we participate?"

"I'm Groot, I'm Groot!" Groot nodded again and again, very interested in the legendary Bifrost.

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