Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 399 Recovering the Rainbow (2)\r

Heimdall's expression was serious, and he looked like he was going to die. Luo Bing was naturally unwilling to be left behind. With a wave of his big hand, Wushou Immortal Body urged, a stream of energy spread out from his body, slowly but not stopping, surrounding tens of thousands of miles around. Area.

Luo Bing said solemnly: "Heimdall, what I can do about this matter is limited, and it is mainly up to you."

"Don't worry, I have been preparing for this every day and every night over the years, and now I have finally come to the end, seeing the dawn of victory, I will never let any mistakes happen."

In Heimdall's deep pupils, there seemed to be the sun, moon, and stars circulating, all of which were golden, noble and rare, and there were armored knights from the heavens raising their spears and riding their horses and whips. That mirror image was terrifying.

These are some of the pictures Heimdall has seen in his life, definitely, not comprehensive, compared with what he has experienced, these are just a drop in the ocean.

"Bifrost, I am Heimdall, the guardian god, the true god of Aesir.""

"Now in my name, I call upon your return, and I hope you will not refuse. 35

"Aesir God's Domain is the center of the Nine Realms, the dawn of dawn, the backside of darkness, and your best destination."

Heimdall looked serious, muttered words in his mouth, and kept rubbing the top of the guardian sword Bult steel with his palms.

At this point, the entire body of the giant sword has become extremely smooth and splendid, and it is even more eye-catching than the countless stars around it.

Luo Bing, on the other hand, slowly closed his eyes, felt it with his heart, and monitored all the movements around him, as if his whole person had been integrated with the starry sky.

He has always had a careful plan, and he has been taking every step according to what he thinks in his heart. If he wants to recreate the earth, or even reshape the universe, he must not make mistakes in every step.

Otherwise, Luo Bing didn't even dare to think about it, and it would cause an irreversible situation.

After all, according to his idea, the things, people and things involved in each step are too amazing, Dragon Ball, Heart of the Universe, Bifrost, Infinity Stone...

Every single one of these things is enough to destroy the world. If you make a wrong step, you will be wrong, and you will lose the whole game!

Now that Bifrost finally has hope, Luo Bing will definitely spare no effort to do what he should do.


Beside Luo Bing, the magnetic field has become chaotic, the void is distorted, and everything has become unreal and dreamlike.

Heimdall said in a deep voice: "Mr. Luo, don't worry, the current situation is within my expectations, just stick with it for a while."

In this regard, Luo Bing said dumbfoundedly: "You don't need to worry about me, just do your own thing, and there will never be any mistakes on my side."

Just kidding, if he can't even control the starry sky in this mere 10,000 miles, wouldn't his "barren" realm be a joke?

Heimdall also twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that what he said was indeed a bit redundant. The entire Avengers, including the Queen of Asgard, trusted Luo Bing so much, so what reason did he have to doubt.

With that in mind, he summoned Bifrost with even more heart.

In fact, their statement has always been wrong, that is, they didn't come to catch Bifrost, to be precise, they came to "invite" Bifrost back.

And what he is doing now, strictly speaking, is more like a negotiation, a negotiation between him and ".~Light"!

As for the outcome of this negotiation, the impact is far-reaching.

As a result, Heimdall stepped up his efforts and devoted himself to negotiating with Bifrost.

At first, Bifrost did have signs of leaving, but it was stabilized by a ray of light emitted by the Bult steel.

Besides, if it really got to that point, Luo Bing would also be guarding on the outside and would not let Bifrost leave easily.

But even if Bifrost stayed, it felt like it would be more resistant to returning to Asgard.

In fact, Luo Bing also understands this. In all fairness, if he were Bifrost, it would be better to wander carefree outside than to be a bridge in Asgard. (Nolly's)

But this is not the best destination. Secretly, Frieza has been planning a conspiracy that can subvert the entire universe. If that conspiracy is really realized, then the entire universe will be reshuffled by him.

As the saying goes, when the time comes, Frieza will definitely find Bifrost, and treat it no better than Aesir God's Domain.

Heimdall has also been persuading Bifrost with love and reason.

I don't know how long it took, the colorful rays of light that had been silent for a long time finally gave a reaction, and the originally splendid light gradually became dim.

To be more precise, it has become softer!

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