Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 402 Frieza's Death Squad\r

Luo Bing shook his head and sighed, "Tell me you guys are just doing your job well, why do you have to provoke me?"

The black-robed man who was held high by him couldn't tell how bitter he was. He wanted to say that our mission is to send the colorful rays back to the master, but Bifrost was taken first by you. What else can we do? !

"Hmph, what a bunch of idiots, how did Frieza raise a bunch of idiots like you?!

By now, Luo Bing had already guessed seven or eight out of ten things. It is very likely that this group of alien corps did not come for him, but only for the "Nine Five Zeros" Hongqiao, and it was only right to meet them by chance.

It is expected that Frieza will not be so stupid. Shooting such a group of trash to kill himself is no different from giving away people's heads.

But there is one thing Luo Bing can't figure out a bit, that is, they found Bifrost's trace based on the Heart of the Universe and Heimdall and Bult Steel.

But Frieza, why is he?

According to Heimdall, if you want to find Bifrost, you can only rely on him and the support of the guardian sword Bult Steel, which has nothing to do with the realm of strength.

Luo Bing also felt this. He was as powerful as he was, and he couldn't notice the slightest trace of Bifrost.

Shaking his head, temporarily putting aside these questions that he couldn't think of even if he broke his head, Luo Bing once again turned his attention to the army of alien universes in front of him.

The ability [Voice of the Golden Lion King] just now was very successful. The original army of 500 people has changed to more than 200 people in one voice, and it is less than half of the original.

Even those who survived by standing in the back suffered from injuries of small file size, and their faces were pale.

Luo Bing said with embarrassment: "It stands to reason that you are all just a gun in Frieza's hand, and it was your unfortunate encounter with me today. Now the question is, should I kill you or let it go? what about you?

"Hmph, kill or cut as you please, the great master Frieza is immortal!"

The man in black robe, who was already pinched by Luo Bing, said with difficulty, staring at Luo Bing's eyes full of resentment, viciousness, and murderous intent.

But unfortunately, there is no word called fear in those emotions.

This made Luo Bing a little surprised. He was very curious about what method Frieza had used to make these people give their lives for him, even if they didn't want to.

Luo Bing sneered: "Yeah, after a long time, you are still a death squad, so I underestimate you."

The man in black robe slowly closed his eyes, as if he was dying.

Luo Bing squinted his eyes, released his hand after a moment, threw the black-robed man into the distance, and said coldly, "I can stop killing you today, but listen to me, and tell that guy Frieza when you go back. , Avengers is not easy to mess with, and I, Luo Bing, are not easy to mess with."

"Also, let me add a word, I didn't kill you today purely because I have other things to do, I don't want to waste time with you, and next time, I will never show mercy!""

Frieza's mind is clear to him, it is nothing more than wanting to control the 616 main universe, but with him, he will never allow such a thing to happen.

Hearing Luo Bing's words, the remnants of the Alien Universe Corps were stunned and looked at each other, wondering if they had heard it wrong...

They couldn't figure out why Luo Bing, who was the enemy, didn't kill them, but chose to let them go back.

For fear of wasting time?

Come on, this is definitely not a reason, they all saw the horror of this guy just now, and nearly 300 of them were killed in one voice.

They have no doubts that if the other party wants to destroy their own people, it is nothing more than another voice.

Luo Bing said coldly, "What's the matter, you are not happy to let you go?"

The leading black-robed man's eyes flickered, as if he was thinking about what Luo Bing's real purpose was. After a while, after experiencing a complicated trade-off in his heart, he finally gritted his teeth and said savagely, "Luo Bing, don't do it. Thinking that if you let us go this time, we will be grateful to you and kill nearly 300 of our warriors, and we will never forget it!

Luo Bing sneered and said, "Hehe, just relying on your group of stinky fish and rotten shrimps, you dare to speak up in front of 5.0 me? I advise you to save your time, go back and tell Frieza that if you want to deal with me, let him come in person, now You all get out of here before I change my mind!"

"Hmph, don't be arrogant, the master is the most powerful emperor in the universe, and one day you will crawl under his feet!

Let's just say this, the rest of the soldiers in the different universe fled into the black hole in embarrassment, without knowing it, for fear that Luo Bing would go back on it.

They may not be afraid of death when death comes, but if they are given hope of living, everyone will instinctively cherish their life.

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