Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 483 Divine Might's Wrath\r

"Yes, I'm Reynolds, do you know me?"

Reynolds, who only wanted to get rid of the current situation, responded positively to Luo Bing. After confirming his identity, Luo Bing also made a request to release Reynolds.

"Mr. Ku Peng, I have seen the person, please allow me to take him away, so as to ensure that the drug gang will not come to trouble you. 35

Luo Bing swore that he was only the last step away from his plan.

But unfortunately, since his Ability was sealed, it seems that good luck has disappeared along with it. Before Ku Peng could speak, that Corona suddenly stood up.

"No! This bastard has made fun of us. If we just let him go, the majesty of our gang will also collapse along with it."

Corona's words affected Ku Peng's judgment, and he suddenly returned to his previous cautiousness as if he had been beaten by something.

"Mr. Luo Bing, this is indeed a bit unfair. You also know that our industry is not easy, and the prestige that has been accumulated cannot be said to be broken.""

"Oh? So what do you mean?" Luo Bing suddenly became serious, so much so that Thor began to clench his fists.

"Since it's all for everyone's good, let's choose a compromise." Ku Peng saw Luo Bing's dissatisfaction, and he didn't want to make things worse.

"Okay, let's talk about it." Luo Bing said indifferently.

"According to our local custom, the guy who made a mistake would be corporally executed according to the file size of the incident. For Reynolds' fault, one of his ears needs to be cut off.

Ku Peng looked serious, and it could be seen that this was his last concession. And Luo Bing agreed to the other party's proposal after thinking hard.

But at the moment, Thor didn't agree. He went directly to Luo Bing and said without hesitation, "Brother-in-law! Is this appropriate?"

Thor is reminding Luo Bing not to make Miss Jenny sad. After all, when they left earlier, they promised to bring Reynolds back intact.

"This is the punishment he deserves, there is nothing appropriate or inappropriate." Luo Bing didn't explain too much, but after a simple perfunctory sentence, he turned to look at Reynolds who was trembling.

"Can you accept that kind of punishment?" Luo Bing asked.

"But... can... just cut off one of our ears, and things will be settled between us? Reynolds asked humbly.

"I think it's like this." Luo Bing answered quickly, then looked at Ku Peng who was beside him.

"That's right, we Mexicans do what we say. As long as you accept corporal punishment, we can continue to do business in the future."

Coupeng's answer made Reynolds make up his mind, and he closed his eyes and waited for his punishment. And the guy responsible for the corporal punishment was naturally Corona who objected.

In order to give her gang some face, Corona cut off Reynolds' left ear with a sharp dagger and attached three fingers.

The severe pain made Reynolds miserable, and he screamed in the Dungeon like a wounded wild dog. And for such a change of situation, Thor this guy is an instant Rage.

He yelled at Corona, "Did you fucking do it on purpose? It was clear that only one ear was cut!"

A roar echoed through the crypt, and all those present felt Thor's wrath. For Corona, she was even more afraid and trembling. After all, that was accountability from Asgard, not a weight that mortals could bear.

"Thor! Promise me not to move!

Luo Bing made the same terrifying noise under Thor's influence, and the successive intimidation made the Mexicans afraid to make any noise.

The situation was completely controlled by Luo Bing, and all the personnel were waiting for his decision. Even Reynolds, who was deeply hurt, began to endure the pain, for fear that the other party would take anger on him.

"Mr. Ku Peng, my 013s have clearly negotiated the terms before, why do you suddenly change your mind? I hope this is not your inspiration.

Luo Bing issued an accountability, which was both a reply to Thor and a conscription to Ku Peng.

"Mr. Luo, I take my own life as a guarantee. This is definitely not what I mean. It's all that stinky bitch's own idea. I'll let her make an apology for you."9

Ku Peng, whose desire to survive soared, strode to Corona's front. He grabbed the woman by the hair, and prepared to use her head as an apology.

"Enough! I'm not interested in watching your show, this is the end of this matter, and I will keep my promise."

Luo Bing stopped Ku Peng's behavior and turned to Reynolds' side. Although he scoffed at the man in front of him, in order to fulfill Miss Jenny's wish, he still gave him considerable care.

"Reynolds, if you don't want to die here, get out of here!"

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