Marvel: Infinite Powers

Chapter 515 The character is playing in the wrong place\r

Any ordinary person with an IQ would not think about wrestling with a guy like Thor. So when that Winston felt the oppression of the other party, he simply put down his stupid arrogance and negotiated with the other party with a very humble attitude.

"Two, I think there must be some misunderstanding about Evelyn. But since you are here, as a representative of the school, I will do my best to answer you.

Winston said very politely, his humble appearance was exactly the same as that of Ms. Roland behind him.

"Humph! It's so good to be like this earlier, it's a waste of each other's time... Let me ask you one thing, why did Evelyn's instructor change to a senior student instead of a professor?" Luo Bing asked angrily road.

"It's like this. Our teachers are in short supply. Furthermore, they are not obliged to provide extracurricular tutoring to a student who has no foundation. You should understand." Winston replied politely.

"Okay, for the time being, this reason is reasonable. Then how do you explain that students should be tutored? Besides, I had an agreement with you when I was first admitted to the hospital."

Luo Bing pushed the situation to a dead end. If the opponent dared to continue to prevaricate him, then in Luo Bing's current mood, he would definitely make Winston feel the taste of being toyed with.

"Mr. Luo, shall we turn this matter over? I promise that Miss Evelyn can get the best education. If it really doesn't work, can I give her counseling?"

Weinstein's sudden forgiveness did not alleviate Luo Bing's resentment, but aroused his anger at the whole incident. Under the impression of such an emotion, Luo Bing immediately picked up the other party's collar and began to question him.

"Speak! Tell me everything you know, or I will definitely let you understand that the damage I can cause will definitely be more vicious than the person you shield.

Luo Bing's attitude is firm, there is no doubt about this (befb). Under his powerful "threat", Winston could only reveal everything he knew.

"The guy in charge of teaching Evelyn is called Finks, his family is very prominent, we all work for him...

Winston's words won him a brief freedom. And Luo Bing At the moment's mood is extremely bad. He loosened his grip like a vise, and then looked at the frightened Ms. Roland.

"Tell me where Finks is now." Luo Bing said coldly.

"Sir, I don't think you will solve the problem by doing this." Roland replied quickly, she was very afraid of Luo Bing doing something out of the ordinary.

"Don't ask me to say the same thing again, and this is the third time you've made me unhappy." Luo Bing gave a final warning, and Thor beside him also made a "preparation" action.

"Okay, please calm down, I'll get the information for you. 35

Compared with his job, it was obvious that Roland valued his own life more. She quickly looked up the class schedule, and finally locked onto Finks' name on a line of text.

"He is taking elective courses. If you want to find him, you can go directly to the chemistry building directly in front." Roland said with embarrassment.

"Okay, I hope you will not be afraid of power in the future, and truly think about the interests of your students, instead of turning a deaf ear after receiving other people's money.

Luo Bing and Thor left the Academic Affairs Office, leaving Winston and Roland to look at each other. At the moment their hearts can be said to be mixed, but one thing they are very clear about is that this school is about to change.

Three minutes later, Thor pushed open the locked door without asking the professor's consent. And as he did this, the students in the house immediately focused their attention on him.

"Who are you?" The professor on the podium said unhappily. From his attitude, it could be seen that Juedu was a stubborn fellow.

"Who I am has nothing to do with you, I'm just here to handle one thing." Thor answered quickly, while Luo Bing, who was relatively short, walked into the classroom.

"Who's called Finks?" Luo Bing asked loudly, he wasn't ashamed at all because of his recklessness.

"Is there anything you need?

A man stood up amid Luo Bing's Roar shouts. He has blond hair, and his fair skin makes it very clean, and his delicate facial features make him a handsome guy.

"Are you Finks?" Luo Bing continued to ask, but the gaze reflected in his eyes was obviously not as easy-going as before.

"That's right, I'm Finks, what do you two guys have to do with me?" Finks said with a look of disdain. He thought that in this campus, he did not dare to compete with himself.

"Fine, I like guys who have the guts to admit, but I hate guys who take my stand.

Luo Bing suddenly showed a weird smile, and in the next second, Thor had already dragged the guy to the door.

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