The embarrassed-looking man was fleeing, and if he were replaced by the old Thor, he would definitely pursue him immediately. But after all, he suffered a loss, so Thor could only watch the other side escape.

Fortunately, just as the man in sight was about to leave, Luo Bing actually appeared at the fork in the distance. At the moment that guy appeared with a happy face, so he must have encountered something happy.

And Thor shouted directly after seeing Luo Bing. He told the other party that the man in front of him was the murderer who came to make trouble, and he must take precautions.

"The troublemaker?

When Luo Bing heard this, he immediately opened his bloody eyes. Moon reading in the state of Sangouyu can completely control any guy whose mental ability is not enough to Luo Bing.

"Say, who sent you here?" Luo Bing asked the man, and Thor and Evelyn, who were far away in the house, also ran to the front.

"Finks asked me to come here." The man said word by word, as if he was mentally retarded.

"Finks? Is it Finks from Norland Industries Group?" Luo Bing continued to ask.

"Yes, it's that guy." The man still replied.

"Good guy, originally this matter could be ended, but since the other party has no intention of stopping, then I will play with him."

Luo Bing's face became gloomy, and the two people beside him also felt his emotions. As Luo Bing's loyal assistant, Thor naturally wants to express his opinion at this time.

"Brother-in-law, since the other party has dispatched a killer, should we fight back?" When Thor was talking, he was already showing murderous intent.

"Not yet, I finally made a deal with Tony, and it's obviously not worth it to break up because of this."

Luo Bing rejected Thor's proposal, and (befb) immediately brought everyone back into the house. And the reason he did this was nothing more than to avoid being observed by the enemy in the dark.

After returning to their residence, Luo Bing's attitude became much calmer. He looked up and down the Hypnotic Ability man, a feeling of deja vu arises spontaneously.

"What's your name?" Luo Bing asked the man.

"Helmut Zemo"

"Oh? So it's you.

Luo Bing's doubts were dispelled, because he knew the identity of the other party. But considering that this is not in the 616 main universe, Luo Bing continued to investigate for the sake of being conservative.

"What's your relationship with Finks of Norland Industries?"

"He and our organization are partners. Because this time he asked for us, so the organization sent me here."

Helmut Zemo answered very "honestly", and it was precisely because of his answer that Luo Bing remembered what the system had told him during the day.

"It turns out that HYDRA's den refers to this." Luo Bing was suddenly delighted, because in his eyes, paying for an organization like HYDRA is simply a piece of cake.

"Thor, we have work to do." Luo Bing said happily.

"What's the situation?" Thor asked in confusion.

"You'll know when the time comes, but until then, we must keep Evelyn safe. 35

Luo Bing walked up to Evelyn and told her plan. According to him, it is hoped that Evelyn can be sheltered by Tony Stark so that he can do his best without any worries.

For this proposal, the reasonable Evelyn naturally has no objection. It's just that there is still a doubt in her mind whether Tony Stark can help them.

"Haha, don't worry, my negotiation with that guy this morning was very smooth, he will not refuse this request, not to mention that this time there is help from Finks.

Luo Bing's performance was so calm that it completely relieved Evelyn's worries. Thor on the side showed admiration and praised him in his heart.

ten to noon.

Luo Bing and his party came to the door of Stark Industry with Helmut wrapped around them. Since they were already familiar faces here, the security staff simply did not investigate and let them go in directly.

"Boom thump-"

Tony's office was clicked, and he knew the scenery outside the door very well. Although a little surprised, but after all, he has come, and he can't shirk.

"Come in." Tony said not very affectionately, he prayed that Luo Bing would not cause any trouble for himself.

"Brother Tony, allow me to introduce you to a heavyweight." Luo Bing said this first when he met Tony.

"Oh? How much energy does he have?" Tony asked curiously, but his eyes were already on Helmut Zemo.

Luo Bing smiled and then said, "Have you heard of HYDRA? He is the leader of the assassination team."

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