Marvel King

Chapter 9 - 9: Superman fuċkɨnġ exists!

The next day after a good breakfast James started working with Hector and Bradley.

Why is James in England?

Simply because after blowing up an Egyptian mutant's ȧss, he flew west thinking he was heading for the United States, but unfortunately he had a completely rotten sense of direction.

Instead of flying to the United States, he flew to Europe, he was even hit by the missile of some countries whose airspace he had violated.

Finally tired of flying and knowing that he would soon lose the ability of a boy called Sangohan, he landed on a farm in England, you already know the rest of the story.

But he didn't mind, because he knew that in this world, America was the most dangerous place in the world, one day you're quietly drinking your coffee and the next day a super-muscular green nudist comes and crushes you, you're on the toilet, sitting quietly and doing your business when suddenly some ȧsshole with a hammer comes and destroys your house.

You have spent twenty years saving up for a beautiful car that will make all your colleagues jealous, sorry brother, a spaceship accident crushed the whole city, do you want the insurance to pay for it? No problem, just show them the part of the contract that talks about aliens, they will surely give you a new car with pŀėȧsurė.

Moreover, his performance in the fight against the Apocalypse was too magnificent, he was afraid that one day several men in black would come knocking at his door and shout :

He preferred his present life, quiet and trouble-free.

Looking at the farm, he smiled and whispered.

"Nothing bad can happen to me now."

This simple and normal sentence, spoken by James' mouth really has magical effects that can make even gods speechless.

Thousands of miles away, a nuclear missile fired from the Soviet Union, with a man and woman in red and black suits standing on it, suddenly deflected its trajectory as if it was drawn by a supernatural force.

Hank Pym, using his Ant-Man Suit and Janet van Dyne in her Wasp Suit, try to stop a Soviet ICBM from hitting the United States.

They were both thinking about how to stop the missile when they noticed that the missile had changed targets and was heading towards England.

"Pym, what's going on?"

"I don't know, the missile suddenly changed direction, it's not normal, one of the internal components must have malfunctioned."



. . . . . . .

James suddenly stopped working when he heard Meredith's screams.

Hector and Bradley followed by James entered the house and saw Meredith in the kitchen on the floor in front of the radio.

"Urgent Message from Her Majesty's Government, a meteorite is heading towards the town of Woodstone in North Yorkshire, we repeat, a meteorite is heading towards the town of Woodstone in North Yorkshire, all residents are asked to evacuate!".

"Urgent Message from Her Majesty's Government, a meteorite is heading towards the town of Woodstone in North Yorkshire........."

"Kids, go get the kids!"

Meredith got up quickly and grabbed Bradley's shoulders in panic.

"Don't wait for us, go straight to the town of Northvaley, we'll meet you there."

"Yes dad."

Bradley and Meredith ran out to get the pickup truck and then went to school. James and Hector quickly packed everyone's bags, picked up the important things and loaded them into the back of the truck.

Then they started the car and took the nearest national road, but they were soon stuck in a traffic jam.

"Shit, I hope Bradley and Meredith were able to leave the area with the kids."

Hector hit the steering wheel of the car in frustration.

James thought for a moment and then looked at the old man who had kindly given him a job, he thought about the two children he had seen grow up in the last three years and the couple he had become friends with.

He opened the car door and got out.

"What are you doing James, get back in the car, we don't have a chance to leave the area on foot."

"Hector, I'm so grateful for everything you and your family have done for me."

"What are you talking about, kid? Now is not the time to talk that kind of sentimental nonsense, you're a family member too, get in the car we're going to try to take the forest trails."

"Am I a family member?"

Hearing this, James had tears in his eyes, which he hastened to wipe away.

"Of course you're a member of the family, you're like my second son, get in the car, we'll soon join Bradley and the others."

James then clenched his fists and looked at Hector.

"Thank you, Hector, as a member of the Wells family, how can I let my family members die?"

"What do you want to do, kid, you..."

But suddenly in front of Hector's eyes, James floated slowly and flew into the sky under the amazed eyes of everyone present.

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