Marvel: Kryptonians Return From Infinity

Chapter 84 The Past Of Krypton (First Update, Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Humans living on this planet do not know that more than 20,000 years ago, in the lost era when human beings were still drinking blood and the social structure was far from complete, a colony spacecraft of the Kryptonians had arrived here— ———and then suddenly crashed.

No one knows why the colony spacecraft crashed. It may have been caused by the Green Lantern Corps, which guards the sector of the earth, or it may have been involved in some accidental accidents that caused the spacecraft to crash here.

But there is no doubt that this is definitely the luck of the people on earth, because if this Kryptonian spacecraft is docked here, and the Kryptonian colonists transported in the cabin survive, then human beings may have suffered a lot before they really grow up. to destruction.

Because 20,000 years ago, it was the time when the Kryptonians had the highest desire to expand the planet. They sent countless search ships to various places in the Star Sea to find colonies and a new home for Krypton.

And the earth is undoubtedly the most suitable place for Kryptonians to live, not only because of the atmospheric content here so that Kryptonians can guarantee the living conditions, but also because it is close to the yellow sun.

The newly born solar energy brings inexhaustible power to the cells of the Kryptonians. Unlike their homeland, if the Kryptonians take root here, it won't be long before their power will conquer the entire universe.

So Kayo has always suspected that the crash of the Kryptonian spacecraft was caused by the cosmic Asgardians.

Anyway, any unexplainable conspiracy and tricks are always right to push to those little blue people.

It took about 20 minutes to set off from the United States, and Kayo brought the curious little Carl to this ice-covered Arctic continent.

The Kryptonian spaceship sleeping under the ice is not too big, but its total length is only a few hundred meters. After all, it is just a small colony ship.

Breaking through the solid ice and walking into it, Kayo gently stroked the solid and cold metal that had been sleeping for 20,000 years [Ten very familiar feelings suddenly came to mind.


Kayo sighed softly, his tone contained a kind of deep helplessness and melancholy.

As the home planet he was born in this life, Kayo naturally has a very deep affection for the planet Krypton, at least not much worse than Marvel's Earth. He and Karla when he was a child also spent a very good time on that planet. childhood.

Planet Krypton is a planet 27.1 light-years away from the earth, its volume is about fifteen times that of the earth, and it has been orbiting a red sun for billions of years, so the Kryptonians there are not as good as they are on Earth except for their physical fitness. Like the earth, it exhibits an overpowering super-ability.

But even so, they still developed a powerful civilization, opened up the territory of the planet, and colonized other planet worlds. Their strength is so strong that even among the stars

Krypton is also a powerful civilization.

When it comes to Kryptonian civilization, one has to talk about the fixed and advanced 'caste system',

On Krypton, everything that everyone is born with is doomed, and their genes are entered into their respective programs.

Suitable for workers, suitable for chefs, suitable for engineers, suitable for Warrior...

Many people who have watched the plot of the movie will feel that this "caste system" is very backward, but it is not.

Those descriptions in the movie are too one-sided. In fact, it is precisely because of this special system that Krypton has realized a real utopian system very early on.

The highly developed material civilization has suppressed individual desires to the extreme, and the social class issues derived from this are almost non-existent. After all, they only have different divisions of labor, not different status.

Under such a system, the development of Kryptonians can be said to be more and more rapid. At its peak, even the Asgardians in the Oua universe shunned them. It can be said that they are a new great force rising in the universe.

But such a prosperous and beautiful also destroyed by this seemingly perfect system.

The system of the Kryptonians is "advanced" racism, but at the same time, the low desire of the Kryptonians makes their original feelings extremely scarce, and it can even be said to be a pool of stagnant water.

The more superior the Kryptonians who belong to the 'rulers', their emotional spectrum is infinitely close to blank. There may be reasons behind this group of little blue people playing tricks, but such low-desire Kryptonians don't even have much chance of survival in the end. desire.

Coupled with the information programmed into their genes, they not only abandoned those colonies in the last few thousand years, but even chose to stay on Krypton and wait to die after the parent star was over-exploited and about to explode.

Even if you are brain-dead, it is not enough to describe the absurdity of this kind of behavior. Anyway, Kayo back then was completely unacceptable.

Definitely, this incident is not without resistance. For example, Kayo’s adoptive father Zuo Al and Krypton’s chief general Druzod have tried to resist and use their own methods to save Krypton.

But in the end their actions were suppressed by Sangvis, and all other Kryptonians, including Kayo's biological father Joe Al, chose to accept death.

Perhaps this is some side effects brought about by over-developed genetic engineering.

Anyway, from Kayo's point of view, he doesn't feel at all that what General Zod did in the movie was wrong.

The only thing he did wrong was that he chose Earth, a place full of monsters and ghosts, as the birthplace of the new Krypton.

……ask for flowers…

"I don't know what happened to Zod in my world, I hope he will notice what I left..."

After murmuring a few words in a low voice, Kao took him into the interior of the spaceship.

"Big brother, I always feel that there is a voice calling me in my ear, it feels very kind, have you heard this voice?"

Not long after entering the spaceship, little Carl, who was looking around, gradually calmed down, his eyes full of confusion.


Kayo couldn't help raising his eyebrows when he heard the words, guessing that it was probably the backhand left by the old fox Joe Al.

Definitely, it is also possible that the world is different, causing Krypton's genetic identification technology in this world to not recognize his Kryptonian identity.

"Don't be afraid, follow that voice, it should guide us to the right place."


The boy obeyed Kayo's words now, so naturally he had no intention of objecting, not to mention that he planned to do the same in the first place.

In this way, the two walked for a few minutes following the guidance of that voice, and finally came to a door.

"That voice is gone!"

Little Carl scratched his head and looked at Kayo, as if he didn't understand what to do next.

At this moment, Kayo seemed to feel something, took out the Black pendant he found in his pocket from the previous military base, and found that the pendant was beating constantly.

As a Kryptonian, he definitely understands the meaning of this pendant.

So following the guidance of the pendant, Kayo and the two pushed open the door in front of them, and then saw a Kryptonian-style control platform standing in the deepest part, and in the center, there was also a gap, which coincided with the pendant in Kayo's hand. matched.


"Spot the intruder!"

Several metal objects similar to pupae suddenly appeared inside the spaceship, surrounding Kayo and Kayo, and at the same time, Red's light began to scan back and forth on his body...

Kayo didn't bother to deal with these smart machines that had been eliminated by Krypton for a long time, and immediately flew forward and inserted the key in his hand into the console.

Immediately, the movement of the pupa stopped, the spaceship began to roar, and the lights began to light up.

Immediately afterwards, a soft voice sounded.

"Privilege detection passed...The most Advanced permission access is complete, welcome back...Your Excellency Joe Al Chief Scientific Officer."

The next update is after nine o'clock in the evening, ask for flowers, rate two!.

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