Marvel: Load a random protagonist template

Chapter 25 The rational magic ape appears

"The time for Wukong's template is up, and his combat effectiveness will not be so strong after the transformation."

Hawking felt that his body was shrinking rapidly, his sanity was returning again, and he suddenly felt something bad inside.

Although he also has Saiyan blood in his body and can transform into a giant ape even without loading the Goku template, his combat power is not much stronger even if it is increased tenfold.

What's more, there are also the aftereffects of ending the template. You might faint before you can change again.

Needless to say, the final result is that all the X-Men will be taken away and imprisoned by S.H.I.E.L.D., and the subsequent situation will definitely not be so good.

At this time, he also realized that although the protagonist template loaded was powerful, it was an external force after all. Once the external force disappeared, he would become useless again.

You can borrow external forces, but in the end you still have to strengthen yourself.

In this way, even if one day his magical loading protagonist panel disappears, he will still be powerful.

After this time, his focus will still be on the cultivation of his own body.

When his physical strength reaches the same level as thirteen-year-old Wukong, will he truly have some ability to protect himself.

At that time, loading the Wukong template only added a wishful stick. After loading, the wishful stick would disappear at best, which would have little impact on his strength.

"Fortunately, my justice value by killing the Master of Illusion and preventing Professor X from destroying mutants is enough for me to open the next template!"

Although Wukong's template cannot be used, he can still draw a new template, but what the new template is depends on luck.

If you draw an Ultraman, the crisis will be solved immediately.

Relying on his strong willpower, he endured the dizziness after loading the protagonist template, and quickly opened the panel to check it out.

"The justice value progress bar is full, and a protagonist template can be drawn. Do you want to draw?"


I chose extraction without hesitation.

No matter who the next protagonist template is, as long as he loads it immediately after being drawn, there is a chance that the BUG will cancel the backswing caused by the last loading of the protagonist template, so that he will not fall into a coma.

"The drawing is over. The protagonist template drawn this time is fourteen-year-old Harry Potter from the Harry Potter world. Do you want to load it?"

Fourteen-year-old Harry Potter is in fourth grade, that is, when he is in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire".


It's definitely disappointing to say that Harry Potter is a template. Although the various magics are not strong in attack power, their magical magical effects can provide him with great assistance in his later life.

For example, the lock-picking spell can open any lock, the transformation spell can temporarily change the properties of objects, the repair spell can repair items, etc.

But these magics can only assist, and are not enough to deal with Captain Marvel.

With the successful loading of the Harry Potter protagonist template, Hawking, who had returned to normal, changed again.

The clothes on his body changed from the X-Men battle uniform to a black wizard robe. His hair was fluffy, he wore glasses on his face, and there was a lightning symbol on his forehead.

He has a Firebolt broomstick and a large cloak in his left hand, and a holly wand in his right hand.

"There are also firebolts and invisibility cloaks?"

He expected that there was a magic wand, after all, the Sun Wukong template also had a wish-fulfilling wand when it was loaded, but the presence of a broomstick and an invisibility cloak was beyond his expectation.

But after thinking about it, the speed of the Firebolt is about 240 kilometers per hour. Even if he rides on it and escapes now, he can't outrun Captain Marvel, a pervert who can travel in the universe.

The invisibility cloak, on the other hand, might allow him to hide if he finds a rare opportunity to put it on.

Invisibility cloaks are the three major Deathly Hallows in the Harry Potter world, and have permanent invisibility effects. Legend has it that even the God of Death cannot find people wearing invisibility cloaks.

Presumably it should be easy to see through without being high-tech.

However, if he escapes, Professor X and others will not be spared.

By then, without Professor

"Let's transform first, maybe we can bluff him."

Putting away his distracting thoughts, Hawking looked up at the big moon in the sky.

"Dong Dong. Dong Dong Dong Dong"

The familiar racing heartbeat came again.

"As expected, this bloodline is not covering, but superimposing."

He had already guessed that loading the protagonist template did not just turn him into the protagonist, but superimposed it on his own original one.

Originally, he was just an ordinary person, so no changes could be seen when superimposing the Wukong template.

Now that his body is a Saiyan, when he loads Harry Potter's bloodline, he becomes Harry Potter with a Saiyan body.

Of course, at present, his physical strength is slightly stronger than that of ordinary people, and the superposition of the two does not seem to make much difference. At most, he is stronger than a normal little wizard.

But if you develop further, wait until his strength reaches the level of the Goku template, and then load the Harry Potter template, then he will become a magical Saiyan.

If the Wukong template is added, he will become Wukong with double strength, directly 280 combat power.

In fact, this is nothing. The more protagonist templates are unlocked later, and the more bloodlines and abilities are superimposed, the more powerful he will become and there will be almost no weaknesses.


With a roar, the wizard's robe was torn on the spot, and Hawking once again transformed into a terrifying giant ape 14 to 15 meters tall.

Only this time, he clearly noticed a difference.

It's not that the combat power has been reduced a lot, that's for sure. The giant ape that is now incarnated does not seem to have any difference in appearance from before, but the combat power is completely different.

Before, it was the giant ape incarnated by Wukong with a combat power of 140, and the combat power was as high as 1,400 points. But now it is the giant ape incarnated by his original body with a combat power of 10. The combat power is at most 100, which is not as high as the combat power of Wukong before his transformation.

But bluffing is still enough. As long as he doesn't take action, others will definitely think that his strength is as terrifying as before.

What really surprised him was that after transforming into a giant ape, he clearly felt that the anger and desire for destruction could be suppressed.

Now he can completely control the giant ape form very rationally, just like an advanced Saiyan warrior like Vegeta.

And he also vaguely felt that if he wanted to, he could suppress the anger and destructive desire with all his strength in order to release the giant ape form and return to its normal form.

This allows him to freely control his transformation and switch forms even when the moon is full.

After Harry Potter's wizard blood was superimposed on his own Saiyan blood, it perfectly solved the shortcomings of lower-level Saiyan warriors who were irrational after transforming into giant apes, and also solved the shortcomings of Man Yue's inability to control the transformation.

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