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Chapter 54 I am inseparable from sin

"This guy is quite dedicated, but he seems to be unlucky."

At midnight, after Hawking brilliantly solved several crimes, he unexpectedly met an acquaintance.

This acquaintance was none other than Eddie Brock, the Daily Bugle’s top reporter, but at this time he was being blocked in a street corner by a few gangsters and being robbed... robbed?

Those gangsters obviously had some special hobbies. After snatching Eddie's camera and wallet, they actually started to forcefully lift Eddie's pants.

"Oh, no, brothers, don't be like this. You want money, right? I'll give it all to you. If it's not enough, I can go to the bank and withdraw it. Any amount is fine. Please let me go!"

Eddie protected his pants desperately, with a hint of crying in his tone.

Hell, I've heard that the South Bronx is very dangerous at night, and even many experienced reporters are unwilling to come here at night.

But he didn't expect it to be so dangerous. Even if he robbed money, he didn't need that little money. He also wanted to rob sex, which was too much. He was a normal man with a girlfriend.

"If I had known better, I would have called a few people together. At least I would have had some ability to resist!"

Because he wanted to please his boss's boss, when he was writing tomorrow's front page, he was thinking of going to the South Bronx to see if he could take the opportunity to find some more material to add to the front page report.

As a result, the material was not found, but it was blocked by a few perverts. Is he going to lose his virginity today?

If that was the case, he really wanted to eat all these guys alive!

Seeing the jeans and boxer briefs being forcibly torn together, the faces of the tall gangsters in front of them were full of excitement. Eddie, who had just graduated from college a few years ago, was in his prime and fair, and his heart suddenly jumped. Desperate.

However, at this moment, a golden figure descended from the sky like a god. With just a few waves, it knocked away those perverted gangsters like swatting flies.

He also reached out and pointed at his pants, using some magical power to restore his pants to their original shape.

"Friend, put on your pants!"

The majestic yet warm voice instantly dispelled all the despair in his heart, allowing him to see the light again.

He swore that from then on, the God of War, who had helped him save Ju, would be his biggest idol in life. Anyone who had trouble with the God of War would have trouble with Eddie.

"Thank you, thank you so much!"

Eddie hurriedly put on his pants and took back his camera and wallet.

"Try not to be alone in this place at night, otherwise it will be very unsafe. Go home quickly."

Hawking nodded and turned to leave.

The gold medal reporter of the Bugle Daily, the main contributor of his news in the future, if he can save nature, he still has to save it. If it were someone else, he would not necessarily take action in an incident like this where the value of justice is obviously very low.

At this time Eddie hurriedly stopped in front of him and introduced himself:

“I’m Eddie, a reporter from the Daily Bugle, can I ask you a few questions?

Of course, it’s okay if you don’t want to answer. "


Hawking paused for a moment, then nodded.

Some words conveyed through Eddie's mouth can enrich his image, and can also increase the sales of the Daily Bugle, killing two birds with one stone.

"no problem."

Eddie immediately took out a small notebook and started to memorize it.

"Where are you from? Are you human?"

"I was born on Earth and was born with these abilities."

"How old are you?"

"about the same as you."

"May I ask why you come out at night to fight crime?"

"Because I am sworn in with sin!"

Upon hearing Hawking's answer, Eddie was stunned.

"An evil crime once happened in front of me, but I didn't take any action. I regretted it only after it was over. The most painful thing in the world is this.

So I made up my mind to fight against evil, to be the nemesis of evil, and to eradicate evil! "

After Hawking made up a few words, he jumped and disappeared from Eddie's eyes.

At this time, Eddie suddenly realized that although it was just a few sentences, he had already made up a lot of plots from his mind.

He felt that Hawking was probably a mutant. He was afraid of being targeted because he exposed his abilities, so he didn't dare to take action until he encountered a crime. The kind-hearted man blamed himself for the crime, so he began to put on armor to fight crime.

At this time, he was filled with excitement about the content on tomorrow's front page, a tragic superhero story, which would greatly arouse the sympathy and recognition of the public.

"Go back and write the manuscript quickly!"

After stomping hard on the gangsters, Eddie quickly went to the parking lot to find his car and returned to Manhattan.

"It would be nice if this guy was really venomous in the future."

After leaving Eddie, Hawking continued to fight crime. The more dangerous the incident, the more crowded the incident, the more frequently he ran.

The former gives more justice points, and the latter can gain fame faster.

It wasn't until three o'clock in the morning that he stopped taking action because he was ready to do another thing.


With a slight tap on the body, the shining golden armor immediately turned into a black night suit.

With a glare of his feet, he had disappeared from the spot and merged into the darkness.


On the roof of a large luxury villa, Hawking jumped lightly onto the balcony and cast a coma spell on the old man sleeping in the bedroom.

Then he slowly came to the big safe beside Naqi's bed.

According to the account of the bald gangster boss, the old man on the bed should be the most powerful boss in the nearby area. He owns two casinos and four "special" bars, and is also involved in the flour business.

When he arrived at the door just now, there were more than twenty men patrolling the yard alone, each armed with a gun.

However, those ordinary people were no threat to him at all. With his skill, he easily avoided them all and quietly reached the master bedroom.

“It looks like a high-end safe.”

The safe in front of me, which is as tall as a person, does not look like a bargain at first glance. Not only does it have passwords and fingerprints, but it also has pupil verification.

"But it didn't work for me."

Hawking raised his hand and pointed towards the safe:

"Open the Alaho hole!"


The safe opened instantly.

As for the lock-picking spell or the door-opening spell, as long as it is not protected by energy similar to magic, it can open no matter what lock you use or what door you have.

This is the magical thing about the magic in the world of Harry Potter. Although it is not powerful, it is quite idealistic, as if it involves the concept of laws.

Hawking even felt that if his mental power was strong enough and his research on the spell was deep enough, the opening spell might not only be able to open ordinary doors, but also other things with doors.

For example, the heart gate, gang gate, forehead...

After all, it's idealistic magic, so it makes sense. It's just that he's not strong enough.

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