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“Mr. Lister, may I ask you two questions?” Mark is not carried away by such a good thing, but you ask very sensibly.


“The first question is, why did Mr. Lister entrust the funds to Deloitte when he is fully capable of forming his own investment group?”

“Quite simply, I need their connections.”

“Second question, why me?”

Li Huan smiled and said, “There are three reasons. First, my secretary told me that although your experience is less than two years, your previous resume is almost perfect, and all your grades in school are A+. For geniuses, it should be promoted out of the ordinary. ”

Mark nodded, of course he knew that he was a genius, and he had never met a talent before.

Then I heard Li Huan say: “The second reason is because we are compatriots, since we are compatriots, and you happen to be doing this business, I have no reason not to give priority to you.” ”


For a moment, Mark Zi felt that his eyes were a little sour, he pursed his mouth hard, and for the first time deeply experienced the concept of compatriots, and he returned the favor and said: “Yes, we are compatriots.” When my grandfather was still there, he often told me that he wanted to go back to China to see it, but unfortunately…”

“Hmm.” Li Huan smiled a little: “The third reason is that if it is not my race, its heart must be different.” The main structure of Lister Global Capital now is the former DuPont accounting firm 777, and I can’t fully trust them, so I need to have someone of my own. Although you are not a native of Huaxia, your bloodline and your roots belong to Huaxia… So these three reasons add up to make me finally choose you. ”


Mark’s eyes were red, nodded heavily, and the emotions stirring in his heart and all the words of gratitude finally turned into two heavy words: “Thank you!” ”

“Well, we are both compatriots and partners, and I naturally won’t let you suffer. You can go directly to Anthony from DuPont tomorrow, I’ll tell him later, I want you to pull up another team as soon as possible, and I promise you and your team 1% dividend… Well done. ”

How could Mark not know what a lot of money this was, his eyes were redder, and his blood was boiling, but this young man was very calm, and just solemnly said “um”.

Then Li Huan explained to him a few more words before hanging up the phone.

On the road behind, Li Huan’s expression became more pleasant.

The way to control is balance, which is not to be sloppy.

And Mark, in the information Anne gave him, seemed very suitable to become the ruler of his capital.

However, this young man is smart and smart, but he lacks experience, and he needs to train him for a few years to be really useful.

In Li Huan’s mind, he already had a preliminary and comprehensive idea of his future power.

Hugo, as the head snake of New York, is cautious and can stand alone with a little exercise.

Mike is willing to learn, conscientious, and when he is trained, he can solve his problems on the battlefield.

As for Oscar, Billy and others, it is his force … Li Huan would not put all the power in the hands of one person.

In his plans, there is another person who is bullish.

That is the world’s number one agent, cautious, rigorous and calm, and well-founded witch Miss Ruiwen.

As long as this beautiful girl enters her own urn, intelligence can also be established.

And the shadow… Li Huan felt that she could be her own chief guard.

Whether in terms of beauty, experience, or killing skills, Ying is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate.



Still on that street corner, Li Huan saw a small figure from afar.

Looking up, the little loli with some greenish hair was still wearing tattered clothes, standing at the entrance of the street and looking.

When passing by here in the past few days, Li Huan also paid special attention, thinking that the mother and daughter should have left with the money.

Li Huan looked at the little loli, and the little loli seemed to have spotted him sitting in the car a long time ago.

Different from the image of the pink carved jade like a doll half a month ago, Little Loli had lost weight at this time, her clothes were even more tattered, and the coat Li Huan gave him was gone.

The raised little face was dirty, and she already had shoes under her feet, but she didn’t know which trash can she picked them up.

She stood on the side of the street like this, stretched out her right hand, looked at this side with eyes like a lost deer, and twitched her dirty little nose from time to time.

(dbbc) When she looked at Li Huan’s eyes together, she looked even more pitiful, but those eyes were crystal clear.

Li Huan really couldn’t figure it out, how could this little loli be like this?

From the initial situation, even if the mother and daughter are chased and killed by the killer, and finally in the end, there is really no way, and the precious jewelry on their bodies can be exchanged for tens of thousands of dollars to get through this crisis.

And their families should be very wealthy, there are so many bodyguards, there are mink coats, even if they are not American citizens, they can directly go to the embassy for help.

The last time he gave them a few hundred dollars, a call for help and two more tickets were enough.

But how did it get to be like this?

And where is her mother? He actually let her run out alone in the middle of the night.

New York is a free paradise by day, belonging to citizens and government, and vice city by night, belonging to gangs, homeless people and beggars, and few people dare to go out late at night.

At this time, it was already 10 o’clock, almost midnight, although Manhattan is the most densely populated area of New York, but it is still sparsely populated, such a little loli came out alone, isn’t this a little white rabbit into the wolf’s den?

Li Huan is not a person with a flood of compassion, in his experience in the years of living in World War II, he met too many people who needed help, even if he spent all his resources, he couldn’t help a few people?

And this mother and daughter he has already helped them once, twice…

Well, when she saw the shining eyes of little Lori, Li Huan still couldn’t help the deep compassion in her heart, so young, it should not be more than ten years old, if she was taken away, then New York would have another chick…

In just three or five seconds, the Mercedes Benz drove past the little loli, she timidly looked at the headlights away, seemed to understand that she could not bring help, she squatted on the side of the road and cried softly, her hands were on her knees, her small body curled up, and after a while, she looked up at the place where the lower headlights disappeared, as if waiting for a miracle.

In the past few days, the day is a big sun, but it is still cold and piercing in the evening, and the little loli’s tattered shoes have no warmth at all, her feet are frozen red, and she has frostbite, which is so cold that it is cold.

Her teary-eyed hazy gaze failed to find Li Huan, who had already found a place to park the car and walk back, looking at her from afar, Li Huan sighed, and finally left the country.

When Li Huan appeared twenty meters away, little Loli raised her head in vain, and then stood up all at once, she had long believed in her heart that Li Huan was the one who saved her and her mother that morning, and she had always longed for his help.

Because in Li Huan, she felt a cordial aura.

“Sure enough, this little girl has an extraordinary keen eye.”

Li Huan turned his head and glanced into the deep alley, there seemed to be a construction site, there was a building to be demolished and rebuilt, perhaps because of the New Year, the workers had gone back to vacation, so there should be many homeless people and beggars living in during this time.

And now it seems that this little loli and her mother should also live in that building during this time! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations,

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