Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 129: So It’S You? !

"Oh? It must have been Charles' mental probing that perceived me at that time?"

Thrall was a little surprised that Storm recognized him.

However, for all X-Men, this is even more shocking.

You know, more than a year ago, when Charles was using the brainwave strengthening device, he noticed the existence of two spiritual powers that were far beyond his knowledge. Judging from Sal's words, he should be one of them.

According to Charles' shocking judgment, the Thrall in front of them had definitely reached the level of the most terrifying fifth-level Mutant!

Level 5, an existence that can destroy heaven and earth at will!

"It's really you! No wonder Erik has no power to resist in front of you!"

After learning about Thrall's strength, although everyone was shocked, they were able to accept it.

"Sir, Charles is now poisoned by mental poison. Your mental power is much stronger than his. Can you help him?"

At the same time, Jean Gray thought of something and spoke timidly.

Facing a terrifying existence like Thrall, they didn't dare to ask for anything. They could only ask in a pleading tone to see if they could get Thrall to take action.

Everyone had pleading looks on their faces. For them, Charles was both a mentor and a friend. Without Charles's efforts over the years, they would not be where they are today.

However, everyone was a little uneasy about such a presumptuous request.

You know, Sal is not a cat or a dog on the street, and he has no relationship with the X-Men. Why should he help?

"Let's go, take me to see him. It just so happens that I also have some things I want to discuss with him."

Contrary to everyone's expectations, Sal readily agreed.

After seeing the combat power of the X-Men, Thrall had some plans for developing his own power.

If you have the opportunity to take the world of Mutants into your own hands, it is not a bad idea to choose Mutants with outstanding abilities and sufficient potential to follow you and form a corps of components in the future.

As of today, Thrall's plan for his future power includes at least two large-scale corps.

The Flame Corps is composed of the pinnacle creatures born in the Fire World, and the Mutant Corps is composed of the Earth's Mutant World.

If these two corps are properly cultivated, their overall strength will definitely be considerable.

The excited X-Men pointed out the specific location of Xavier's Genius Academy, and Thrall decisively opened the space portal and led everyone there.

When Thrall showed up at Xavier Genius Academy with the X-Men, many students gathered around to watch.

The students of the X-Men are very familiar with them. In addition to conducting necessary training and research, Storm and others also serve as teachers and guardians of the students in the academy, so they are naturally familiar with these students.

However, the young man who was treated respectfully by all the X-Men made many young students who seemed to be Sal's age quite curious.

At Xavier Academy for Geniuses, there is no gap in status, everyone is the same, Okihiren.

But they were surprised that the X-Men teachers they respected and loved treated Sal, a strange young man, with such respect and even admiration.

"Hey, did you see that? Who is that young man just now? Do any of you know him?"

"I haven't seen it, but you have all seen the attitude of Teacher Aoluoluo and others towards him. If I guessed correctly, he must be very powerful!"

"Tch! What do you mean by this?"

"But he is so handsome. He is my type. I really want to date him!"

"Stop being a nymphomaniac, he is my type!"

Amidst the whispers of the students, Thrall entered a separate special area of ​​​​the academy under the leadership of X-Men.

Usually only the X-Men have permission to enter here. As their daily training and command center, the security is quite tight.


"Scott, you are back, have you rescued the little naughty boy?!"

Beast Hank, who had seen the X-Men and others returning with the little naughty boy through surveillance, greeted everyone with a surprised look on his face.

However, seeing the strange figure of Sal in the crowd, Hank was slightly stunned.

"Everyone, who is this? Why does it look familiar to me?"

As the most valuable researcher among the X-Men, Hank has a very strong scientific research ability, and definitely, such a person also has an exceptionally good memory.

Excited to see everyone return safely and rescue the little naughty boy, Hank still had some impressions of Sal the first time he saw him.


"Ah! You! You are the person that Charles felt before!"

Before anyone could explain, Hank quickly connected Sal in front of him with the memories in his mind, and exclaimed with a look of horror on his face.

"My name is Sal, take me to see Charles. Maybe I can help."

Sal smiled slightly and nodded easily.

Beast Hank is also a Mutant that Thrall values ​​highly.

Definitely, what Sal values ​​​​is not Hank's Mutant Ability, but Hank's strong talent in scientific research.

The variant ability of Hank Beast's words is completely worth mentioning to Thrall.

Just like the son of a certain boss said, when I make friends, I never look at whether they have money or not. Anyway, they are not as rich as I am...

"Lord Sal, you said you could help Charles, okay, come with me!"

Influenced by Biesal's easy-going attitude, Hank showed a shy smile and seemed a little restrained, and soon led everyone to a special treatment room.

On the bed in the center of the treatment room, there was a bald man with many instruments installed on his body. His eyes were closed and his face looked a little pale. It was Charles who had been invaded by a special mental toxin and fell into a coma.


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