Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 156: Closed Door

Chapter 156: Closed door

Although the agenda of this alliance seems unreasonable, and its requirements for powerful countries are too harsh, it has seriously damaged the interests of many first world countries.

However, in the face of foreseeable crises, the final attitudes of all countries are surprisingly consistent, and no country will raise objections at such a juncture.

Because, if a threat really breaks out, countries that have not joined the global alliance will inevitably bear the brunt and become the biggest victims.

No government in any country can bear this, otherwise it will cause huge chaos within the country.

The establishment of the Global Alliance has slightly stabilized the turbulent human society, and the economy has also recovered.

Then, the second, more critical topic became the center of high-level discussions among various countries.

That is.


A powerful existence that can determine the final direction of a battle.

For example, during the Chitauri War, one person opened three teleportation portals, controlled three powerful legions, and completely turned the tide of the war! 25

By this time, Sal's relevant information had been fully disclosed by the United States S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, even S.H.I.E.L.D's understanding of Thrall is quite limited, and they even don't even know Thrall's name.

"If we can contact that person and let him consider the safety of mankind, with the power he has, he will definitely be much more stable than our global alliance!"

At the joint meeting, a head of state from a first world country spoke up and said what everyone was thinking.

"If we can, we are willing to pay a sufficient price!"

The leader of another first world country also spoke loudly, his voice trembling unconsciously.

After the New York incident, many national leaders also saw the impact of that battle. For them, Thrall's power was completely beyond the scope of human beings.

If they can contact such a being, they can pay any price!

When Thrall was mentioned, everyone was moved, and many people had small calculations in their minds.

No matter which country, as long as they can win Saar's friendship and asylum, this global alliance means nothing to them.

The only one who knows the news about Sal is probably the United States.

Before Sal disappeared from New York, he told Black Widow that if he wanted to find him, he could go to the Hellfire Club.

After the global meeting, the United States held a top-secret emergency meeting. After the meeting, special personnel began to collect all information about Hellfire Club.

Soon, a well-spoken core member of the cabinet appeared in the Hellfire Club and respectfully expressed that he wanted to meet Sal.

"Sorry, the master has ordered that he will not see anyone during this period!"

However, the cabinet member who came with sincerity was rejected, and an ordinary club mutant dismissed him.

Faced with the other party's perfunctory behavior, no matter how unhappy the congressman was, he did not dare to show it in any way. After a long conversation, he left in frustration.

Just kidding, Sal is someone who must be favored and befriended by the president when he names him. No matter what, he, a small congressman, would not dare to offend him in any way.

Otherwise, his official career is not guaranteed. If he offends Sal, which eventually leads to a gap between the other party and the United States, he may die miserably.

However, there is no airtight wall in the world. Even if the United States strictly blocked the news about Saar, the powerful intelligence and spy agencies of various countries quickly obtained the information and successively sent high-level domestic representatives as representatives, with sufficient information. I sincerely want to meet Sal.

Like the American representatives, several representatives from various countries quietly appeared in the Hellfire Club, but they also failed to do so and could only sigh and leave.

It's not that Thrall doesn't want to see them, it's that even Hellfire's core executives haven't seen Thrall during this time.

Before the retreat, I had given instructions that if it was not a particularly important matter, he was not allowed to be disturbed.

For the top leaders of Hellfire, the representatives sent by various countries to contact them were not a big deal at all.

After representatives from various countries were rejected at the Hellfire Club one after another, the top leaders of each country were quite helpless, but they couldn't even see each other, so there was nothing they could do.

Therefore, after a series of fruitless contacts, the top leaders of various countries gave up.

However, the waves on the earth gradually subsided, and the entire vast universe will never be peaceful.

After Loki was brought back to God's Domain by Thor, Odin made a judgment.

Originally, according to the laws of the divine realm, the crimes committed by Loki were enough for him to be justly executed.

However, Odin was not a perfect man after all. Under the pleading of God Queen Frigga, he did not order Loki to be executed, but instead imprisoned him for life in the dark Dungeon of God's Domain as E.

The fire of life was like a weak candlelight for the old god-king. Under the huge blow brought by Loki, his body was getting worse day by day. Even those close to Odin could faintly see the twilight energy exuding.

Odin himself is aware of his situation and has made full plans to start the inheritance ceremony again to make Thor the new Lord of Asgard after Thor calms down the chaos in the nine realms caused by Loki.

However, when no one can see it, Odin's eyes will occasionally show a bit of deep worry.

"It has been five thousand years, and the coincidence of the nine realms is coming again..."

Odin's already somewhat cloudy eyes seemed to have penetrated the river of time and saw many long-lasting memories.

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