Marvel: My Dad Is Galactus

Chapter 55: Nebula Susanoo!

The ultimate flame attributes, annihilation attributes, and the violent energy of another dimension behind the space cracks instantly burst out at the focus. The terrifying Shockwave almost ignored the distance of space and spread directly at a speed faster than the speed of sound, sweeping through the devastated world of flames like a natural disaster. earth.

Under the energy impact of the three extreme energy combinations, the originally brittle and hard surface of the flame world was unable to resist. When the energy passed by, the surface disappeared piece by piece.

On this devastated surface, there were originally many blood sprayed by flame creatures after death, soaking into the ground to form patches of dark red color, but under the impact, everything turned into nothingness.

In this rapidly spreading impact, the starry sky beast struck at an equally fast speed, using its strong inertia and sharpness to break through the surface. However, in the blink of an eye, it had already penetrated deep into the ground, barely avoiding the most powerful force. Wave energy bursts.

At the center of the energy explosion, Thrall and Sirte experienced the greatest impact. Although both were leaders among Level Sub-God Fathers, even they had to take such a terrifying explosion seriously.

In Thrall's body, a large number of Nebula 533 particles erupted like a flash flood, wrapping his body layer by layer at the moment of the energy explosion. The power of the gods tightly covered the body surface, and the annihilation attribute worked together to resist the raging energy.

The two extreme powers were fully deployed by Sal, and the defense formed was quite solid. Moreover, his body was relatively small, and the energy impact range he needed to resist was not large. Among the exploding energy stars, he was considered comprehensive, except for the impact. , the body flew back and was not injured.

Compared to Thrall's calmness, Sirte is much more miserable.

Sirte absorbed the Eternal Fire, and his body returned to the size of a mountain at its peak. Although his strength reached its peak, under the impact of such an energy explosion,

The pressure he faced was countless times greater than Sal's.

Not only that, the furious Sirte kept attacking with all his strength during the battle, with almost no energy left. He waited until the moment before the energy exploded, then hurriedly collected the energy and hurriedly defended.

It is precisely because of this that the raging explosion impact made Sirte miserable in the energy tide. The barrier launched by the huge amounts of the artifact twilight sword could not perfectly protect his body, and there was still a lot of energy that penetrated this layer of flame barrier. , impacting Sirte's majestic flame body.

The combined energy of the three extreme attributes exploded, and when it came into contact with Sirte's body, he let out a dull roar of pain.

Faced with this extreme explosion impact, Sirte's molten body was like the surface of the flame world, with little resistance. It was quickly destroyed and disappeared, leaving countless dense pits in his mountain-like body, like blazing magma. The blood flows freely.

Fortunately, the energy explosion did not last long. With the filling of The Power of Rules in the big world universe, the space cracks were quickly closed, and a lot of scattered energy also entered the different space, making this terrifying explosion end quickly.

By the time all the terrifying energy disappeared, Thrall and Sirte were already separated by countless distances and almost stopped at opposite ends of the flame world.

After the huge amounts of explosion, the spherical nebula particles around Thrall's body slowly dispersed, and the powerful aura remained as before, without any impact.

Sirte, who was playing at home, was in a much more miserable state. Not only was his body in tatters, but his ferocious aura was much weaker than before. (cfba) He was half-kneeling on the ground with his twilight sword, breathing heavily. When he saw Sal After that, a look of shock and anger appeared on his face.

"Impossible! Your strength has not reached the level of a God King. How could you be okay with the explosion just now?!"

Seeing Thrall's calm volleying power and his deep pool-like eyes looking at him calmly, Sirte let out an unwilling roar, and his mountain-like body supported the twilight sword and stood up again.

Sirte asked angrily, which only elicited a disdainful snort from Sal.

You must know that with the blow just now, Sirte was so angry that he had used all his strength without reservation.

But Thrall, the ultimate power contained in the nebula particles, only used annihilation.

"Sirte, only a waste like you would think that everyone is the same as you. Now, let me show you what real power is!"

Nebula particles surged wildly, almost filling the entire sky, and continued to condense under Sirte's shocked gaze.

Sirte desperately used the Eternal Fire, which was the origin of the flame world for countless years. It not only brought his strength back to its peak, but also mobilized the huge flame energy of the entire world, and his combat effectiveness was indeed fierce.

Facing such an opponent, Thrall had to cheer up and use his true strength.

"I don't know how far the 'Susanohu' constructed by Nebula Particles will reach after its strength has improved so much..."

The nebula particles continued to surge and condense, gradually forming a towering giant that was not inferior to Sirte, Sal was also thinking secretly in his mind.

Following Thrall's will, Nebula Particles quickly constructed a silhouette of huge amounts, the Nebula Particles version of the giant.

The giant spread out his big hand, gently lifted Thrall, and placed it on the head.

The nebula particles flowed, and Thrall's body was quickly integrated into his head.

When Thrall's figure disappeared, an extremely terrifying aura was suddenly released from the entire huge amounts of Nebula Giant's body.

This giant's body is just a tool. Thrall, who is located on the giant's head, is the god who controls everything!

"Sirte, now, let me see how long you can last in my hand...".

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