As Thor and Iron Man rushed to the place where the"wolf smoke" rose


A crack has appeared in a corner.

At the same time,


The ice spread, and in an instant half of the alley turned into an ice cave.

"You are really taken care of?"

The corners of her mouth slightly raised, the girl Molly, no, the more accurate name should be"Ice Girl", smiled coldly.

Immediately, she put away a bottle of red potion.

This was the extremely mysterious"store manager" who pulled her into the mysterious space and gave her.

It can repair injuries, turn serious injuries into minor injuries, and minor injuries into no injuries.

A very good potion.

In exchange, she also accepted a mission.

And that mission is to prevent the Avengers from approaching the place where the"wolf smoke" rose.

The Ice Girl smiled and her expression was cold.

This kind of thing, even if the store manager did not pay her, she didn't mind doing it.

After all, Thor, that bastard, was also on his way to the place where the"wolf smoke" rose.


Exhaling lightly, the white mist turned into frost. The Ice Girl slowly raised her head, looking at the two"shooting stars" in the deep night sky that were pulling towards the distance, and she also raised her hand.

After a moment, a colorful ice-blue light flashed, and a very mysterious long sword was drawn out.

Frostmourne (imitation), although it is an imitation, and there are only three opportunities to use its power.

But it is enough for the Ice Girl.

And more importantly, now, she is just trying to delay Thor and Iron Man, and she has not yet used the real power of Frostmourne (fake).

Of course, if it is serious, she does not mind releasing the power of"Frostmourne (fake)" again, so as to bury the bastard Thor forever under the glacier.

However, what makes the Ice Girl a little helpless is that although her strength has greatly increased because of releasing"Frostmourne (fake)" once, it is not ordinary difficult for her to threaten Thor even now.

This superhero who came out of the myth is really powerful

"I can't win, but it's good to disgust you."

With a sneer, the Ice Girl had already pointed her long sword at the air.


Come on, cold current.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..."

It was like the howling north wind, and half of the sky was covered with a layer of crystal.

What was even more shocking was that in the far horizon, there were actually ice spikes falling from the sky, heading straight towards Thor and Iron Man.......

"This girl really has the best weather and location."

With a rare sigh, Lu Chen, who was hidden in the main god space, was also staring at the scene of the howling north wind in the picture.

It was winter now, and although there was no heavy snow, the already low temperature, under the guidance of the Ice Girl, the temperature dropped by several degrees.

Moreover, more importantly, as a frost witch, the Ice Girl's strength will be further improved in such weather.

In other words, the Ice Girl, who was still an ordinary girl a few days ago, now has a burst of strength that can affect half of the city.

Such progress is really shocking......

At this moment, deep in the night sky, as if they had sensed something, Thor and Iron Man Tony's faces changed at the same time.

Then, they turned around in an instant.

However, in a moment, what caught their eyes was a bunch of sharp ice spikes flashing with sharp edges.


With a strange cry, Thor subconsciously swung the axe in his hand.

""Crack!" accompanied by a thunderclap, the silver-white lightning instantly hit the ice spikes in the sky.

"Good man, it's you again, woman."

As if he had discovered something, the fat Thor swung his axe and dived down.

At the same time, Iron Man, who was hidden in the armor, frowned.

"Is he someone Thor knows?"

Tony was surprised and his mouth twitched.

But at this moment, as if sensing Tony's thoughts, a cold electronic female voice sounded in Tony's ears.

"The Ice Girl, whose origin is unknown, but according to the data analysis kept by the Avengers headquarters, this woman is likely to have obtained extraordinary powers in a mysterious shop, and not long ago, she had an encounter with Thor."

"Is that so?"

Listening to Friday's analysis, Iron Man Tony narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then, he shook his head and said bluntly:

"This is their grudge, let's go there first."

After saying that, the tail flames spurted out from under his feet again, and the whole Iron Man flew out.

However, what Iron Man Tony's detection equipment did not find was that on the tops of several tall buildings not far from him, a group of black shadows were looking at him coldly.

These black shadows were different from others. Not only did they not have the constant temperature that ordinary people should have, but they also did not leak any breath. They were like dead things, all cold.

But what was frightening was that their arms were actually weapons, either knives or shields....

Although the shapes are different, the black metallic texture gives off a very dangerous aura.

"Go ahead, it's rare to get an order, and this is your first performance, don't mess it up."

Listening to the charming female voice coming from the headset, the few people looked at each other, and their figures were instantly pulled out.....

At the same time, Iron Man, who was flying in the air, suddenly had his pupils shrink to the size of a needle.

Following his field of vision, he suddenly saw a black shadow running rapidly between the tall buildings.

Moreover, it looked like it was charging, as if it was looking for an opportunity to leap towards him.

"No way."

Iron Man Tony was also stunned for a moment.

What a joke.

He was running parallel to the ground, on the top of the tall building, like a little spider.

What's more, his detection equipment didn't catch it in the first time. It wasn't until he saw it that he noticed it.

How could this be possible?

In a rare moment of astonishment, Iron Man was the first to pull it up to the sky.

However, his vigilance was a little late after all.

""Shua" accompanied by a sound of breaking through the air, Iron Man suddenly felt his right foot sink.

Looking down, Iron Man Tony unexpectedly found that a hook that flew from nowhere had already entangled his ankle.

Moreover, what was even more incredible was that this hook seemed to have life and was constantly shortening.

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