
With a sigh, Iron Man Tony put away the design drawings very neatly.

With his brain, he naturally saw the difficulty of developing this system.

It was like doing advanced math problems before knowing how to do addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

And now, this system gave Iron Man Tony this feeling.

It's not that it's complicated, but most of it is confusing.

Just to organize the information he can understand, it will take a lot of time.

But this is fun!

With a chuckle in his heart, Iron Man Tony also put aside some unpleasant thoughts.

Then, he raised his eyes, looked at Lu Chen, and said with a smile:

"Thanks, I am very satisfied with this design."


Lu Chen was speechless for a rare moment, and smiled:

"Can you develop it?"

"I don't know."

Shaking his head, Iron Man Tony was also frank.

Then, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he smiled:

"However, compared to the result, I value the development process more."

Okay. With a slight twitch of his mouth, Lu Chen was also helpless about Iron Man's carefreeness.

This guy really made choices.

However, Lu Chen was very curious about how he viewed the third item.

With a smile in his heart, Lu Chen's eyes were already drawn to the third item.

A black bandage, very feminine.

A discerning person would only know that this was usually tied by a little girl.

However, it was just such a black bandage that made Lu Chen speechless.

【IS Mecha (Black Rain)——IS is a super powerful combat weapon and has become the mainstream weapon in the world.

Ability: After the standby state is released, this black bandage will transform into a super powerful combat weapon——IS Mecha (Black Rain). It has a dark appearance and bloody traces. It belongs to the artillery type. It is equipped with a large live ammunition cannon on the shoulder, energy blades and flying blades (with attack and entanglement) in the hands, and has the ability to stop inertial objects (AIC).

Note: Only one zero-generation IS"White Knight" intercepted 2,341 missiles and destroyed 207 fighters, 7 cruisers, 5 aircraft carriers and 8 surveillance satellites of various countries. The overwhelming force made the IS mecha leap to the level of nuclear weapons. However, the uncomfortable thing is that this mecha can only be controlled by women. 】

With a twitch of the corner of his mouth, Lu Chen was speechless.

It was indeed this kind of IS mecha.

Moreover, it is still the familiar one that can only be controlled by women.

Picking up this black bandage, Lu Chen raised the corner of his mouth and chuckled:

"May I ask you a question?"


Iron Man Tony asked in surprise.

"Can your current aircraft take on 207 fighters, 7 cruisers, 5 aircraft carriers and 8 surveillance satellites?"


Iron Man twitched his lips and fell silent.

However, in his mind, he began to calculate its feasibility.

After a moment, he shook his head helplessly:


Yes, it's very difficult.

Facing such a military force that can destroy a country, although his body is powerful, it lacks large-scale killing means.

Especially for surveillance satellites in outer space, it is even more difficult for him to do it with his body without ultra-long-range weapons installed.

"Is that so?"

Lu Chen smiled teasingly, his face full of amusement.

After a moment, looking at the somewhat suspicious Iron Man Tony, Lu Chen also said bluntly:

"The black bandage in my hand can resist several times the number just now, and even destroy them all with overwhelming force."


Iron Man Tony was speechless, his eyes widened.

Multiple times? Total destruction?

Are you kidding?

How could a bandage do this?

However, after a moment, Iron Man Tony's face suddenly froze. Under his stunned gaze, the black bandage actually flashed a dazzling light.

"Come out, Black Rain."

With a light shout, Lu Chen also threw out the black bandage.

After a moment,

"Boom, boom, boom..."

With roars, countless black parts were pulled out.

Thor was stunned. These parts actually formed a black mecha that was two people tall.

Yes, a black mecha.

The streamlined body, an oversized barrel suspended on the right shoulder, and flying blades with golden cones suspended around the body.

It was really handsome.

Even Thor, an outsider, could see the potential of this mecha in this handsomeness.

""What the hell, what kind of mecha is this? It won't be better than Iron Man's mecha, right?"

Thor ran over and touched the mecha with his big hands.

Handsomeness is always the romance of men.

And this domineering and extremely handsome black mecha, Thor's eyes are green. But before Thor could touch it for too long,

"Tap tap tap..."

With a quick pace, like a trot, Iron Man Tony also ran over.

Staring blankly at the black mecha in front of him, his eyes flickered.

And its artificial intelligence immediately began to detect the fuselage.

After a moment, as if suppressing his emotions, Iron Man's voice was a little low:

"What's this?"

"IS mecha is a combat weapon comparable to nuclear weapons."

As he spoke, Lu Chen raised the corner of his mouth, raised a smile, and added:

"What I just said about fighting against 207 fighters, 7 cruisers, 5 aircraft carriers and 8 surveillance satellites was done by the first generation White Knight. Now, in front of you is the third generation mecha - Black Rain, which is superior to the first generation in terms of performance."

"How is this possible?"

Tony's pupils shrank, and he was a little speechless.

There really is such a terrifying mecha?

Of course, this is not to say that the IS mecha is far superior to the mecha made by Iron Man. With just one artificial intelligence Friday, Tony's IS mecha is far better than the IS mecha.

However, no mecha is perfect.

Just like Iron Man's mecha is a single combat weapon to some extent, but the IS mecha in front of him is different. It is a super large-scale combat weapon truly born for war.

In terms of destructive power alone, unless Tony, the Iron Man, refits his own mecha, the two are not at the same level.

And this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is the technology of the IS mecha itself, which is what Tony, the Iron Man, is most fascinated by.

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