While Lu Chen was focusing on training professionals, the Avengers also began their long interstellar journey.

However, at this time, in a single bedroom of an interstellar battleship, Natasha had a serious face.

The broken compass - can guide all directions.

It was because of this compass that Natasha could solemnly summon the Avengers to start this expedition.

And now, it's time to guide.

Thinking of this, Natasha's eyes condensed.

Immediately, she bit her fingertips, and a drop of crystal red blood fell on the broken compass.

"Please take me to find Thanos, please."

Natasha's face was filled with a prayerful look, with rare sincerity.

Although the things provided by the owner of the shop were very reliable, she was also worried at this time.

If this broken compass failed, Natasha believed that the Avengers team that had just gathered together would fall apart in an instant.

Apart from other things, the despair after giving hope was enough to make Thor and Hawkeye completely depressed.

So Natasha came to the bedroom alone.

She took on all the worries......

At this moment, the broken compass that had absorbed a drop of Natasha's blood actually trembled....

What surprised Natasha even more was that the compass needle that kept spinning was actually speeding up, as if it was looking for something.


The sudden roar shook Natasha's entire body.

Then, in her horrified eyes, her consciousness was pulled out of her body and turned into an illusory....

But this is not the end.

Because, at this moment, Natasha saw that the broken compass lying on the table had already risen a hazy halo.

And when this hazy halo appeared, Natasha's consciousness...

No, to be more precise, it should be a spiritual body that condensed Natasha's consciousness, which suddenly accelerated.


As if traveling through time and space, countless scenes changed rapidly, and the speed of change was so fast that even Natasha could not see clearly.

However, at this moment


The speed suddenly stopped, and then a planet continued to enlarge in the depths of Natasha's eyes.

As she enlarged, countless scenes were also imprinted in Natasha's eyes.

Clusters of flowers, shady trees, what a paradise on earth

"This should be the garden that Xingyun mentioned, right?"

In the rare whisper, Natasha's illusory body trembled again.

Then it accelerated again and pulled to the top of a mountain.

And on the top of this mountain, there was a thatched house.

"It's here, it should be here."

Natasha was delighted by the rare surprise.

However, at this moment, as if she noticed something, Natasha suddenly turned her eyes and looked towards a hillside.

There, at this moment, there was a purple burly figure wearing a straw hat, quietly staring at him.

"Are you guys coming?"

The purple potato head smiled, not knowing whether it was bitterness or relief.


Natasha clenched her fists tightly while moving her lips.

But before she could say anything more, her consciousness suddenly became hazy.

Immediately, her eyes went dark......

"Natasha, Natasha"

"Wake up, Natasha, wake up quickly..."

Listening to the vague voice in her ears, Natasha rubbed her brows with a headache, and then slowly opened her eyes.

After a moment, what came into her eyes were the worried faces of familiar people.

"You finally woke up, thank God."

Patting his chest, Dr. Banner, the Hulk, seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

And beside him, the others were also relieved.

It's good to wake up.

It's good to wake up.

However, at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded in the air:

"Have you found Thanos?"

Hearing Captain Marvel Carol's question, Natasha raised her eyebrows and asked subconsciously:

"How do you know?"

"Just now I felt that your spirit was moving, as if it had crossed time and space...."

Captain Marvel took a deep look at Natasha and reminded her:

"At this moment, there is an ominous force gathering behind you, so please be careful"

"Ominous power? Are you referring to nightmares?"

Natasha couldn't help but shook her head in doubt.

Then she said firmly:

"The most important thing at the moment is to rush to that garden."

As if she had thought of something, Natasha added:

"Just now, that guy seemed to have noticed my thoughts."

"Is that so?"

Captain Marvel narrowed her eyes slightly, and she understood a little.

At Thanos' level, it was not difficult to detect unusual movements.

However, she did not expect that such a small compass could carry a thought across the distance of time and space.....

I have to say, that mysterious shop is indeed interesting.

Thinking of this, Captain Marvel Carol's mouth curled up, and she felt the urge to go to that shop.

Of course, this is not the time to think about this.

With a step, Captain Marvel Carol went straight to the control room.

"Let's go, hurry to the garden before Thanos leaves."

""Yes, hurry up, hurry up, if Thanos escapes, we will collapse."

With a strange cry, Thor rushed to the control room.

But before he left Natasha's room, a reassuring voice also sounded in the room.》

"Please rest assured, I am using the compass to locate Thanos. No matter where he is, that mysterious connection will lead me to Thanos."......

At this moment, on the beautiful planet Garden,

Thanos sat quietly on the stone, gazing at the last sunset glow approaching the night, with a complicated look on his face.

"Perhaps this is the last peace."

While murmured, Thanos' eyes could not stop flickering.

Then, he turned his head and looked at the tree that was rooted in the valley and was several meters long.���The little tree, Thanos also smiled

""Dude, this time, it's up to you."

As if hearing Thanos' voice, the branches of the small tree trembled.

However, what was suffocating was that at the top of such a small tree, an eye slowly opened.

Yes, an eye opened.

Moreover, this eye was a little strange. It was not the pupil shape that ordinary people were familiar with.

Instead, it was a ripple-like purple.

When the purple trembled, ripples were set off in the space.

But this was not the most important thing.

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