Avengers headquarters, in the research room.

Tony in his normal form stands in front of a transparent ball of light, eating a sandwich made by Dr. Banner and watching the data calculations in the ball of light.

"Perform light = matter conversion simulation"


Super intelligent system Friday began to simulate calculations based on the data. Tony's eyes flashed with light, and he stared closely at the data that kept appearing in the light ball.

Tony could not understand this theory, but he believed in the existence of this theory. It was just that it was obviously very difficult to calculate it.


At this moment, the door of the laboratory opened, and a beautiful figure walked in slowly.

Tony looked at the figure and smiled,"There is a sandwich on the table, Dr. Banner's work, I think you will like it."

After that, Tony turned his eyes back and looked at the calculation in the light ball again.

Natasha walked to the table, she looked at the sandwich on it, and reached out her hand.

Her hand touched the sandwich, but she did not pick it up, but squeezed the sandwich into���Shattered, at this moment, Natasha's eyes flashed with an unusual coldness.

Suddenly, Natasha raised her arm and twisted the halo on her wrist.


A bullet was fired quickly, and the direction of the bullet was exactly Tony's back.

Tony was paying attention to the data calculations in the light ball, and suddenly his eyes moved, and he saw a ray of light shooting towards him.

In shock, Tony could no longer dodge, he quickly raised his hand and pressed on the triangular energy block on his chest.

Bang! There was a sound, flames splashed, and white smoke rose.

At the critical moment, a mecha guard plate appeared on Tony's back, and the bullet hit the guard plate heavily.

Tony broke out in a cold sweat instantly. If it weren't for the reflection of the light ball, he would be dead now.

""Natasha, what are you doing?" Tony shouted angrily.

Natasha didn't answer at all. She jumped up and rushed forward, kicking out with her right foot, heading straight for Tony's face.

With a creak, the Iron Man armor quickly covered Tony's body. Tony raised his arm to block Natasha's attack.

Natasha waved the bracelet on her wrist, and bullets and even rays of light shot out, bombarding Iron Man Tony.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The loud noises alarmed the entire Avengers headquarters. Captain America, Dr. Banner, Thor, and Hawkeye all came when they heard the sound.

When they saw the fierce fight between Natasha and Iron Man Tony, they were instantly shocked.

""Hey guys, what are you doing? Are you sparring?" Thor asked in astonishment.

"Stop her! Natasha wants to kill me."Iron Man Tony shouted loudly.

He didn't know what happened to Natasha, but in order not to hurt Natasha, Iron Man Tony could only dodge, but he couldn't stop Natasha's attack......

At this time, listening to Tony's narration, Dr. Banner's face suddenly changed.


Dr. Banner leaped out and rushed directly towards Natasha. His strong arms directly controlled Natasha's arms.

Natasha's beautiful eyes flashed coldly, and she raised her foot and went straight to Dr. Banner's lower body.


Natasha kicked Dr. Banner between his legs, and the pain immediately made Dr. Banner look funny.

"Look, help me quickly, I can't hold on any longer."Dr. Banner's tears flowed out.

This is Dr. Banner. If it were someone else, Natasha's kick would probably make him childless.

Resisting a smile, Thor rushed forward and controlled Natasha together with Dr. Banner.

Although she was controlled, Natasha still struggled hard, with a cold light flashing in her beautiful eyes, which made everyone feel cold.

It was not until Captain America took out a tranquilizer and stabbed it into Natasha's neck that Natasha fell into a coma.

In the lounge, Natasha lay unconscious on the bed, and the others sat around with solemn expressions on their faces.

""What happened?" Thor looked at Tony and asked.

Tony shook his head,"I don't know, Natasha suddenly attacked me, and it was a fatal attack."

"If I hadn't seen the reflection of the light ball, I would be dead now."

"How could it become like this?" Dr. Banner showed a rare worry,"I feel like Natasha has become a different person."

"It seems... that she regards us as enemies."

Hawkeye lowered his head and said in a deep voice:"Natasha now reminds me of when I first met her"

"Cold-blooded, ruthless, and extremely dangerous."

Tony nodded,"I have the same feeling. At that moment just now, I seemed to have returned to the past and saw the Natasha of the past."

Natasha was once a killer of an organization. She had an impulse with Iron Man Tony and even wanted to kill Iron Man Tony at all costs.

It can be said that Iron Man is her first enemy.

Captain America looked at the unconscious Natasha and said in a deep voice:"Tony, do you mean that Natasha has now become the killer she used to be?"

"This is unbelievable, how could she have such an extreme change?"

Tony shook his head. He didn't understand why Natasha's temperament suddenly changed. Just now, he saw Natasha's eyes, without a trace of emotion, completely a cold-blooded killer.

During this time, they have been together. If anything happens to Natasha, they will know. It is impossible that there is no sign at all.

Dr. Banner looked at everyone and wondered,"Could it be a side effect of the compass?"

Captain America said in a deep voice, awakening everyone with one word:"Awaken the deepest fear in the heart and guide the user into an eternal nightmare."

"Natasha’s nightmare should be her tragic experience of being transformed into a killer."

When the words fell, everyone was silent, revealing a rare look of horror. No one had expected that the cursed compass would have such a terrible side effect.

It awakened the devil sleeping in Natasha's heart!

Now, these extraordinary heroes are more wary of Lu Chen and the mysterious jar, and Thor can't help but feel fortunate that he curbed the impulse in his heart and did not open the jar again.

Then he changed his mind and thought that it might not be a bad thing for his beastly pet to take away the lightning stone.

Dr. Banner examined Natasha,"There is nothing wrong with her body. It can be confirmed that her transformation comes from the heart."

This sentence further confirmed that Natasha was affected by the cursed compass.

"Is there any way to wake Natasha up?" Captain America asked.

Dr. Banner shook his head and said,"External injuries can be treated with medicine, but emotional injuries cannot be cured.""

"What do you mean? Are we just going to watch Natasha turn into a devil?" Hawkeye stood up excitedly, his eyes flashing with anger.

""Dude, calm down, we haven't given up." Iron Man patted Hawkeye on the shoulder.

Dr. Banner was silent for a few seconds, and then said solemnly:"Maybe someone can wake up Natasha?" As soon as the words fell, everyone's heart was shocked, and they looked in one direction at the same time.

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