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Tải ảnh: 0.462s Scan: 0.105sIt was another dark night.

The devil's shop, which had already been proofed, welcomed a new customer, a blonde girl

"What would you like to drink?"

Lu Chen looked at the blonde beauty in front of the counter, his eyes flashing with a rare curiosity.

Since the main god space was opened, there have been passers-by coming to the Devil's Shop on their own.

Lu Chen couldn't help but speculate a little more about this blonde girl who exuded a noble aura.

The blonde girl looked very beautiful.

Her fair skin was like mutton-fat jade under the reflection of the light.

Her delicate facial features seemed to be designed without a single flaw.

With beautiful facial features and noble status, it seemed that she was the embodiment of God's infinite favor.

Logically, this blonde beauty should be very happy, but now she exudes an aura of sadness.

There is also a hint of despair in this sadness.

She should be a girl with a lot of stories. This idea popped up in Lu Chen's mind.

The blonde girl did not answer Lu Chen's previous question, so Lu Chen poured a glass of wine and placed it in front of the blonde girl.

The blonde girl's beautiful eyes flashed a few times. Looking at the wine glass in front of her, she said disappointedly:"Is this just a bar?"

"It seems that I came to the wrong place"

"I just think you need some wine now. If you don't need it, just ignore it." Lu Chen said calmly.

"I don't need wine, I need power, the power to control my own destiny"

"Oh, why are you sure that I have the power you need?"

The blonde girl shook her head."I'm not sure. After leaving home, I wandered aimlessly. Some mysterious power brought me here."

"There is a voice in my heart, here is the strength I need"

"Are you the manager of this store? Can you give me the power to control my destiny?"

The blonde girl raised her beautiful eyes, her eyes flashing with excitement and a hint of begging.

"Power? Of course I have it, but how do I know if you are qualified to have this power?"Lu Chen tapped the counter lightly and looked at the blonde beauty. The luster in his deep eyes deepened.

Lu Chen only has sixteen jars a day, and each jar is very precious. Although he can't sell all the jars now, he has to choose the right person.

Of course, it's not that Lu Chen can't sell sixteen jars a day, but he doesn't want to.

Looking around the world, there are countless people who want to gain extraordinary powers, such as the Ice Girl and Zor.

As long as Lu Chen opens the main god space, the sixteen jars can be sold out in an instant, but this lacks some meaning for him.

""Do you want to know what happened to me?" The blonde girl looked at Lu Chen, her expression even more sad.

Lu Chen shrugged and said nothing, which was considered as tacit agreement.

The blonde girl smiled bitterly,"I am from a wealthy family."

"Do you think a girl like me will have no worries and unlimited happiness?"

"Yes, I thought so at first, at least until I grew up."

"But now, I understand the tragedy of being born into a big family. It is so tragic that you cannot control your own destiny and cannot even make some choices.……"

In the bustling metropolis, there is a group of people standing at the top of the pyramid. They look down at all living beings and control their fate.

The descendants of these families often wear golden keys. They look glamorous, but who could have imagined how heavy the price behind this golden key would be.

The more powerful the family, the more interests are paramount. In their eyes, nothing can beat interests, including family affection.

For the sake of interests, they can give up some things, even sacrifice family affection.

Servis is a victim of interests. Her family wants to marry her to an old rich man in his sixties.

A flower in its youth and flourishing is about to end sadly on the barren land.

Will she be unwilling? Of course Servis will not be willing. She has tried various means to escape this tragic fate.

But what she can't believe is that the money and power she has always relied on have become heavy shackles, tightly tied to her.

With her weak strength, how can she break free from these heavy shackles?

It is such an irony that the glory that she once took pride in has now turned into a deadly poison!

"If I could, I would trade everything I have now for freedom."

"My world should be full of hope and light, not so dark and hopeless!"

"Manager, can you give me strength?"

········Request flowers·········

The blonde girl looked at Lu Chen, her beautiful eyes full of pleading.

Lu Chen raised his hand and a jar flew in front of the blonde girl.

"Keep the current thoughts and smash the jar, there will be the power you need inside."

Lu Chen is not a saint who is kind-hearted, he just resists a certain reality.

The good cabbages are eaten by pigs! This reality is a big blow to an ambitious young man like Lu Chen.

Lu Chen cannot save all the good cabbages in the world, but since he has encountered it, he will naturally help.

The blonde girl looked at the jar in front of her, surprise flashing in her eyes,"Can this jar satisfy my wish?"

"Of course, just a reminder, one jar costs $100,000." Lu Chen said calmly.............

"One hundred thousand US dollars?"

The blonde girl was shocked by the price. It's not that she couldn't afford it, but she just couldn't understand why such a jar would be so valuable.

However, because of the price of the jar, Servisi had some trust in it.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for. Since this jar has such a high price, there may be unexpected surprises.

The most important thing is that Servisi has no other choice. If she doesn't open the jar, then her fate is to marry an old rich man.

With the mentality of trying everything possible, Servisi looked at Lu Chen,"Money is not a problem. What should I do?"

"It's simple, just smash it open"

"So simple?"

With full of doubt, Servis picked up the jar and threw it to the ground with a little force. The jar broke

, and a golden light burst out. In this golden light, three items were suspended.

Servis looked at the items in the jar, and a rare shock appeared on her beautiful face. She didn't understand why such a small jar could hold so many things.

At the moment the jar broke, the information of the three items had already appeared in Lu Chen's mind.

"Congratulations, your wish has come true. These three items can help you control your own destiny!"

"Really?" Servis showed an excited look,"What power will I gain?"

Lu Chen's mouth corners slightly raised,"From today on, you will be the goddess of hope and light!"_

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