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【Ice Soul Stone - It comes from the 10,000-year-old glacier in a certain world. It is condensed by the 10,000-year-old ice soul and possesses the power of extreme cold.

Ability: For the Ice Soul Stone, freezing everything is no longer a manifestation of its ability. Freezing souls is its real means.

Note: The Ice Soul Stone condenses from the 10,000-year-old glacier. The glacier is holy, and its ability is also holy. Therefore, the Ice Soul Stone targets those negative souls.

The more angry and manic the soul is, the more it can trigger the power of the Ice Soul Stone. User, if your soul is negative, it will be frozen by the Ice Soul Stone~.

On the contrary, a pure soul can control the power of the Ice Soul Stone. One thought can bring you to heaven or hell. User, - are you ready? 】

No. 18's beautiful eyes flashed with a strange light. She looked at Lu Chen and said calmly:"You seem to have frozen the big guy's soul on purpose. Why?"

Lu Chen raised his mouth slightly and approached No. 18,"It's to help you get revenge. Don't you want to thank me?"

No. 18 rolled her beautiful eyes and ignored Lu Chen directly. Lu Chen rarely made a joke, but it was ruthlessly crushed by No. 18.

The depressed mood made Lu Chen doubt himself for a while, whether he had no sense of humor.

In fact, when Lu Chen saw the information of the third item, he had already decided to freeze Hulk's soul.

Helping No. 18 to get revenge was of course a joke. His real purpose was for his own benefit.

Hulk's strength was very strong. It could be said that he was a real father-level strongman. Except in the Devil's Shop, Lu Chen could not suppress him.

What's more important is that Hulk's temper was too violent. A little stimulation would cause devastating damage, which was a time bomb for Lu Chen.

Of course, Lu Chen himself is not afraid of Hulk, but if the extraordinary person he created faces Hulk, it will be tragic.

Lu Chen does not want the power he has created with great effort to be destroyed in the hands of Hulk before it is formed.

In addition to this, Lu Chen is more focused on his own jar. Hulk's soul is frozen. He opened a jar. If he wants to unlock Hulk's soul, he needs to open another jar.

Lu Chen will not worry that the jar cannot be sold. Dr. Banner's source of power mainly comes from Hulk. Before Hulk's soul was asleep, he could borrow a lot of power from Hulk.

But now that Hulk is frozen, the power borrowed by Dr. Banner will be pitiful. In other words, Dr. Banner's strength has been reduced a lot.

In peacetime, perhaps Dr. Banner does not mind the weakening of his power, but how long can this peacetime last?

Thanos has not been killed yet, and the whereabouts of the six original stones are still unclear. The problems faced by the Avengers are like stormy waves, one after another.

Once the peacetime changes, the Avengers must rely on the power of Dr. Banner. At that time, even if Dr. Banner resists, he will come to open the can.

Now, Lu Chen feels that he is more and more like a businessman, and some means are getting more and more sophisticated. In fact, the highest realm of sales promotion is not to show off how good your products are, but to let the charm of the products spread among the masses.

Lu Chen remembered that he had seen a very interesting cartoon, which was about a boss who sold white soap.

This white soap is magical. It can be dyed white in a flash with colorful colors. In the colorful world, white is often very eye-catching.

The ignorant masses saw this bright color and liked it very much, so they came forward to buy it and painted their clothes white.

Over time, the whole city was washed by white, without any color. The city was filled with a weird atmosphere, and people's complexion became ugly, but the boss made a lot of money.

When people were tired of white, suddenly one day, they saw a little girl in colorful clothes playing happily.

The colors on the little girl's clothes attracted people from all over the city. They followed the little girl and came to the little girl's home.

It was discovered that the little girl was the boss's daughter, and the boss's shop began to sell colorful soaps again.

The cartoon ends here, and what happens next is obvious. These people will scramble for the boss's colorful soaps again, and the boss will make a fortune again. What is worth pondering here is that these people used the money to sell what they owned, and finally used the money to buy back what they once owned.

Between gain and loss, people got nothing, while the boss made a fortune.

This story is very similar to Dr. Banner's situation. Hulk is like Dr. Banner's colorful clothes, and Lu Chen's jar is like the white soap.

When Hulk was frozen, Dr. Banner would have temporary joy, but soon, he would buy colorful soaps from Lu Chen to wash Hulk back.

········Request flowers·········

Or maybe, this is not a simple transaction, but will repeat itself over and over again, and the boss of the cartoon will not play tricks on these ignorant humans only once.

The only difference between reality and cartoons is that in cartoons, the people lose the most money, while in reality, Dr. Banner may lose his soul.

Everything in the future is unknown, but one thing is certain, whether it is Dr. Banner or Hulk, they have fallen into the abyss of the jar and cannot extricate themselves.

The light of the Ice Soul Stone slowly faded, Hulk's soul was frozen, and Dr. Banner's soul was awakened and regained control of his body.

Dr. Banner, who was still in shock, curled up and gasped for breath. After a long time, he regained his sanity.............

Dr. Banner raised his head and looked at Lu Chen, with a rare look of shock on his face,"It's you? It seems that Hulk is here to open the can."

Lu Chen smiled and nodded,"Yes, welcome back, Dr. Banner."

Dr. Banner smiled bitterly, he looked at his right arm covered with scales, and then looked at the ice soul stone on his chest.

"It seems that Hulk has gained great power. Is it this gem that awakened me?"

"Yes, Hulk did gain great power, but his overly strong desires, to a certain extent, created you."Lu Chen smiled faintly.

Hulk wanted to increase his power, and the jar did reflect his desire. This piece of ice soul stone could make people stronger, but unfortunately, it was Hulk's nemesis.

This also shows that being too greedy will always lead to destruction.

"Regardless, I still want to thank you, store manager. Hulk's sudden awakening would cause a great disaster. Fortunately, you stopped him."Dr. Banner said gratefully

"Don't thank me, I'm just a businessman, selling jars is my job, but as for what will appear in the jars, it's not something I can control."

"It's your luck that you can wake up." Lu Chen smiled and said

"Really? I never thought I had such luck."Dr. Banner laughed at himself,"I should go back, otherwise, my partners will worry about me."

Lu Chen's eyes suddenly moved,"I think it's not necessary, they are already here."

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the shop was opened...Death..._

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