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"This guy, Thunder God, is really desperate. He doesn't even care about his life."

In the main god space, Lu Chen was about to choose the next can opener, but his eyes were attracted by the battle in front of the castle.

When he saw Thunder God using the power of the Thunder God Pearl to trigger the thunder tribulation, Lu Chen instantly understood his idea.

"Use yourself as a medium to control the power of thunder and lightning to fight against Thanos. Let’s not talk about whether you can kill Thanos or not, your own body can’t bear it."

Lu Chen looked at the Thunder God floating in the air, his body full of thunder and lightning, his eyes flashing with a strange light.

No one knows the power of the Three Thousand Thunder Tribulations better than Lu Chen. This thunder tribulation is aimed at cultivators. Which cultivator in the tribulation period is not stronger than Thor?

When they face the thunder tribulation again, they are all in danger of death, and they are still offering many magic weapons. With Thor himself, how can"183" resist it?

In fact, the power of the Three Thousand Thunder Tribulations has been weakened a lot when it appeared in the Marvel world. After all, this is an item opened from a jar, and it is impossible for the opener to be helpless.

Under normal circumstances, Thor's body can withstand the tempering of the Three Thousand Thunder Tribulations after being weakened.

The only thing he has to worry about is the soul. However, among the three items Frigga prescribed, there is the Soul Control Pill, which can strengthen Thor's soul and allow him to easily survive the thunder tribulation. But now, Thor uses his own lightning power to trigger the thunder tribulation, and uses himself as a medium to try to control the thunder tribulation.

This is completely contrary to the will of the thunder tribulation. The thunder tribulation will definitely increase its power and kill Thor. With Thor's current body, it is difficult to resist the increased power of the thunder tribulation.

"Nothing is absolute in this world. Maybe Thor can really handle it. If Thor can really handle it, then his benefits will be huge."

"This Three Thousand Thunder Tribulations Technique is estimated to directly break through to the realm of minor success."

Lu Chen looked at the Thunder God in the picture, his mouth slightly raised,"This is really a thought to heaven, a thought to hell!"

"Well, if you can withstand this thunderstorm and survive, I will help you once! Don’t let me down!"

Lu Chen still has a good impression of Thor. He likes this guy who hates evil and has some weird ideas.

Although Thor sometimes does things that make people laugh and cry, Thor is real and never hides his thoughts.

For this reason, Lu Chen doesn't want to see Thor die. If Thor dies, he will have less fun in this world.

The most important thing is that even if Thor dies, he must die in his shop. Lu Chen doesn't want to give up the soul of a god.

At this moment, Lu Chen temporarily gave up choosing the can opener. He looked at the picture in front of him quietly, waiting for the result.

If Thor can survive, Iron Man Tony and others will come to the shop soon.



The thunder that shook the world continued, and the whole world was shaking under this powerful thunder and lightning.

After dozens of thunder dragons rushed into the dark clouds, the thunder and lightning in the dark clouds went crazy, and the power almost doubled.

At this time, the sky was as dark as the bottom of a pot, and the powerful energy that was mobilized made the extraordinary people present feel suffocated.

Not only the extraordinary people, but also those outsiders who were shocked by the powerful thunder and lightning made uneasy and manic shouts and stopped attacking.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the five people of Drizzt, the demon team, Banner and other extraordinary people quickly rushed to the side of Iron Man Tony.

A group of extraordinary people gathered together, and they all raised their heads and looked at Thor in the air.

At this point, no one had the ability to stop Thor. They could only wait for the result. Whether it was success or failure, they could not help at all.


At this moment, a lightning bolt split in the dark clouds. The power of this lightning bolt was so strong that it really seemed to split the world in two.

This powerful lightning flashed by, and the next second, the dark clouds in the sky began to spin wildly, forming a huge vortex.

In this huge vortex, dense lightning appeared, just like countless thunder dragons entwined together.

The pressure generated by the lightning in the vortex made the blood of everyone present freeze.

Then, everyone's heart suddenly jumped, they felt that the terrifying lightning in the vortex was like a waterfall, pouring down.

Thunder tribulation! It's finally coming!

"You idiot! Take the Soul-Protecting Pill quickly!"Looking at the lightning that was about to strike, Loki shouted at the top of his voice..........

When they met Frigga before, Frigga told Thor about the three items, and Loki naturally heard about it, so he knew about the existence of the Soul Pill.

Hearing Loki's cry, Thor remembered it, and he quickly took out the Soul Pill and swallowed it.

After swallowing the Soul Pill, Thor's head radiated light, and his soul was greatly improved, but it was only his soul, and his body did not change.


Thor shouted angrily, and his whole body's strength was raised to the extreme. At this time, Thanos, who was standing in front of him, also clenched his fists and raised his strength.

Swish! The elemental ring flashed with intense light, and for a moment, the elemental power between heaven and earth madly gathered towards the elemental ring.

Thanos's aura grew wildly. Facing the three thousand thunder tribulations triggered by Thor, even Thanos did not dare to be careless.

He controlled the elemental ring and exerted all the power of the elemental ring.

5% of the original power of the universe!


A loud noise that shook the universe came, and in the vortex of dark clouds, a lightning as thick as a stone pillar struck down.

This lightning can no longer be described as a dragon. It is really like a huge waterfall, rushing down and heading straight for the Thunder God. Wherever the lightning passes, the space collapses, the world trembles, hurricanes tear the ground, and the whole earth begins to collapse. Pieces of land fall into the abyss.

At the moment when the thunder tribulation strikes, the Thunder God holds up the Thunder Dragon Battle Axe, holding the axe handle with both hands, and the power of thunder and lightning in his body is urged to the extreme. In this scene, in this kind of devastating power, the Thunder God at this time is the real Thunder God! A god who masters thunder and lightning!


A loud noise beyond the sound, a light that pierces the soul, and the extremely terrifying lightning finally strikes the Thunder God.

At the moment when the thunder tribulation possesses the body, the blood vessels in the body of the Thunder God burst directly, and the flesh and blood rolled up. He is like a blood gourd.


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