Time always passes unexpectedly long while waiting.

Looking at the deserted store door as always, Lu Chen couldn't help but think with a strange look on his face: 'Did I open the store too remote? Why is there not even a single person?'

Although Lu Chen tends to go with the flow, if it continues to be so deserted and there is not even a single person, he will probably jump up in anxiety.

And at this moment,

"Step, step, step……"

With the sound of footsteps, Zor, who seemed to have recovered most of his energy, walked in from the back door of the store.

"Manager, no business?"

Zoel raised his eyebrows, which was rare, as if he was surprised.

"Our shop is all about fate. It's fate that makes people come here. Ordinary people can't find this shop."

Lu Chen said faintly, and his face was a little ugly.

Fate is fate.

But no one came for such a long time, he was a little helpless.

He was still hoping that someone could help him find a good thing.


On the other side, Zoel shook his head imperceptibly, and he was a little confused about what the store manager was thinking. He was clearly looking forward to having customers come to the store.

But he didn't do any publicity.

You know, this small store only needs to display some things, and I'm afraid the threshold will be trampled.

However, Zoel was also tactful and didn't say anything. After all, when he became a waiter, Lu Chen had already told him that less talk and more action is the kingly way.

Although he was young, he also understood the deep meaning of the words.

Don't ask what you shouldn't ask, just do things quietly.

And here, apart from other things, if he can do what the store manager has told him, he will naturally get benefits in the future.

Zoel pursed his lips with a clear mind.

Immediately, he came to the counter and took down a few bottles of wine and drinks brought in the morning.

Then, in Lu Chen's slightly stunned eyes, Zoel's wrists flew, and the crystal glasses seemed to dance on his fingertips.

What is even more amazing is that different colored drinks flow freely in the crystal cup, converge, and finally turn into a colorful……


's a rare sound, and Lu Chen's impolite voice has already echoed in the store.


His face froze slightly, and Zoel remained silent.

God knows how many glasses he had broken in order to master this skill. He originally thought that as a waiter, his superb bartender skills would win the praise of the store manager.

Well, he had to admit that he thought too much.

However, a moment later, a hand stretched out in front of him and even hooked a finger.

Looking up, seeing the playful look on the store manager's face, Zoel's eyes twitched slightly, and he quickly poured a glass of prepared cocktail.

"Tsk tsk……"

After taking a sip of the wine in the glass, Lu Chen's eyes lit up.

The taste was not bad, sweet and sour, plus the beating of carbon dioxide and the fruity aroma of wine, it was a drink that made people have an endless aftertaste.

With such sighs, Lu Chen also continued to start a slightly long wine tasting and wait for the arrival of the destined person.


Alger, a man who had failed in love, was drunk and smelled of alcohol.

At this time, he was staggering on the street.

"Woman, humph, I don't need it."

Drunk and mad, this man was shouting and yelling as he walked. But, a moment later, with a 'bang', his face came into close contact with the ground.

"Yo, even you are bullying me?"

As if laughing in anger, Alger raised his fist and slammed it hard on the ground.


Amidst the extremely crisp sound, the corners of Alger's eyes twitched violently.

Looking through his blurred vision, he seemed to see a bloody and colorful


After a moment of hesitation, the drunk man suddenly sobered up.

However, after a moment, as if he smelled something, he sniffed hard.

"Wine, good wine……"

With rare excitement, the figure staggered to his feet, and immediately followed the aroma of wine, staggering and walking towards a distance.

Until he came to a staircase paved with bluestone, the man paused.

He raised his eyes and vaguely saw the word"shop".

Moreover, there seemed to be some"demon".’?

"Hehehe, wine, wine, I want to drink."

He didn't care, and he couldn't care.

A drunk person is like a madman, living in his own world. At this time, he wishes the whole world belonged to him.

In this case, why would he care about this somewhat 'mysterious' shop?


When this drunken man rushed into the store, Lu Chen and Zoel looked at each other in surprise.

A customer?

No, a drunkard.

Staring blankly at this man who staggered towards the counter, aiming for the drinks, Lu Chen was rarely stunned.

"I brought these out from my cellar, so they may have a strong taste."

Zor said this with a helpless smile.

He put down the crystal glasses he was playing with and walked out of the counter.

""Guest, there is nothing here that you need, please leave."

With a sunny smile, the blond boy slowly raised his arm and grabbed the shoulder of the man who was half a head taller than him.

Then, he exerted a little force on his right arm wrapped in the holy cloth.

"With a"bang", such a tall and strong man was suddenly lifted up.

Yes, lifted up.

It was like lifting a dumbbell, but Zor's expression was surprisingly relaxed.

It was at this moment that Zor really realized that he seemed to be no longer an ordinary boy.

With a slight smile on his lips, the blond boy lifted up a man with his head on the ground, his feet in the air, and a confused look on his face with one hand, and walked out of the store.

"Bang, bang, bang……"

Step by step, walking slowly, the boy seemed to be savoring something, with a rare look of satisfaction on his face.

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