Soon, he rushed into the thatched cottage. As soon as the door closed, Lu Chen had already pulled out the panel in his mind.

【Life]: Lu Chen

【[Race]: Human

【Occupation: Devil Merchant (lost everything, just a small path, only souls are what the devil merchant hunts)

【Points]: 13 (10 points for selling a can, 1 point for a successful introduction)

【Attributes: Strength 8, Agility 10, Spirit 12, Constitution 8

【Talent: Silver tongue (As a businessman, silver tongue is your nature)

【Ability: Shop thatched house (with the thatched house as the center, within a radius of two kilometers, the host's defense is invincible)


Looking at his poor face, Lu Chen licked his lips.

It's good to have a start.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen's eyes have been drawn to the points.

Points are the only thing he needs as a businessman.

These points can not only strengthen his various attributes, but also buy things in the mall.

As for attributes, the average value of the four attributes of ordinary people is 10. For Lu Chen, it is really average.

However, he can use points to add points. Add one and he will be strengthened.

In this way, Lu Chen has found the most intuitive way to become stronger.

Of course, in this world, the intuitive performance of attributes may not be great.

Thinking of Thanos one by one???The corners of Lu Chen's mouth twitched.

If he added, who knows when he would be able to add it.

Forget it, forget it, I won't compete with this kind of strong man.

He is just a businessman, just do his duty as a businessman.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen has already added 1 point in his spirit.


It was like a stream of fresh water flowing into his mind. Lu Chen felt his spirit was shaken, and the depression he had felt for the past few days disappeared.

"It feels good."

While sighing, Lu Chen added a little

"This is fucking awesome."

Unable to restrain himself, Lu Chen's eyes widened, and his mental state was shocked... He even felt as if his brain was evolving.

"Damn, so awesome."

Lu Chen was determined and added six points in one go, directly raising his spirit to 20.

After a moment,

"With a"boom", it was as if his mind exploded. Lu Chen felt countless coolness flowing through the depths of his mind.

Moreover, because this was not a long-term change, but a momentary change, Lu Chen's feeling was even more obvious and abrupt.

It was as if the whole world was brighter.

To put it most intuitively, the brain was developed, and the vision and hearing were also enhanced.

The dust in the air, even dozens of meters away, the words on the wine bottle on the counter were extremely clear.

"Although a businessman’s duty is to buy and sell, I feel it is also necessary."

Nodding, Lu Chen has already made clear the future path.

Just kidding, such a pleasant way to become stronger, those who don't pursue it are idiots.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen spent another 3 points on strength, constitution, and agility.

And, according to the speed of Lu Chen's brain operation now, a few breaths have understood the role of these attributes.

Strength is nothing more than strengthening muscles to make the body more explosive.

And constitution is to strengthen the body's bone density and strengthen the skin. In other words, it is a bit like strengthening defense. It should also strengthen endurance and organs such as the heart. As for agility, it is more like coordinating the body to make Lu Chen's body more adaptable to changes.

However, due to the fact that these attributes are strengthened too little, Lu Chen did not catch more of the feeling.

Just looking at the remaining 2 points, Lu Chen gave up continuing to strengthen.

Anyway, no matter how to strengthen, these four attributes are all strengthened.

There is no such thing as partiality.

Although it is said that this kind of strengthening is very slow, Lu Chen deeply understands the way of balance. A large-scale strengthening of any attribute will cause the body to collapse, even the spirit.

Lu Chen does not want to become a creature like a ghost.


Gradually adapting to the changes in his body, Lu Chen also walked to the counter not far away.

The interior of his thatched house was a different world. It was even more like a luxury house in his previous life. The first floor was a bar, but in the middle of the bar counter, there were cans.

And now, there are fifteen

"Next, it's time to get something from Thanos."

Glancing at the jar, Lu Chen thought to himself.

As a businessman, there is only one chance to make a good start, and the profit is the biggest part. Thanos is even richer, enough for Lu Chen to absorb blood for a while.

The most important thing is the Infinity Gauntlet.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen, who was hidden in the dark, also raised his mouth slightly and smiled coldly.


The next day, after having a meal in the thatched cottage, Lu Chen opened the door again.

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