It was night, in a dimly lit shop. There was a small table, a glass of wine, and a strange-looking fruit.

At this time, Lu Chen was sitting quietly at the table, staring blankly at the devil fruit on the table.

It is said that the taste of the devil fruit seems to be extraordinary.

With a twitch in his eye, Lu Chen couldn't help but think of chocolate that tasted like shit and shit that tasted like chocolate.

Both were not very friendly choices.

However, thinking of the power of the devil fruit, Lu Chen couldn't suppress his excitement.

You know, there are many types of devil fruits, and the gravity fruit is a powerful fruit that stands at the top of the dominance among the superhuman fruits.

Not to mention other things, the destructive power alone is not less than the legendary incarnation of natural disasters-the natural fruit.

Moreover, more importantly, the use of the gravity fruit is more diversified.

As some people say-the development of the devil fruit requires imagination.

And just so, for the development of the gravity fruit, Lu Chen already has several mature routes in his mind.


Lu Chen took a deep breath and focused his eyes.

Then he picked up a spoon on the table and gently scooped a spoonful of the purple spiral-shaped gravity fruit.

After a while, accompanied by a strange chewing sound, Lu Chen's face changed.

It seemed to be green, and then white.

Zoel, who was standing next to him, also had a strange look on his face.

"Manager, is it really that unpalatable?"

Zor was speechless when he spoke so rarely.


Silence, rare silence...

After Lu Chen swallowed this mouthful and drank the wine that had been prepared in one gulp, he spoke quietly:

"You can try."

As he said this, Lu Chen had already pushed the remaining devil fruit towards Zor........

Only the first bite after the fruit is cut open can gain the power of the fruit, and the people who share it afterwards will not have any changes.

In this way, Lu Chen naturally does not mind Zoel tasting this kind of human 'silly' taste.

However, when he pushed the devil fruit to Zoel, his face suddenly changed.


Along with an invisible breath, a feeling called"oppression" suddenly came from all directions.

Invisibly, Lu Chen could clearly feel a sticky feeling in the air. What was even more incredible was that he had a feeling in his heart that he could move this sticky feeling.

Slowly standing up, Lu Chen closed his eyes and began to quietly experience the inexplicable feeling.

At this moment, what Lu Chen did not notice was that his four-dimensional attribute was quietly rising.

Especially the attribute spirit, which was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye as he immersed himself in it......

Gravity Fruit is really incredible.

After a long time, Lu Chen sighed and slowly opened his hands.

"Wow, wow, wow...."

In Zor's incredible eyes, the whole store seemed to be weightless. The tables, wine glasses, and even other people were slowly floating in the air.

No, not floating, but as if they had lost gravity and were blown up by a gust of wind.

At this moment, there was only one person standing quietly in the whole store, as if he had not noticed anything.


In this rare reminder, Zor's voice has reached Lu Chen's ears.

After a slight pause, as if he noticed something, Lu Chen pressed his hand again.

After a moment,

"Bang, bang, bang..."

As countless things fell into the air, the entire store was in chaos.

Lu Chen slowly opened his eyes and didn't care.

They were all external objects.

The jar that he valued the most was protected by a mysterious power, which could resist Lu Chen's casual power.

"Manager, what are you doing?"

Zoel, who was not far away, was speechless and asked in astonishment.

"Gravity, the gravity that I can control freely."

As he said this, Lu Chenxu pressed his hand


Zor, who was caught off guard, felt a pressure coming from all directions.

He was pressed to the ground.

【Gravity suppression - the most superficial use of the gravity fruit is to violently strengthen the gravity of the air, so that the overweight air falls and suppresses the human body and makes it unable to move. 】

Now, although Lu Chen pressed with his empty hands, with the terrifying spiritual attribute, the force of his pressure was several tons at most.

Looking up, the ground where Zor was pressed had already cracked, revealing cracks like spider webs.

Here, it is worth mentioning that the power of the gravity fruit is closely related to Lu Chen's spiritual attribute.

His mastery and control of gravity all rely on the power of the spiritual attribute.

It is precisely because of this that he can have such power after only eating the gravity fruit for a short while.

This is like in that world, a man named Blackbeard relied on his own strength to quickly pass the period of mastering the power of the fruit and exert the true power of the fruit in an instant.

And now, Lu Chen is the same.

However, in addition to relying on the strength of spiritual power, other attributes are also more or less dependent.

For example, now, Lu Chen has noticed a slight consumption of physical strength.

Yes, a slight consumption.

Relying on his triple-digit physique, Lu Chen's physical strength has long surpassed that of ordinary people, comparable to a real monster.

In this way, even if it is the first time to control gravity, it will not bring too much burden to him. ps:-----

I saw some comments from book friends that charging money is not a smart thing to do, but Xia also said that it is possible to charge treasures of equal value.

Of course, I would like to explain here that Xia thinks charging money is a good choice. As long as money has not lost its purchasing power, it can buy most things, such as energy blocks or rare metals.

If you don’t charge money and can only charge energy blocks, I’m sorry, Xia believes that the store can’t even open.

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