Not long after, in a laboratory at the Avengers headquarters, many members of the Avengers were staring at a little white mouse not far away.

This was a male little white mouse. In order to verify its identity, Rocket Raccoon even lifted it up high several times.

However, at this time, as many members of the Avengers twitched their eyes, this male little white mouse's belly actually grew larger at a speed visible to the naked eye after drinking a few drops of the Mother and Child Spring. What's even more incredible is that people with strong perception can vaguely sense a very faint smell coming from the belly of this male little white mouse.

Yes, it's very faint.

But it does exist.

"Oh my god, can it really make a male creature pregnant?"

Thor was stunned for the first time, and he shuddered.

You know, he had smelled the smell before.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, and his reputation as the"first generation of Thunder God" would be buried.

In more serious cases, he might even become a legend among the gods.


With a dry cough, Dr. Banner, the Hulk, stared blankly at an experimental machine that was checking mice not far away. The data presented was also rare and silent.

Life is indeed conceived.

Although, up to now, it is still impossible to determine where this little life is conceived, but the whole white mouse is showing signs of pregnancy.

However, it is precisely because of this that Dr. Banner feels even more incredible.

The so-called"common sense" has been broken.

How is this possible?

In the rare bitterness, Dr. Banner, the Hulk, also began to question what he had learned in the past.

However, at this moment, no one noticed that a girl with her back against the wall had a rare sparkle in the corner of her eyes.

It seemed like she was crying, and it seemed like she was laughing.

With a very complicated expression, Natasha was also stunned and silent.


Hearing Hawkeye's call, Natasha waved her hand gently and turned around....

"Now, let’s not talk about this."

Natasha paused for a moment before she sighed:

"If we can come back alive from this expedition, maybe...There is still a slight possibility"


Clenching his fists, Hawkeye also showed a rare expression of approval.

However, before the expedition, he must hurry up and master that very scary skill.’——Piercing Arrow.

With the terrifying power of this"Piercing Arrow" and the special arrowhead, his combat power will definitely rise several levels.......

While the Avengers were shocked by the strangeness of the Mother and Child Spring, Lu Chen was also in a rare state of deep thought.

Yes, deep thought.

Quietly looking at the blue light ball suspended in the air not far away, Lu Chen began to think about something very important.

"If that's the case, then the operability is quite high."

In the rare silence, Lu Chen's eyes couldn't help flickering.

After half a day of research, he had discovered some functions of this 'Lord God Space (broken version)'.

For example, the mysterious space he entered not long ago.

That is the so-called 'Lord God Space'.

As the current owner of that space, Lu Chen can freely control everything in the space.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen slowly stretched out his right hand.

After a moment,


With a roar, Lu Chen's consciousness returned to this gray space.....

Standing quietly in the mist, Lu Chen also found that his body was illusory.

This was his special ability as the master of this space, which could not be heard or touched.

However, as long as Lu Chen wanted, he could make his voice spread throughout the space.

At the same time, like now


With a light shout, the entire fog was shaken.

Then, under Lu Chen's interested gaze, countless mists surged, and in the blink of an eye, they had merged together.

And at this moment, as if aware of Lu Chen's thoughts, these merged mists changed again.

In just a moment, a very simple and rustic gate was pulled out.

This is a gate about thirty meters long, supported by two white jade pillars that are several people's arms thick, and covered with a barrel glazed tile roof. Under the door, there are jade steps with auspicious bird and auspicious flower patterns carved out, but what is a little surprising is the lintel.

Looking closely, there are four large characters"Main God Space" in black and gold paint on the lintel, which is impressive.

"This, should be OK, right?"

Touching his chin, Lu Chen also pondered.

This is one of the wonderful uses of the main god space. The mist in the space is a kind of energy that can change everything. As the master of this space, Lu Chen can naturally control it.

Of course, there is another function of this space, which is to pull people.

Yes, pull people.

As the main god space, no matter how incomplete it is, how could it lack the function of pulling people?

Now, with his eyes slightly focused, Lu Chen has seen a light curtain appear in front of his eyes.

【Set pull options】





In the series of setting information, the arc of Lu Chen's mouth was more and more subtle.

Scary, a very scary function.

The more detailed the setting, the more the person pulled into the main god space will meet Lu Chen's expectations.

Even if this information is perfected to a certain extent, Lu Chen can accurately pull a person into the space.

"Name—Zor, Age—16, Gender—Male, Region—New York, Ability—Holds the Ghost Swordsman Class..."

The whole space was shaken by the whispers.

Then, in Lu Chen's expectant eyes, a picture was already opening in the space.

Looking up, Lu Chen suddenly found that on a moonlit night, a blond boy was holding a wooden sword in both hands.

"Step, step, step..."

As he ran quickly, the black cloth wrapped around the blond boy's right arm swelled in the wind, and in an instant, it wrapped the boy up.

At the same time, next to the blond boy, a burly figure wearing a mask was also running at a terrifying speed until he reached a place where smoke was rising not far away.

"Do you want to pull someone in?"

Another question from the unknown.


Waving his hand, looking at Zor who was running straight to the thick smoke in the picture, as if to save people, Lu Chen chose to give up.

Compared with testing the ability of the main god space.

Now Zor's rescue is obviously more important.

However, there is one thing that Lu Chen is sure of now.

Even if the main god space is broken, it has met all his expectations.

Just like now, if he wants customers, he only needs to set up a series of information, and very good customers will come.

Although the main god space has many restrictions at present.

For example, the area set can only be several cities around the blue light ball. For example, no matter who is pulled, the time they can stay in the main god space is only half an hour.

However, with so many restrictions, it is undeniable that this main god space is of great help to Lu Chen.

With a slight raise of the corner of his mouth, Lu Chen already has a very good plan in his mind. ps:--------Seek self-determination---------

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