Evaporate in an instant!

This amazing remark immediately made many American bigwigs and technical soldiers in the entire conference room breathe, and a pair of terrified eyes looked at Rhode.

“Nonsense! Although it is true that technology has been born on the earth to reach 10,000 degrees of high temperature by scientific and technological means, no country’s technology can put it into modern warfare, not to mention… The satellite thermal image picture in the computer is still a huge typhoon vortex in motion, which is completely impossible! ”

In the conference room, a white female doctor in military science and technology frowned and scolded.

Everyone glanced at her, and their shocked hearts relaxed slightly.

This female doctor, named Storanda, just won the Nobel Lifetime Achievement Award in the field of military science and technology half a month ago, and in the entire world’s military science and technology, it is the existence of Taishan Beidou.

She said it couldn’t be, and it was really impossible.

When Rhode heard this, he said lightly:

“I also hope it can’t be… But satellites shouldn’t go wrong. ”

When everyone heard this, doubts arose in their hearts, yes, satellites can’t go wrong, after all, military satellites are the most important weapon of their country.

Immediately afterwards, the female doctor was also a little uneasy, came to the computer and started to operate, and just as she operated the computer and re-examined the satellite footage.

Everyone saw that the red-black high-temperature storm had changed from the size of a grain of rice at the beginning to the size of an apple, pushing all the way across the inland plains of the ancient Mongolian Kingdom.

According to the actual proportion, the scale of this storm has expanded to fifty or sixty kilometers in a few minutes, and it is about to collide with the army.

At this time, the female doctor continued to call the data in the computer for comparison, and the more she operated, the more ugly her face became, and finally said in frustration

“It’s over, it’s true.”

This sentence instantly surprised President Mi and other high-level officials.

“Quick! Let the Air Force withdraw! Give up the offensive!!! President Mi turned sharply and shouted orders to a communications soldier.

His eyes were full of fear and trepidation.

The soldier did not dare to delay, and quickly used military satellites to contact the air force command aircraft in Asia.

And the same scene also happened in the high-level of the Dragon Country and the Great Bear Country.

Through military satellites, they also sensed that strange high-temperature energy bodies were emitting from the side of Baiyue Country, and the scale was expanding more and more, and they contacted their respective air forces through military satellites to cancel the attack and quickly left the sky over the battlefield.

However, it was already too late.

At this time, the Stark side over the steppe.

Stark, as the world’s famous superhero Iron Man, is leading the warplane groups in various countries.

“Sir, a drastic change in the magnetic field ahead has been detected, is it linked to Stark Industrial satellites for detailed reconnaissance?”

In the armor, Jarvis reminded.

But at this time, Stark’s eyes looked through the armor and clearly saw that in the air ahead, a faint golden light was constantly distorting the atmosphere, and the originally turquoise vast grassland was also rapidly changing color and becoming charred black.

At the same time, a danger alert suddenly pops up on the holographic interface inside the warframe!

“Alert! The front is in a large high-temperature energy zone, and moving at high speed, five seconds later, the two sides will collide, and it is expected that the core of the energy band has reached 10,000 degrees! ”

“Warframe emergency self-rescue function is on!”

Before Stark could react, he was in the process of flying, small wind shields appeared on the shoulders of his armor, as well as all over his legs, and he who was flying forward rapidly, roared, stopped the castration, and his body flexibly shuttled through the array of fighters from various countries behind him.

On the other hand, these fighters, it is estimated that they have not yet received instructions, are still flying forward.

Five seconds later, Stark was sent to the rear of the fighter group by the steel armor self-rescue mechanism, suspended in the air.

This self-rescue mechanism is Stark, which prevents himself from encountering dangerous dwellings when his brain is not clear enough, and the first aid function set up can take the user out of the battlefield on his own.

At this time, Stark reacted quickly, he wanted to send the news of the danger ahead to the air forces, but found that it was too late.

His eyes looked through the armor at the thousands of warplanes in front of him, and a shocking scene that he will never forget, like the slow motion of a science fiction movie, was unfolding.

In the sky ahead, one fighter after another broke into the golden thin energy belt that collided with them, entered one, and disappeared directly, and disappeared for a very short time, leaving only a white mist.

“This!!! The fighter was vaporized in an instant! Are you kidding! Is this also the technology of Baiyue Country! ”

“No, sir, this is the solar wind, I advise you to leave this area quickly.” In the armor, Jarvis said.

Stark in the air was shocked.

Solar wind?!

Isn’t that something that exists only in ultra-cutting-edge scientific theories?!

Could it be that the Hundred Yue Kingdom already has the technology to manipulate stellar energy!?

You know, now human beings have only explored the use of stellar energy (solar energy) to generate electricity.

“How many years has the technology of the Hundred Yue Kingdom surpassed the earth! It’s great! Stark exclaimed at the moment.

But the swelling solar wind can’t keep him in the air for long.

Although the air forces of the four countries were vaporized, on the ground, there were Hulk, Steve and hundreds of thousands of ancient Mongolian soldiers, and Stark immediately flew towards the ground in the opposite direction.

At the same time, the high-level officials of the four major countries who were observing the battlefield through fighters in the Dragon Country, the Great Bear Country, the Ancient Mongolian Country, and the United States, all witnessed the vaporization of all the fighters like Stark.

Although the command centers of various countries are tens of thousands of kilometers apart, at this moment, the atmosphere is solemn and dead.

At the same time, the high-level officials of various countries have slowly realized that this Hundred Yue Country is not a soft persimmon, but a murderous dragon hidden in their group of tiger and wolf countries!


At this time, the hundreds of thousands of troops of the ancient Mongolian Kingdom were still marching slowly on the grassland.

However, due to their slow march, they were lucky to receive a retreat message from the high-level officials of the ancient Mongolian state.

When everyone understood the reason for the retreat, hundreds of thousands of people looked into the sky and talked endlessly.

Steve and the Hulk, who was restored to Dr. Banner, got down from a jeep military vehicle, and at this time, Iron Man Stark also flew back from far sky and landed in the crowd to join Steve and the others.

“Stark, what’s going on ahead? Why were all the warplanes annihilated? ”

Steve asked.

I saw Stark’s facial armor disperse, revealing his true face, and then he tapped on the microcomputer on the arm’s armor, and in an instant, a light blue holographic projection appeared.

“This is the picture recorded by the warframe just now, the air force of the four countries was hit by a solar storm, the core temperature was as high as 10,000 degrees, the speed of movement was very fast, and the entire grassland had been scorched by more than half in ten minutes

I received news on my way back that the military asked me to bring you two home immediately. ”

Stark said quickly and calmly.

“What? Solar storms? Has anyone in the world already figured out stellar energy-driven technology? Dr. Banner was equally shocked as Stark at the beginning.

And on one side, Captain Steve, a handsome face, frowned and said angrily:

“So we’re going to leave these hundreds of thousands of soldiers behind and flee back ourselves?”


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