The endless Pacific Ocean was once a great existence that people revered incomparably.

In ancient times, people felt the thickness and infinity of the ocean every time they stood on the coast.

But in addition to the two emotions of reverence and fear, human beings at that time also had a desire for conquest.

The conquest of the seas became a belief of people in ancient times.

But whenever a brave person goes to sea and returns safely, almost always be regarded as the bravest person by the local people.

Today, the ocean has long been completely conquered by mankind.

They create huge warships in the ocean, even if it is a super typhoon of fifteen or sixteen degrees, the battleship can stand still.

When people conquered the vast ocean, it seemed that this also made them stagnate for a while.

Immediately afterwards, they discovered space, the wider and vast sea of stars beyond the planet.

The interstellar journey is a path that mankind will inevitably embark on.

Perhaps it is because human nature has the courage to challenge even in the face of fear.

At the beginning of the arrival of the Asa God Race warriors, the human race was temporarily in a panic.

But soon, human beings will regain the state of mind that once faced the sea with both panic and challenge.

Then, the Asa tribe was conquered by humans.

Like an ocean conquered by man, it becomes obedient.

However, these are only a few battlefield victories after all.

There is only one person who can decide the final outcome of this Asa invasion war.

That was the commander-in-chief of the Asa Protoss warriors this time, Loki.

At a time when there are many successes around the world, Loki has immediately sent his most elite warriors to snatch back the land that humanity has recaptured.

At the same time, destroy their technology!

However, this time it is not the same as in the past.

Perhaps it may also be because once the generals are dispersed, the overall combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

They were divided and conquered, all killed on the spot on the battlefield everywhere, and none remained.

Loki, who was the first to learn the news, got up from his throne with a cold gaze.

“It’s really timid, you even dare to resist, do you really want to die?!”

Loki thinks that those humans should already be grateful to them if they survive.

But now they are still resisting, and they can really think of a way to kill his generals.

Loki, who had always been suspicious, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Mankind suddenly became courageous, and the Wakanda kingdom that the father spoke of must be the reason for this.

Hehe, see me directly killing your leader, what else can you do to deal with it?

Thinking of this, Loki slowly closed his eyes, ready to directly search the location of every mortal in the entire atrium through the Rainbow Bridge.

Capture the leader of Nawakanda.

However, just when he had just captured the position of the old king of Wakanda, he was shocked to find that the people of Wakanda had already surrounded his location.

One by one, round, smooth vibranium spacecraft shimmered under the thunderclouds, reflecting lightning.

So he directly subconsciously ordered the Asa God Clan to directly bombard the vibranium spacecraft with thunder.

The result obtained can naturally be imagined, the vibranium spacecraft has a natural special effect of resisting thunder.

This is a complete attribute suppression.

Humans have always been very intelligent, and after they realized that the Asa Protoss were good at thunder, they immediately thought of ways to counteract.

The history of human confrontation with nature has been to find substances that are completely opposite to nature, so that nature’s attacks are directly nullified.

This is the mind, not the brainless reckless man.

“Look I killed your leader directly!”

Seeing that the thunder was completely ineffective, Loki was stunned for a moment, he didn’t expect that there would be something completely immune to their thunder.

Where the hell did this stuff come from?

It definitely can’t have been created by the atrium people themselves!

But it doesn’t matter, Loki has always been good at trickery and all kinds of assassinations.

Kill the head and you can solve everything!

So he instantly disappeared in place, intending to teleport directly into one of the hundreds of vibranium spaceships.

He felt the breath of the old king of Wakanda in one of the vibranium ships.

However, with another brush, he reappeared from the same place.

This silenced Loki for a few seconds before reacting.

Teleportation technology, which has never failed in the past, has also failed?

No, I should have used the wrong skill, and it may have been just a simple basic flickering skill just now.

The unbelieving Loki once again tried to shuttle into the vibranium ship.

But not surprisingly, Loki failed again.

He disappeared in place, and then reappeared in the blink of an eye, unchanged.

Wakanda had not studied any techniques to prevent enemies from teleporting inside the ship.

But the speed of technological iteration is too fast, causing them to gradually pursue perfection in all aspects.

One such technique is the accidental derivative of rapid iteration.

Wakanda named it: Strong Interaction Force Shell.

A technology that makes the shell extremely dense.

This technique must be more understood if it is Rogue.

Because this is the same as the water drop weapon shell technology controlled by the three-body force in a novel called the three-body novel he was familiar with in his previous life.

However, it is not easy to create such a shell.

Therefore, only the vibranium spaceship on which the Supreme Commander of the Old King of Wakanda rides has this technology.

But it is this technology that has left Loki helpless.

Loki’s shuttle that ignores defensive obstacles, even if it seems mysterious, is actually a little bit of a truth that can be pursued.

If he wants to go somewhere, he must first know the location of that place, and then that place has at least the slightest gap.

If the density is so high that the gap can hardly be found.

With Loki’s current divine power, it is completely impossible to shuttle into that vibranium spaceship.

“How is it possible, how could this happen?” Loki muttered with wide eyes.

He obviously couldn’t believe that he couldn’t break through the mortal spaceship.

This made him once again convinced that this could never have been something created by the people of the atrium!

It must be some more mysterious force with a deep background secretly supporting the mortals in the atrium.

Even now, he still treats humans as ants.

How can ants be too powerful?

An ant is an ant.

However, humans are not ants, and they can never be.


With the order of the old king of Wakanda, all the vibranium spaceships brushed and attacked the imposing thundercloud.

Streamers began to travel wildly through the thunderclouds.

Every time they shuttled, hundreds of Asa gods were directly smashed to pieces.

How these Asa gods used to ruthlessly slaughter humans, and now humans will return them all for a tooth.

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