Reality gemstones come in another form.

That’s the ether particle form.

In the Marvel story, Sol’s girlfriend accidentally traveled to another country to get it.

But at the same time, it also awakened the dark elves and made a mess of Asgard at that time.

Rogue understood that there was some connection between the Reality Gem and the Dark Elves.

Once the reality gem is successfully taken out, then the dark elves will inevitably wake up from the universe at the first time, and then they will probably go straight to the location of the reality gem at the first time to launch a surprise attack.

A surprise attack is a good reason.

Rogue was already on his mind at this time.

The Hundred Yue Federation is now a little famous in the universe.

However, the real distance from becoming an equal existence of countless major forces is still a little immature.

More big things have to happen.

But it must be very slow, and it will not be possible to do it in a moment.

However, the dark elves may be an opportunity for now.

With the help of the fact that the Dark Elves are attracted by the Reality Gem, he finds a reason to attract the high-level civilization forces of all parties in the universe.

In the gathering venue, the dark elves are bound to make a big fuss.

Taking advantage of this big trouble, Rogue will legitimately defeat the dark elves, and at the same time, he can also show his strength and skills to all advanced civilizations in one go.

Let them really realize that the current Baiyue Federation is already an existence that they must all take seriously.

Rogge can even take the opportunity to see if he can win over some powerful allies, or simply conquer them.

“Morgana, bring the Reality Gem back, as fast as you can.”

“Yes Your Majesty, I will act.”

With Rogue’s order, Morgana naturally took action as soon as possible.

She came to the boulder sealing array containing etheric particles.

This megalithic sealing array is also inextricably related to the Asa God Clan in the past.

It seems to be an even older era, created by Odin’s father and many forces at the time.

It is to completely seal the power of the etheric particles and avoid being found and used by villains.

Now, in the long years that have passed, the seal has long since gradually decayed.

Moreover, even if this seal is not corrupt, Morgana can easily break such a seal.

I saw Morgana’s powerful dark energy released, and the boulder sealing array barely resisted for long before it collapsed.

After the etheric particles in it lose their bondage, they are like wild horses that have escaped from control, and begin to scatter, as if they want to escape from here in this way.

Seeing this, Morgana snorted coldly, directly reached out and grabbed it, and the dark energy formed a spherical wrapping shape around all the ether particles, and then compressed and squeezed deadly.

Ether particles really have no way to face this strong and domineering binding method.

And if Morgana wanted to, she could even directly block all the breath leaked out of the etheric particles.

But just now, Rogue also specially emphasized that Morgana released the breath of etheric particles to the fullest, in order to attract dark elves hidden in unknown places in the universe.

Sure enough, when the etheric particles were just released, in a dark and deep nebula in the universe, several spaceships that looked like tomahawks were constantly sinking and floating here.

It was the dark elf who had to flee.

At one time, they were also a force with great combat effectiveness.

At its peak, you can be on an equal footing with the once most peaked Asa God Clan.

But later, the dark elves fell and began to weaken their strength, and were defeated by the Asa god race and other races.

But the dark elves at that time did not give up.

Because they also have such a powerful means as etheric particles.

In the past, when facing any crisis, almost everything could be solved using etheric particles.

Just before using the ether particle, this ether particle was sealed by the Asa God Clan and other strong races.

In the end, it was difficult to find the location of the ether particles, and in turn was ambushed and killed by the Asa God Clan.

The leader of the dark elves was naturally unwilling, and finally led the rest of his men to hide, quietly waiting for the reappearance of the etheric particles.

The moment the breath of the etheric particles was released, the dark elves in this nebula woke up almost at the same time.

“King, the ether particle has appeared!”

The Dark Elf King closed his eyes, his expression full of relief.

It’s finally here!

This time has finally arrived!

In order to wait for this time, he no longer knows how many thousand years have passed.

Finally, today the ether particle has reappeared!

And their dark elves will surely step on the stage of the universe again.

Damn Asa God Clan, after he masters the ether particles, he will definitely let the Asa God Clan pay for blood debt, and the extinction of the clan is light.

“All warships, head to the direction of the etheric particles! Take back what belongs to us, take back everything that belongs to us! ”

The dark elves let out a roar at this time, and this roar seemed to make even the surrounding nebulae tremble a little.

On Earth, Rogue directly ordered people to release a quantum message to the entire universe.

Quantum communication is hailed as a means of communication with almost no delay.

Of course, there will still be some delay at the cosmic level, but most forces can definitely harvest such information in the first place.

“Different forces everywhere in the universe, I am the supreme leader of the Hundred Yue Federation, Rogue.”

“Maybe some of you don’t know about the Hundred Yue Federation, but it doesn’t matter, this time I will give you a chance to understand, and this opportunity is that the Hundred Yue Federation has just obtained a powerful Infinity Stone.”

“Reality Gem!”

“But I don’t plan to swallow it alone, I hope to invite civilizations and forces from all over the universe to study such a special item with me, and joint research will also give our major civilizations a better communication environment, and at the same time, it will further promote the development of civilization in the entire universe.”

“I call this widely invited plan the Infinity Assembly, taking the meaning of the Infinity Stones, and at the same time blessing infinite peace in relations among all our civilizations.”

Rogue’s words spread throughout the universe in just half an hour.

But all civilizations that began to develop interstellar shuttle technology received this news almost immediately.

And this news is also quite shocking for them.

Reality gems have reappeared in the world?

They have not remembered this gem in the world for a long time.

Some relatively young civilizations even hurriedly searched for relevant records, hoping to see if they could find the story of what happened to this real gem in the past.

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