The dinner ended in the final farce.

The Kree would obviously be the most unhappy.

Oh yes, and they don’t have a chance to be unhappy anymore, because they’re all dead.

As for the Kree starships that were still rushing over, Rogue ordered the Flaming Sun Legion to directly take the initiative, not to engage in further entanglements within the solar system, and not to affect the normal opening process of the conference.

Of course, the footage of the battle will definitely be broadcast in real time, and the battle with the Kree Starship is also an opportunity to show off your muscles.

Today can be regarded as some people happy and some worried, one of which is naturally the assistant to the president from Shandar Xing.

That night, he quickly contacted the Shandar Star side to report the situation on this side.

“Mr. President, the alliance between my side and His Majesty Rogue can basically be solidified, and today His Majesty Rogue directly killed a few Kree who came to visit in front of countless civilizations, which is already an unending situation.”

If Ronan was destroyed by the Hundred Yue Kingdom, at most, it was a little difficult to get by, and it was necessary to ask for an explanation.

Then this time to directly kill the messenger of the Kree in front of countless civilizations, that is the face beating behavior of the red fruit.

With the character of the Kree, this kind of thing is really unstoppable.

The Kree will definitely regard the Baiyue country as their greatest enemy.

This even somewhat delayed the Kree attack on the Shandar Star.

The president on the other end of the communication was very satisfied: “Very good, let’s continue to establish good relations with this hundred Vietnamese federation.” ”

The presidential assistant hesitated for a moment, and then said: “Mr. President, do you really intend to fulfill your promise to the Hundred Vietnam Federation?” If their strength is really strong enough to convince us, we will become their vassals? ”

“Is there anything you can’t do?” This president looks like he doesn’t care.

“Shandar Star has been in a bottleneck for too long, science and technology are in a bottleneck period, diplomatic activities are the same, we must also find a way to find a breakthrough, right?”

“That’s exactly what it means, but I still think this promise is a little inappropriate.”

The president’s aides and Rogue promised to do most of what the president told him personally.

If the presidential assistant had made the decision himself, he would never have made that choice.

Even the speed with which the Hundred Yue Federation killed Ronan’s fleet was indeed shocking.

“If the Hundred Yue Federation really has the capital to make us submit, it is nothing to submit, so it is not good to say that it will allow us to directly break through the existing bottleneck and reach a higher level.”

Speaking of which, the president still has a hopeful gaze.

While other civilizations still think that the Hundred Yue Federation is probably using some luck to kill the two civilizations unintentionally, they take the lead in reaching friendly relations with the Hundred Yue Federation, which is a gamble.

If the bet is won, Shandar Star will really have greater development in the future.

Surrender and allegiance, he didn’t care at all.

He is confident that even if he submits to the Baiyue Federation, he only needs to pay a certain amount of resources regularly in the future, that is, the ‘protection fee’, and the Baiyue Federation will not interfere too much in the internal management of Shandar Star.

At most, when the Hundred Yue Federation needs to make some big expedition plan, they will also send troops.

The screen then turned to a place where there was still a light-year distance from the Hundred Yue God Domain, and several Tomahawk-type warships were still approaching the Hundred Yue God Domain at high speed.

They are the dark elves awakened by etheric particles.

“Wang, it’s already close, what should we do next?”

The Dark Elf King stood in front of a huge front window, his hands behind his back as he watched the space that was constantly shuttling from left to right.

“What’s next? When the distance is only half a light-year away, turn off all non-essential engines and start preparing for a surprise attack. ”

The dark elves knew very well that after all, the Asa God Clan had defeated the dark elves in the past, and the strength was finally there.

Until now, the Dark Elves still believe that the current Asgard is still ruled by the Asgard gods.

Soon, several Tomahawk-type warships began to gradually slow down after approaching the White Lightyear position of Asgard.

It was at this time that the dark elves also discovered that there were starships of different types and kinds docked around.

“What day is it? Could it be that Asgard God Domain is going to carry out the enthronement ceremony of a new king? ”

Looking at such a wide variety of different starship types, the dark elves could only think of the new king’s accession to the throne.

Just as he was about to arrive near Asgard’s God Domain, a starship had just started, seemingly intending to leave this place.

“Intercept this starship and interrogate the people inside about what happened here.” The Dark Elf King gave the order very decisively.

Soon, the people of the starship were taken to the battleship where the Dark Elf King was located with a bruised face.

“You, who are you? Don’t you know who we are? By doing this, you are getting yourself into trouble! ”

The first time these aliens saw the Dark Elf King, they began to recall in their minds.

Recall to see if there are any advanced civilizations related to your memory and the person in front of you.

But carefully recall that I haven’t found a similar civilization for a long time, and this person’s confidence is immediately much stronger.

But all civilizations with strong strength are named and surnamed, and every civilization can recognize those advanced civilizations for the first time.

He didn’t have an impression of this in front of him at all, so it must be a small civilization.

Even small civilizations dare to catch these messengers of them, it is simply looking for death!

Are you the dark horse of the Hundred Yue Federation?

“I ask you.” The Dark Elf King said in a flat tone, “Is something happening in Asgard God Domain right now?” Why are so many different starships docked here? ”

“Huh?” This messenger who was suppressed by death was slightly stunned when he heard the words of the Dark Elf King.

Who is this person, how come he doesn’t even know such a thing as the Infinite Assembly?

Also, this place is no longer called Asgard God Domain, but Baiyue God Domain.

“I’m asking you questions, answering my questions.”

“On what basis shall I answer you? Now you hurry up and let us go! In this way, the forces behind us can still open the net, otherwise, hum. ”

Although this man’s face was bruised when he was beaten just now, his tone was still so rushed.

“It seems that this universe has almost forgotten our existence.” The Dark Elf King sighed.

Once, how powerful the dark elf race was.

At its peak, it can be said that it was on an equal footing with the peak of the Asa God Race, and it was a hegemon-level civilization in the universe in that era.

And now, these young civilizations have long forgotten their existence.

However, since they have forgotten, let them remember it now!

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