“I didn’t expect that I just left for a while, and the periphery was almost pierced by the combination of a few of you guys.”

After the owner of that hand threw out Thor, he slowly walked out of the whirlpool passage.

That was Rogue himself.

At this time, he was wearing the Hades Divine Armor and the sharp Hades Sword around his waist, and the momentum of the whole person at this time was obviously different from the past.

Rogue in the past, if said to be a powerful mortal.

Then now his body has a divinity that it did not have before.

At the same time, his strength also looks more restrained, unless he fights Rogue head-on, it may be difficult for anyone to judge how strong Rogue is.

Rogue was originally in his palace silently enjoying the pleasure of continuous promotion in strength.

But after all, he also wanted to take a look at the situation outside the palace a little.

Unexpectedly, when I looked at this, I found that the entire God Domain was full of improvised fortifications.

As a result, when I asked, I learned that Thanos and the dark elves would join forces to attack.

He never expected that such a powerful force would join forces one day.

Perhaps the Hundred Yue Federation is also unprecedented.

But Rogue wasn’t worried about the situation.

Because he knows his strength.

In the past, when he was still a mortal, he was completely unafraid of opponents such as Thanos and the Dark Elf King.

Now that he has become a divine body, and then has powerful divine armor and sword, against Thanos and the dark elves, it is as easy as the game opening a simple mode.

“Just now, I didn’t see his movements clearly.”

Thanos’ expression became very serious.

Just now, he controlled Thor with one hand and threw it out, which made him frightened for a while.

Sol’s strength is only slightly weaker than theirs.

But Thor just now had almost no ability to resist.

There may be other reasons for this, such as Thor being defenseless to deal with Rogue’s attacks.

It’s just that it shouldn’t be exaggerated to the extent that you can’t react if you are thrown out so far.

The Dark Elf King also saw the strength of Rogue, which made him immediately feel alarm bells in his heart.

At first, he didn’t take this king of Baiyue very seriously.

But now he realized he might have changed his mind.

Then, the Dark Elf King and Thanos looked at each other at the same time.

They both saw the nervousness in the face of Rogue in each other’s eyes.

At the same time, the two seemed to nod their heads in tacit understanding.

This is obviously because the two have realized that they may now need two people to cooperate against Rogue.

If it is a single person, I am afraid that it is really a little difficult to deal with Rogue.

This is the intuition of the strong.

And they have always been convinced that their instincts are correct.

“Huh? It looks like you two want to join forces to attack me? Okay, let’s go together, just so I can save time. ”

Saying that, Rogue’s hands slowly clenched, and then three powerful energies began to spread wildly outward centered on Rogue.

In the distance, the envoys who were observing the battle here through the telescope were watching the war very leisurely, and at the same time pondering that their forces should quickly send people over to pick up some good things left over by the two major forces.

But in the blink of an eye, they saw Rogue appear, and then three terrifying energy fluctuations were released from Rogue’s body at the same time.

Those three fluctuations almost instantly paralyzed these non-combat starships in the distance.

Only the battleship led by Thanos and the Dark Elves was not completely paralyzed, but it was also affected by the huge impact of these three powerful fluctuations.

The telescopes used by the envoys in the distance also exploded at that moment, which caused the envoys of many forces to exclaim and scream.

“Ah! My eyes! ”

“What just happened?!”

“I saw it! I saw it with my own eyes! Three energy fluctuations suddenly appeared on the king of Baiyue, which looked like three miniature black holes! ”

Before their respective telescopes burst, some of them could barely see what had just happened.

It also shocked them.

“So, is that the power of gems?”

Someone said tremblingly.

They hadn’t had the chance to truly see the power of gemstones in the past.

Gemstones have always been the equivalent of legends in many civilizations.

At this moment, there was a sudden scene of suspected use of gemstones, which made everyone sure that this must be something that gems can do.

“However, what King Baiyue has seems to be three miniature black holes, which means that Rogue has three gems in his hand?”

Thinking of this, everyone suddenly had a shuddering feeling.

It turned out that from the beginning, Rogue had more than one gem.

Now that I think about it, it all makes sense.

If you just own a gem, the chances of being snatched away are still quite high.

Unless there is a certain level of knowledge of gemstones.

Dark Elves are born with great control over realistic gems in the form of etheric particles.

Otherwise, the average person holding the gem to play the left and right is only about one-tenth.

But with three gems, the effect will increase geometrically.

Thinking of this, these people trembled in their hearts again, and countless indescribable emotions in their hearts were rapidly expanding.

On Thanos’s side, Thanos’ face also changed greatly.

He knew the power of gemstones.

Rogue has at most one Space Gem and one Reality Gem.

Neither of these gems can be used in direct combat.

Then, the strength that Rogue is displaying now is the other treasures he has, or the embodiment of his own strength.

At the same time, the Dark Elf King on Thanos’ side also realized this, and then he immediately made a decision.


The three converging coercion released by Rogue just now far exceeded him.

It was something he couldn’t imagine.

But no matter how hard it is to accept, the facts are now in front of us.

“The whole army retreats! Quick retreat! ”

The dark elf roared loudly, and at the same time quickly returned to his Tomahawk-type battleship several times faster than when he came out.

It seemed that only in that battleship would he feel a little at ease.

Rogue breathed slightly at this time, and then he looked in the direction where Thanos and the dark elf were fleeing.

He had no intention of pursuing, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t let these two people know the consequences of provoking him.

Then he slowly raised his arm.

One by one, the power of Hades was released from the small universe in his chest.

Every inch of arm raised, the power contained in it grows.

Until Rogue raised the hand holding the sword of Hades above his head, and then swung it sharply.

Immediately afterwards, Rogue repeated the action just now and swung his second sword.

Two sword rays also followed the trend and ran in the direction of Thanos and the Dark Elf King.

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