
The sound of mechanical rotation becomes particularly noticeable in the laboratory.

Tony has been busy working on Mark 1 all this time.

After seeing Louis come up with “pure” armor the other day.

Tony was like holding his stomach on fire.

In addition to eating and sleeping, I was basically in the laboratory.

I’m going crazy.

You can imagine how much stimulation Louis gave Tony.

But it’s all positive stimuli.

The end result was the early launch of Mark 2.

Sterling silver metallic paint surgery, not yet painted.

But it already seems to have some momentum of the future classic Mark 3.

Tony wears a synchronization device on his head, which is designed to coordinate with the armor.

The Mark 2 is made of metal throughout, and even the lightweight metal used is very heavy.

Louie wants to wear and walk, it is a little difficult, let alone Tony, a technical house.

“Jarvis, start the armor, turn on the homology.”

“Good enough, sir!”

“The armor is being started, the homology begins.”

Accompanied by the blue light of the device on Tony’s head, this proves that homology is complete.

Tony moved his wrist tentatively.

Armor is also moving accordingly.





Test by test is going on one by one.

Louis was also watching the Mark 2 test, although it had not yet been installed, and the performance of the armor itself showed endless potential.

Kamen Rider armor and Mark series armor are actually a bit like two extremes.

Louis harnessed the Kamen Rider armor more through his own power, so no homology equipment was required.

Moreover, Louis’s fighting style is more inclined to hand-to-hand combat, fist to flesh.

The Mark series is geared towards firepower, high mobility, and technology supremacy.

Therefore, compared with the simple and crude test content of the Kamen Rider series, the test of the Mark series will be more complicated.

After all, more needs to control the deployment command through the exclusive system of the Mark series.

With the end of the last project test.

Tony turned off the homology device on his head, and Mark 2 went to sleep.

“Jarvis, what is the cohomology rate?” Tony asked eagerly.

“98.32 percent, the cohomology rate when bouncing, running, and flying is low, and the error will be greater in extreme environments.”

Tony frowned, this data was actually expected by him.

But I was still a little dissatisfied.

Because the Kamen Rider developed by Louis does not have a homology rate at all, everything is controlled by Louis.

In other words, the homology rate is always 100%.

The combat power is also set according to Louis himself.

If Mark 2 is just that, then there is no advantage in facing the G3 except for being able to fly.

But just flying, in the face of the G3’s fire coverage, the Mark2’s defense is slightly worrying.

After all, in order to be able to fly, Mark 2 armor is made of light metal, which is easy to flaws under the cover of fire.

Tony sighed, he was still a little too anxious.

“Do you want to come and fight? Bigger problems will be discovered in actual combat. Louis smiled wickedly.

He wants to take advantage of the fact that Mark 2 is still in the development stage, bloody abuse once.

Otherwise, after the finished product, Louis felt that it was a little difficult to bloodily abuse a flying Mark 2.

Tony’s eyes lit up.

Louis is right, all the data is not as real as a fight.

“However, the battle of these two guys, the laboratory can not withstand such damage.” Louis didn’t want to make a mess of his home.

“It’s okay, Roddy, they have a small base dedicated to testing weapons, let’s go there.” Tony said immediately.

The test base of the military, do not use it in vain.

“Jarvis, help me contact Roddy.” Tony shouted.

It didn’t take long for Roddy’s voice to sound.

“Tony, it’s really rare that you actually call me.”

“Roddy, I need to borrow your military’s test base.”

“Test base? No problem, you closed the weapons research and development department, few people have passed there now, when will it come? ”

“Me and Louis will go now.”

“Hey, wait, is Louis coming over too?”

“Yes, we’ll be there soon.”

With that, Tony hung up the phone.

“Roddy looks like I’m not welcome?” Louis smiled wickedly.

Isn’t the psychological shadow he caused to Roddy a little too big?

“If you restrain your personality a little, he will like you.” Tony complained.

“Then forget it.” Louis did not have the slightest interest in the liking of a big man.

It didn’t take long.

Tony appeared at the agreed place in the angry red Audi R8.

Roddy had been waiting here for a while, and when he saw Louis appear, Roddy subconsciously skimmed his face.

I really don’t want to see Louis.

Before Tony could say hello, Louis had already approached Roddy.

“Roddy, Ethan took pure armor for testing, can you explain why the people haven’t been put back so far?” Louis’s tone was tinged with malice.

“Sorry, Mr. Louis, the test results are satisfactory, the military top is discussing the purchase of pure armor, but before that, in order to prevent the news from being leaked, we decided to let Mr. Ethan live in the Pentagon for a while.”

“Please rest assured that the treatment we give is absolutely the most luxurious.”

Roddy immediately explained, for fear of being misunderstood by Louis.

He had seen the large box that Louis was holding with the letters “G3” written on it.

The set of armor that was like a demon descending into the world, Louis actually brought it.

If, Louis, like that day, wantonly kills-


The sweat on Roddy’s forehead dripped to the ground.

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