Louis’s answer was unexpected, but expected.

He never looked like a person bound by the organization, and he joined S.H.I.E.L.D. only because he wanted to get the Cosmic Cube.

If it weren’t for the fact that he didn’t want to turn his face so early, Louis would now be ready to retire S.H.I.E.L.D.

Hear Louis’s decisive refusal.

Fury was silent, and Black Widow was stunned.

“If nothing else, I’ll leave first, Tony is still waiting for me to go back to dinner.”

Louis’s expression was very indifferent, and he did not feel the slightest unease because he rejected the Avengers.

Seeing that Fury didn’t speak, Louis beckoned, just to wave goodbye.

Watch as Louis close the door and disappear from view.

Fury slammed his fist on the desk.

to show the anger in his heart now.

Black Widow can only sigh, to be honest, these days of getting along, Black Widow is really unwilling to be an enemy of Louis.

The strength shown by Louis is shocking.

She couldn’t imagine the scene after Louis became an enemy.

“Let’s hope he won’t become our enemy.” Black Widow said with a sigh.

“He’s a smart guy.” Fury said in a deep voice.

On the surface, it was very calm, but no one knew what was going on in Fury’s head.

Left the three-curved wing building.

Louis whistled and walked down the road very informally.

I found a public phone booth and used a spatial barrier.

Hawkeye had long disappeared from Louis’s range of perception, so Louis headed for his intended position.

Finally, the Hawkeye trail was found near Dulles International Airport

When it was confirmed that the destination of the plane that Hawkeye boarded was Mexico, the corners of Louis’s mouth showed his usual smile.

Louis used the Cosmic Cube to make a long-distance space jump.

Jumped from Washington to New York and back to the Stark Building.

Tony moved the lab here.

Ethan has long returned from a tour.

Although it is not known whether Louis did it deliberately, Ethan avoided a crisis.

This made Ethan even more convinced of Louis

Thinks that Louis is definitely an angel sent by God to save himself.

Oh no, Louis he is God.

“The Cosmic Cube was taken away.”

These were the first words Tony said when he saw Louis.

He was deeply sorry for this, the Cosmic Cube was Louis’s thing, but he didn’t take good care of it.

Tony felt that he didn’t have anything to protect Louis, so he felt a little uncomfortable.

“If I could, I would take out Stark Industries’ shares to compensate.”

“Although it may not be able to exchange for the Cosmic Cube.”

Tony is well aware of the value of the Cosmic Cube, and it is difficult to exchange for how much money it is.

Seeing Tony so honest, Louis was very embarrassed to accept the shares that Tony gave him Stark Industries.

Is that a bonus?

Louis looked at the Cosmic Cube lying in space and nodded silently, he was really a little clever ghost.

And Tony, who saw Louis accept his own compensation, was also relieved.

His biggest fear was that Louis wouldn’t forgive himself.

After a hasty meal, Louis rushed to his laboratory.

“Mr. Tony, I have almost completed the task you gave me.”

Ethan pointed to the armor module of the four Kamen Rider armor built in the virtual space.

Despite Jarvis’s help, Ethan’s speed surprised Louis.

You know, Faiz is the weakest armor in the basic data among the five Kamen Riders.

If all the remaining armor is completed, Louis will have a combination to deal with multiple battles.

“It’s done well, let’s start R&D and building.” Louis’s eyes were filled with roaring fire.

I can finally have the full armor of the series. (without taking into account mass production and manga, stage play versions).

“Mr. Louis, what are we going to build first?” Ethan was also excited, and Ethan, who built the overall model, infused considerable affection into the four pieces of armor.

Now that it can finally be built, naturally I can’t wait.

“At the same time.” Louis’s eyes were full of ambition and said coldly.

“Could it be too -” Ethan wanted to say that he couldn’t be fat in one bite.

But seeing Louis’s serious and determined expression, Ethan had to sacrifice his life to accompany the gentleman.

“By the way, a new friend will join in a few days.” Louis remembered Banner lying in space for physical recovery.

Although he has not woken up yet, Banner’s vital signs are getting stronger.


Sunlight shone into the ward.

Banner felt that every cell in his body was greedily absorbing the fresh air outside the window.

“Where am I?” Banner looked at his hands and had returned to normal.

Before losing memory, it was encirclement, it was fighting.

Have you failed yourself?


Banner shook his head, he didn’t know anything about what happened after the transformation.

This made him a little irritable.

“Looks like you’re replying well.” After Louis learned that Banner had woken up, he immediately rushed over through the spatial barrier.

“Are you—Mr. Louis?” Banner has not forgotten the man who knew his identity.

“You saved me?”

“It’s obvious.”

“What do you want me to do? Cooperate with you to study my transformation? ”

“As I said, I will teach you how to use your abilities, as for what you are going to do, I only need your help to develop my armor for the time being.” Louis said with a smile.

“Armor?” Banner looked confused.

“Take you to my lab and introduce you to your future work partner by the way.”

Louis took Banner to the laboratory in the Stark Building.

Ethan had long heard that someone new was coming today, and he deliberately made himself look less messy.

Then the moment he saw Banner, Ethan was dumbfounded, “You are, Bruce. Dr. Banner? ”

“Dr. Ethan, you’re actually here.” Banner didn’t expect to see Ethan here either.

Both are experts in physics, and it’s no surprise that they know each other.

Seeing that Ethan was also here, Banner’s guard was lowered a bit.

“Take a look at our research, these are the armor we are developing, this set is Kaixa, this set is Delta, and this set-”

Ethan is proud to present Banner with the results of his provisional research.

“You came to me just to get me to join the research?” Dr. Banner is used to escaping and is wary of anyone.

Louis was so purposeless, which made Banner a little unaccustomed.

“That’s all for now, how about it, are you willing to stay?” At Stark Industries, as long as I am there, no one can take you away. Louis smiled and invited.

“I would love to serve you, Monsieur Louis.” Banner immediately agreed.

He’s had enough of running away.

“Very well, welcome to the board, Dr. Banner.”

Louis hugged Banner.

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