With the Space Gem Protector, Louis doesn’t worry about what Loki will do.

Through the dimensional rift, Louis felt that the air here was not in the same proportion as the composition of the earth.

Before Louis could think, Loki’s attack came again.

As a member of the Frost Giants, Loki was born with a unique grasp of the ice system’s divine arts.

The divine magic with extremely cold cold almost covered the ground with white frost and began to penetrate into Louis’s body.

“Ice?” Louis sneered.

“To deal with the cold, then use flames.”

The 555 series transformer is already in your hand.


The purple-red flames burned Louis’s body, but did not hurt in the slightest.

In the purple-red flames, silver-black Delta armor covered Louis’s entire body.

The purple-red flames burned out the cold aura around them.

As if devouring, it rushed along the source of the cold breath.

Delta’s flames rushed towards Loki like a dragon of fire.

This forced Loki to stop the continuous output of the Frozen Magic.


The purple-red flames converged and returned to themselves.

The Datta armor stood on the ground, and the silver-black armor exuded a strong desire to attack.

When Louis developed and built Delta, he focused on Delta’s strong offensive capabilities.

Loki looked at Delta warily, this should be something similar to the Asgard armor.

In the face of such armor, Loki did not dare to be careless.

The purple-red flame just now actually made him feel like he was going to be destroyed.

If you touch a little, I am afraid it will be very difficult to solve.

“I think we can calm down and have a good chat.”

Louis doesn’t want to fight Loki, in case he provokes Odin, Louis is not sure of surviving in the existence of the Heavenly Father level now.

It was a powerful and ancient existence that had lived for thirty thousand years.

“I think so too.” Loki also laughed, but did not let his guard down in the slightest.

“You disarm the magic first.”

“You take off the armor first.”

Two people said at the same time, no one let anyone.

“Or, together?”

“Then together.”

“I count three and lift them together.”


Louis and Loki stared at each other, and Louis began to count.




The extremely cold divine technique collided with the purple-red flames.

Both of them retreated in embarrassment, obviously in the confrontation just now, no one let anyone, and no one got any advantage as a result.

“Hehe Louis sneered.

“Each other.” Loki smiled grimly.

This was the first time he had met someone with a gloomy mind like himself, and they all wanted to go together.

If this is the case, then there must be no living mouth.

As soon as Loki thought of this, his body floated in the air, and huge divine power fluctuations began to surge around him.

Countless energies gathered together, rubbing against each other, colliding, and exploding at the slightest mistake.

But Loki controls it with ease, and he is worthy of being one of the most powerful wizards in the fairy palace.

Feeling such a huge power, Louis’s face also became heavy.

The phone on the belt was taken out, and Louis pressed the Φ key.


The red-black Faiz replaced the Delta, one of Louis’s most familiar combat armor.

Loki did not dare to be careless, countless energies gathered to an extreme point, and began to explode one after another around Louis.

The sound of huge explosions resounded almost in the sky, and the sound of battle could be heard in the distant Asgard Immortal Palace.

Loki couldn’t care so much, and when the time came, he said that he was trying to kill the invaders who invaded Asgard.

Louis waved.

One space barrier after another, constantly dodging these energy explosions.

However, it was attacked by the aftermath.

“Give up, since you know those secrets, you will give me death.”

Loki’s hands, controlling the frost, prepared to freeze Louis forever.

This is the power of the gods, from the talent of the Frost Giants.

But Louis was faster, Faiz accelerated form turned on, and the speed reached its limit in an instant!


At Mach 50, even Loki can’t be prevented.

The upward red air currents wrapped around the body are the breath of photon blood evaporating under the load.

The silver-black Faiz moved at high speed, and the core matrix of his chest was running at high speed, cooperating with Louis’s attack.

Loki only felt that space was imprisoned in an instant.

Several crimson drills were aimed at him, which made him feel uneasy.

Faiz’s figure disappeared and reappeared, penetrating one crimson drill bit after another, and the crimson electric drill that rotated violently accumulated thick and thin.

Fiercely pierced Loki’s body.

Crimson Electric Drill – Nine Combos!

The crimson electric drill cooperated with the power of space to run around Loki’s body, and countless explosions sounded in Loki’s body.

The shaking caused by the explosion almost cut the surrounding ground down.

Even with the physique of a frost giant, Loki felt that he was facing the threat of death.

Do you really want to die in this?

Just as Loki thought so, a gentle energy was injected into Loki’s body.

The eight-legged Tianma Slapnis stepped on the void and landed in mid-air.

The Drognir golden ring on his back emitted a thick divine power infusion into Loki’s body.

Smoothed out all the damage caused by the Crimson Electric Drill.

Louis shook his head in disdain, and from here you could see how partial Odin was.

No wonder Loki wants to usurp the throne, Odin saves Thor himself, and to save Loki he shoots a horse over.

This treatment can be described as a world of difference.

Loki, recovering from his injuries, glared at Louis and did not speak.

Since Sleipnis came here, it naturally represented Odin’s will.

Louis didn’t touch the armor, just looked at this eight-legged pegasus, a rare species, and really wanted to raise one.

Sensing the offending thoughts in Louis’s mind, Sleipnis snorted and motioned for Louis to go with him.

Since this is the invitation of the god king Odin, Louis has no way to refuse.

With his current combat strength, it is possible to defeat this eight-legged pegasus by turning on the burst mode, let alone when facing Odin.

That is a well-known existence in the universe, a strong person at the level of the Heavenly Father.

Louis did not touch Faiz’s armament and walked side by side with Loki, following behind the eight-legged Pegasus.

“Why don’t you ride a horse?” Louis asked curiously.

“You can try.” Loki pouted Louis with his hand.

“Then forget it.” Louis is not stupid, just follow behind honestly.

“I think the status of the two of us is not as good as that of a horse.” Louis felt a little awful, but it seemed to be true.

Loki was silent and did not speak, in Asgard, Loki was nominally Odin’s son, but in fact his status was not very high.

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