“Shield?” Fury was stunned for a moment.

Steve was probably talking about the iconic Star Shield.

I saw it in old brochures.

“We didn’t find the shield, you were found by an expedition and sent over.”

“Perhaps in a long slumber, the shield fell somewhere else.”

Fury felt that a shield was not a big deal.

“Unfortunately, it was made of pure vibranium, and Mr. Howard used almost all of the metal.” Steve nodded.

Although he liked the shield, if it was lost, there was no way around it.

Steve wasn’t prepared to let S.H.I.E.L.D. waste a lot of manpower and material resources to help him find the shield for his own reasons.

“Vibranium?” Fury’s cheeks twitched.

He really didn’t want to hear that word now.

The point is, Steve’s vibranium shield, such a big piece –

How much does that cost?

That shield looks like it’s about ten pounds, which is —

Forty-five million dollars!

Fury felt that he was wrong, and his mentality was instantly unbalanced.

That’s 450 billion dollars, Fury now wants to find someone to salvage this shield, is there anything more profitable to be salvaged shield?

But Fury knew he couldn’t do it because it was too costly.

Searching for a vibranium shield in the middle of nowhere?

As long as it is not a brain pump, it will definitely not do such a thing.

Fury looked at Steve with a pitying look and said, “I’ll ask someone to build you a shield as soon as possible as a backup.” ”

“Then it’s bothering you.” Steve nodded.

Stark Industries.

Louis, Langton and Tony were discussing building a workshop for Langton.

“Isn’t it okay to use a melting device in the laboratory?” Tony asked.

When he saw that Louis and Langton were discussing which active volcano to choose to build the workshop, he knew that Louis was ready to do something.

“If you want to smelt vibranium and metals such as Ulu, the melting temperature in the laboratory is far from enough, and if you increase the temperature, the energy consumed is too large.”

“And, for vibranium and uru, it would be better to use the temperature of nature, and the dwarves have an affinity for flames.”

Langton had already tried the laboratory melting device, although the temperature could be adjusted at will, and there were higher temperature melting devices, but after Langton felt it, he shook his head.

These artificially increased temperatures can only craft ordinary weapons, but Lanton’s targets are not just ordinary weapons.

“Okay, so what’s your plan? Buying a volcano is a big deal, and it doesn’t matter if it’s just an active volcanic island off the coast. “Tony is also rich, and the offshore islands are really not a thing for Tony.

Stark Industries has quite a few private estates on overseas islands.

Just ask is not bad money.

Langton knew as soon as he heard that Tony was a big man, and unceremoniously selected his target on the map.

Louis: “Groove!” ”

Tony: “Groove! ”

The voices of the two attracted Ethan and Banner as well, when they saw Langton’s choice of targets.

Ethan: “Groove! ”

Banner: “Groove! ”

Everyone fell silent, and Louis tentatively asked, “Are you serious?” ”

The other three waited in unison for Langton’s answer.

“This is the largest active volcano, and I look at its eruptions in the last few thousand years, which should be a rare volcano, and it can even drain extremely high temperature molten slurry from the center of the earth.”

Langton looked at everyone and said seriously: “It’s very suitable for crafting weapons.” ”

“Metals like Ulu, weapons are crafted using the energy of an asteroid.”

“Earth’s molten slurry can barely be used to create it.”

Louis glanced at Tony with difficulty, and Tony felt that he was already a loser.

As a result, Louis was more defeated than him, this is an active volcano, or the most famous volcano in the United States, this –


Louis saw Tony’s expression and without saying a word, he helped Tony make a decision.

Ask, just buy!

Stark Industries, how can it be short of money?


And right now!

Fury, a poor people, looked distressed at the grant he had just applied for from Congress, which was used to repair the Tricurved Wing building.

He also built Steve a shield of Edman alloy.

Although it is not comparable to vibranium, Steve can use it well.

The defense is also very strong, and that’s enough.

The meaning of the shield is to protect.

Steve joined the Avengers, which gave the Avengers their own leader.

General Ross also has no objection to this, really speaking, Steve has lived to this day, and the rank is definitely higher than him.

Fury thought he could breathe a sigh of relief.

Let the next Avengers enter a stable development situation.

But when Fury learned that Stark Industries had invested in the purchase of Yellowstone National Park, his eyes were filled with a thirst for money.

Without even thinking about it, he knew that this was definitely Louis’s idea.

Stark Industries’ money power is terrifying

But why did Louis buy Lower Yellowstone National Park?

Fury knew that Louis definitely had a purpose, but what purpose, Fury was puzzled.

Fury is like sending someone to find out what happened in Yellowstone National Park, but he is worried about angering Louis.

Louis’s fighting power, the entire Avengers now combined is not his opponent.

“Coulson, what purpose do you say Louis has?” Fury asked.

The geographical location of Yellowstone National Park is marked on the map.

“This—I don’t understand, it doesn’t feel meaningful, unless Louis finds the treasure there and needs to dig up.” Coulson made his own conjecture.

“The remuneration that Louis asked us for was all metals, and you can imagine Louis’s scarcity of special metals, if there is a metal vein inside Yellowstone National Park——”

Coulson didn’t continue, it was just a guess on his part.

Fury’s eyes lit up, and he immediately took the stubble.

“Then it makes perfect sense to buy a Yellowstone National Park.”

This is almost the most perfect explanation, and Fury feels that Coulson’s analysis of this wave is simply full of marks.

As for the guy who is thought to have bought Yellowstone National Park for a rare vein, he is now enduring ultra-high temperatures underground.

“Lanton, no, the temperature here is not friendly at all.” Louis complained that even his physique felt hot here.

“It’s almost there, it’s almost here.” Langton stopped, feeling the temperature around him, and the metal he was testing in his hand began to show signs of melting.

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