Langton also wanted to build a large planet-level teleportation array, but unfortunately there was no way.

This is not the Asgard Rainbow Bridge, you can go wherever you want.

Hearing Lanton’s words, Louis also tried it, only to find that the largest range he could jump to in space was the moon.

It’s not that space gems can’t work, but Louis can’t.

The physique is still too weak, and the use of space gems also requires a strong physique, or build a huge teleportation array from space gems.

Louis shook his head and asked, “Is the moon okay?” ”

“No, my use of the power of the planet will inevitably affect the planet, the moon and the earth are too close, if I use the power of the moon, then many natural laws on the earth will change.” Langton explained.

“Then forget it.”

Louis felt that if he did this, the first person to come to him would be the ancient mage, or some of the other gods of the earth.

“I’m already here, just in time to hear my name spoken in your heart.” An ethereal voice sounded behind Louis.

Louis and Langton attacked behind them at the same time, but two magic arrays blocked Louis and Lanton’s attack.

The ancient mage looked at Louis curiously, and she also felt the power of the space gem on Louis’s body.

So long ago, she felt someone far away in New York touching the power of the Infinity Stones.

Now it seems to be the person in front of him.

“You know my existence, and you know the other gods of the earth.” Furuichi’s voice was calm and did not carry the slightest emotion, but every word hit the bullseye.

“I can’t see through your past and future.”

“What are you? There are no people from the past, present, and future. ”

The more Gu Yi looked, the more she felt Louis’s strangeness, and on Louis’s body, she could not see any breath of time.

It is as if there is no birth, old age, illness and death, and there is no reincarnation.

Langton still wanted to resist, but was suppressed to the ground by a magic array, unable to move.

Louis didn’t have the slightest reaction, just looked at Gu Yi indifferently.

The eyes lost all their radiance in an instant, leaving only endless depth.

Louis and Gu Yi looked at each other, and Furuichi saw killing, light, and despair in that depth.

There is a king who walks on the road of blood and ascends to the final throne.

On the king’s staircase, there are bones.

Then in an instant, all the picture remained only deep.

What you can see is what I want you to see.

I don’t want you to see it, you can’t see anything.

Furuichi felt the domineering of the king in Louis, a feeling she had only seen in a few people.

Odin of Asgard, Zeus of Olympus…

“I understand, young king, I hope you will not endanger the earth, otherwise I can only protect the earth with my life.” Gu Yi said to Louis.

The surrounding space twisted, and Furuichi left from one of the magic arrays.

Langton was no longer imprisoned, and he immediately got up and came to Louis’s side, looking at Louis with some concern.

“Mr. Louis, are you all right?” Langton shouted loudly.

A pair of big hands grabbed Louis’s arm and shook it vigorously.

Louis’s deep eyes suddenly regained their clarity, and he looked around a little blankly.

“What about Gu Yi? Wasn’t she still here just now? Louis asked suspiciously.

“She and Mr. Louis, you looked at each other for a moment and left.” Langton said he hadn’t heard what Gu Yi had said to Louis at all.

“Look at each other? Why don’t I remember? Forget it, this big guy doesn’t bother me. Louis rubbed Lanton’s somewhat sore arm, and thought,

“Mr. Louis, who is that woman? How do I feel that she is stronger than the Dwarf King, not even weaker than Odin. ”

“She, ah, is the guardian of the earth, you touched the will of the earth before, and it is normal for her to come to the door.”

Louis explained the purpose of Gu Yi’s visit, and it must be Langton’s bratish goods that caused trouble

However, fortunately, it did not cause any major problems

Otherwise, Gu Yi would not have let Langton go casually.

“I’ll think about Mars, you first help me research the formula of Edman metal.”

“I am trying, and as a forger, the first time is of course to choose the metal that interests me the most.”

“Okay, Edman Metal speeds up the schedule, I will need them for a lot of my future armor.”

“Don’t worry, leave it to me, Hiccup-”

Langton waved his big hand, and then burped, all over his body.

A magic array appeared on the ground, and Langton walked through the magic array and returned to his workshop.

Forged with wine, for a long time.

Louis rolled his eyes, hoping that Langton wouldn’t drink and make a mistake.

But forging armor through Mars, the space jump technology required is a big problem.

With the existing technology, it would take more than a hundred days to fly from Earth to Mars.

It’s simply too late.

Louis thought of Gu Yi, as an archmage, in Lanton’s perception, Gu Yi was even more dangerous than the Dwarf King and Odin.

If you want to get a way to go to Mars, in a short period of time, going to find Gu Yi is definitely the best choice.

The barrier of space appeared in front of Louis, and the wind and snow barrier at the other end, and through the barrier of space, Louis could feel the cruel weather there.

Louis stepped out, and the spatial barrier disappeared in place.

This is the foothills of the Himalayas and home to Karma Taj.

When Louis appeared in the Himalayas, Gu Yi, who was sitting on the top of the mountain, immediately felt Louis’s arrival.

“Casillas, you go, there are guests coming.” The voice of the ancient mage reached Casillas’ ears.

Casillas, who was practicing, stood up and walked in to the teleportation array leading to the foot of the mountain.

Louis used the power of the space gem, but found that this place had long been blocked by the magic of Gu Yi.

While thinking about how to find Karma Taj, Casillas appeared in front of Louis.

Seeing Louis, Casillas’ first reaction was frivolity, and Louis looked very unprofessional.

Such a person would be a guest of Karma Taj?

Casillas was skeptical.

Louis also saw Casillas for the first time, and at this time, Casillas had just begun to learn magic with Guyi, and he was still learning orthodox white magic.

The whole person did not look like it was eroded by darkness later.

“You’re a guest of Karma Taj?” Casillas looked around and saw no one else there.

In the end, he set his sights on Louis.

In these four weeks, Louis was alone.

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