Louis’s eyes became extremely evil when he said the word “kill”.

Even Furuichi felt a chill.

As for Mordo, he felt that a certain nerve in the brain was pierced in half.

“Rearrange a room for me, and I’ll live here for the rest of the time.”

Louis originally wanted to go back to his room to live, but when he saw a ruin, he thought that the room had been completely destroyed by himself.

Furuichi’s eyes softened, but fortunately Louis did not continue to rip off.

Otherwise, Gu Yi didn’t dare to say what he really did to Louis.

Glancing at Mordo indifferently, Gu Yi shook his head helplessly.

This one disciple, he knew for a long time.

The heart is proud and talented, but this heart is still a little worse.

The position of the Supreme Mage, Mordo is really not the right person.

Gu Yi Mage said softly: “Mordo, go back, a month, think clearly.” ”

Mordo glanced at Gu Yi with relief, this was not protecting him.

If left unprotected, Louis could kill himself at any time.

“Casillas, rearrange a room for Karma Taj guests.”

Casillas’ ears heard Guichi’s voice, and he put away the fanaticism in his eyes and became unusually calm.

Faith, sometimes, doesn’t need to be superficial all the time.

Warm candle fire.

Fragrant tea.

Almost identical room, Louis walked in satisfied.

It seems that Casillas also has a heart, this exactly the same room, actually let him arrange one for Louis.

“Mr. Louis, if you need anything, you can come to me directly.” Casillas said respectfully.

After that, he quietly exited the room.

Louis looked at him suspiciously, and always felt that Casillas’s attitude had changed by one hundred and eighty degrees.

Obviously he was still indifferent before.

It seems that it is still necessary to show your strength in a timely manner.

Louis spent his first night at Karma Taj with peace of mind.

But this night was ten thousand terrified for Mordo, ten thousand for Casillas, ten thousand for prayer.

Louis was alone and slept until dawn.

People who have no heart and no lungs have high sleep quality.

Early the next morning, Louis was woken up by the training of the disciples outside.

A Karma Taj practice uniform was placed in the doorway, using a magic array to maintain the temperature, so that it was still warm when he got it.

Louis changed into clothes and went to the place where everyone practiced, where a group of people practiced strange postures.

But in these postures, there are pulsations of the muscles and meridians of the body.

They used this to sense the energy between heaven and earth, and then to the point of depicting the magic array.

Mordo was locked up, and the person in charge of supervision became Casillas.

When he saw Louis appear, Casillas immediately came over and said very respectfully: “Mr. Louis, breakfast will be open for a while, and it will be open after the morning exercise.” ”

Louis nodded and looked at the other disciples’ training.

Casillas saw that Louis was interested in these things, and immediately said: “These things are the most basic exercises of the disciples of Karma Taj, so as to understand the power of heaven and earth, and it is also the power of their own familiarity.” ”

Louis fell from a height with a jump, smashing the ground into a crater.

Louis learned the movements of these disciples and began to practice, but every time he moved, he felt a little unnatural and unaccustomed to his body.

But to others, Louis’s performance was simply devilish.

The movements are very stable, and every punch and movement will drive the air flow between heaven and earth.

After a while, a fierce wind was set off in the training square.

Everyone left far away, watching Louis’s performance, Casillas was more sure that Louis was an old monster.

When the wind rises on the ground, why make waves.

Louis felt the irritability in his heart more and more, and pushed all the power forward.


The loud roar startled Louis himself.

As far as the eye can see, the originally flat square is now completely destroyed by Louis.

Every floor tile is lifted and broken.

At the incision, smooth and flat.

As if cut by a sharp blade, is this the power of the wind, or my own?

Louis saw that everyone was standing aside and immediately ran over.

Seeing Louis coming, everyone took a step back in unison.

Louie’s performance was so terrifying, a complete monster.

Casillas also swallowed a mouthful of saliva, Louis’s performance, even if it is an old monster, is also an old monster without magical power.

But such a force –

It’s scary.

“Take me to Furuichi.” Louis said.

The movements practiced by these disciples were too simple, and there was no way to help Louis control his body.

Louis’s physique still has a lot of room for improvement, but the only thing he lacks is control.

That would make Louis’s physique out of control.

Casillas immediately took Louis to the top of the Himalayas.

Gu Yi was sitting here, and the air flow between heaven and earth seemed to be following Gu Yi’s orders.

Louis had no doubt that Gu Yi had the ability to fly in the air.

Casillas left, and the conversation between the two bigwigs was not yet something he could touch.

Furuichi didn’t speak, and Louis didn’t speak, and both of them did it quietly.

Finally, Louis couldn’t help it and shouted, “How long are you going to sit?” ”

Gu Yi’s face changed slightly, shook his head a little helplessly, and said softly: “Mr. Louis, I don’t know what’s going on?” ”

“I said yesterday, I’m going to follow you to learn magic.”

“The basis for learning magic is the same, first control the body, and then feel the heaven and earth, both forces are felt, and you can start the connection of magic.”

Louis waved his hand, and the air flow that had originally surrounded Gu Yi surrounded his side.

“This…” Gu Yi was stunned for a moment.

Louis’s perception of the forces of nature is no weaker than his own.

Louis stepped out.

A footprint appeared on the ground, smooth and flat.

There is no remaining rupture due to the extension of force.

Furuichi’s brow furrowed deeper.

Louis has now fulfilled both requirements, but there is no way to control the magic?

“When two powers are used at the same time, my power gets out of control.” Louis said.

“Let’s try it.” Gu was curious.

Louis had never seen such a situation.

Since Gu Yi wanted to see it, Louis didn’t say a word, and began to repeat the previous demonstration.

The power gathered around him is growing, but it is also becoming more and more irritable, and it looks like a pot of water, which may boil at any time.

But it’s stuck on that point.

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