Mordo eliminated his breath and left the mountaintop.

He could almost conclude that Louis had been brought into the otherworldly space by Gu Yi.

It seems that Gu Yi wants Louis to deal with Dormammu before he inherits the position of Supreme Mage.

This is preparation for later.

Mordo left, and Gu Yi also appeared in shape.

“Louis-” Gu Yi knew that Louis could hear himself and hear Mordo’s voice before.

“I know, I will take good care of him, it is definitely better to live than to die.” Louis said coldly.

He had resisted before, and he wanted to immediately have the urge to kill Mordo.

Hearing Louis’s answer, Gu Yi could feel the strong killing intent.

Mordo, there is no doubt that he will die.

The week passed quickly.

Mordo walked out of the confinement room, which was his own body, and after a month in the confinement room, his face turned unusually pale.

But the magic on his body is several times thicker.


The door to the library was pushed open, and Wang saw Mordo being released.

“What about Louis?” Mordo did not hide his purpose and asked.

“Mordo, Mr. Louis is not here.” Wang replied.

“What about Gu Yi?” Mordo asked again, he still didn’t feel Gu Yi’s breath.

“Mordo, you should call Ancient Mage Teacher.”

Wang frowned, Mordo came out this time, giving Wang a completely different feeling.

In the past, Mordo still looked like a good gentleman, but now Mordo’s breath has become evil and his tone has become arrogant.

A month, will it really make Mordo crazy?

“Teacher?” Mordo smiled and shouted these two words a little playfully.

“So, Wang, teacher—where is she now?”

“Master Gu Yi left Karma Taj yesterday and will not return in a short time.”

Last night, Gu Yi told Wang that he was going to travel far away, and there was no intention of hiding his whereabouts.

“Gee! It seems that I really chose a good time to come out. ”

Mordo smiled, and the power of magic turned into a long rope that bound the king’s body.

“What are you doing?” Wang shouted.

But in exchange for Mordo’s sneer.

“Shh, don’t talk, I’m going to let you watch a good show.” Mordo put his finger to his lips and made a silent motion.

The librarians who heard Wang’s voice were also bound by Mordo’s magic.

“Good show, it’s open.”

Mordo looked at Karma Taj and stepped out, and the entire Karma Taj was surrounded by a huge magic array.

Every brick, every house becomes distorted, like a molecular state that can be changed at will.

All of Karma Taj’s disciples were alarmed, but just as they were about to cast magic to resist, they were bound by magic chains.

No one can escape.

“Mordo, you are using black magic to harm humans, and you are still eroded by the power of darkness.” Wang never imagined that Mordo would actually be controlled by the power of darkness.

“No, I don’t, I’m controlling the Dark Arts.” Mordo laughed softly.

“There is no power to control me, not Dormammu, I am invincible, the only one is destined to become a supreme mage.”

“Louis, you give me out and let me see what kind of strength the Supreme Mage successor appointed by Gu Yi has.”

Mordo’s voice was transmitted in all directions with the help of the magic array.

He knew that Louis must have heard it.

The peaks of the Himalayas.

In the flow speed space, Mordo’s voice was filled countless times.

Every word is not heard until hours apart.

Louis didn’t bother to take Mordo, he overestimated his proficiency.

Magic array forging was originally a very troublesome thing, even with the bonus of ancient will, Louis also took a lot of effort.

Louis’s hands carefully carved magic arrays on top of the magic gem on Wizard’s chest.

This is the core of Wizard and is crucial.

When the last dragon-shaped pattern is depicted, the entire Wizard seems to come to life.

The powerful flame magic set almost the entire flow rate space on fire.

“Perfect, there’s still one last cape left, and you can get it.” Louis thought so.

But the moment Wizard finished, the levitation cloak flew out of Louis’s body and landed on Wizard’s body.

The suspended Konoha began to slowly change, and eventually changed into a perfect match for Wizard.

“Wizard!” Louis shouted softly.

The Wizard turned into a crimson ring and put it on Louis’s hand, and among the red gemstones, a fire dragon roared wantonly.

What Louis accomplished in the flow rate space was not only the basic form of the Wizard, but even the sublimated state of the Flame Wyvern Magic Array.


In the flow rate space, Mordo’s voice only reads the word “to”.

Louis withdrew the flow velocity space, and Mordo’s words immediately continued.

“What kind of strength does the supreme-Venerable Mage inheritor have?”

The originally good declaration of war, which was so engaged by Louis, suddenly became a little funny.

Mordo felt Louis’s breath appear on the top of the Himalayas the moment Louis withdrew the flow velocity space.

“So you are there, Louis, dare to fight.” Mordo shouted.

“Louis, don’t come here, this is the trap laid by Mordo.” Wang shouted loudly, trying to remind Louis.



The chains kept whipping at Wang, and each whipping punched the power of magic into Wang’s body, causing him to suffer even more, but Wang just looked at Mordo coldly.


Mordo’s eyes became gloomy, and the magic chains pierced the king’s eyes.


The clash of magic made a metallic sound.

Louis’s Flame Sword slashed at Mordo’s magic chain, knocking it upside down and flying out.

But Mordo smiled, and Louis still appeared.

“Louis, you shouldn’t have appeared.” Wang said bitterly.

“It’s okay, I’ll fix him soon.” Louis said with a smile, not putting Mordo in his eyes at all.

“Louis, you finally appeared, I waited for you for a month, just to kill you with my own hands.”

“Sorry, even if you are a girl waiting for me, I will feel too ugly, not to mention that you are a man, still a bald person, did I say, I hate baldness?” Louis had a bad look.

Wang has taken good care of Louis for the past month, so Louis’s attitude towards Wang in Karma Taj is even better than that of Gu Yi.

Mordo should actually make a move on Wang, Louis smiled angrily, and his eyes were murderous.

“When you are about to die, I see if you can still be so sharp-tongued.” Mordo snorted coldly.

With a wave of his hand, all the disciples of Karma Taj were bound and placed around it, enclosing the place into a gladiatorial arena.

“Just watch, let’s kill the successor you fancy.” Mordo waved his hand gently, the whole Karma Taj, the magic array was everywhere, this was his home field.

Louis looked at this spectacular scene, let out a long breath, and said, “I hope you can let me have a little fun.” ”


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