Fury felt that he owed Louis another favor.

However, in Louis’s view, he just didn’t want to waste too much time on the American team.

Today, his target is only this group of people in the military.

Only if the military feels pain and fear, the less trouble there will be in the future.

Steve was shot off, rolled on the ground a few times, and passed out.

Even if he was injected with super soldier serum, Steve’s physique was only far beyond ordinary people, and did not reach the physique of monsters.

After solving the American team, only this group of soldiers was left in front of Louis.

It’s like a wolf breaking into a flock.

“It’s your turn.” Louis chuckled.

The voice reached the ears of every soldier, and unexplained fear grew in their hearts.

The Wizard armor in front of him is like an invincible monster.

Missiles cannot be dealt with, bullets will be controlled.

Is there anything else that can deal with this monster?

Flesh and blood to fight?



The footsteps came step by step, the flames spread outward, and everyone felt this high temperature.

“Louis. Stark, the behavior violated – “The military commander wants to make Louis tied up with righteousness.”

But in the next second, he was pinched by Louis by the neck and lifted up.

“Noisy!” Louis snorted coldly and threw the man aside.

His gaze turned to the group of soldiers again.

“Destroy!” Louis said softly.


The sound of snapping fingers made everyone’s heartbeats skip a beat, and the soldiers only felt that they were in the furnace, and the temperature was gradually rising.

If you look at the sky, you can see that these armies are above a huge magic array.

The flames are burning!

Countless wails, curses, and pleas for mercy did not change Louis’s heart in the slightest.

Perhaps for Louis, none of these accusations were meaningless.

Military commanders were awakened by the burning sensation and saw flames burning on their soldiers.

“You are a devil, you will definitely go to hell, and God will punish you.” He cursed loudly.

Then in the next second, it was burned to ashes by a flame.


“I am hell, I am God!” Louis said.

Looking at this mess, he waved his hand to open the door of space, and left without looking back.

For him, it’s over here.

As for these losses, can you make you afraid –

Big deal, hit again.

Big deal, kill again.

The hellish scene terrified everyone who saw it, and Louis was like a god and demon, bringing destruction.

The burned soldiers, like demons, fell down and eventually turned into a cloud of black ash.


Everyone swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and when they saw this scene, their hearts were chilling.

Is this the strength of Louis?

You must not be an enemy of Louis.

Fury felt that he had to make a rule, that is, he could not be an enemy of Louis no matter what.

However, these things have nothing to do with Louis anymore.

He has returned to the Stark building.

Banner was in the living room, saw Louis returning, and immediately stepped forward and said, “Mr. Louis, you are back.” ”

“What about Tony and Ethan?” Louis asked.

“The two went back to the room to rest, what happened?” Banner asked.

“Nothing, it was overshadowed by the military.” Louis understated.

“Shhh!” Banner gasped.

Others don’t know the horrors of the military, but Banner knows it very well.

You know, Banner was chased and killed by General Ross for so long.

The result is that Louie’s house is like a child’s household.

“Mr. Louis, the military won’t find this place, will they?” Banner is a little worried, he is living a comfortable life now, and he doesn’t want to go back to the time when he was chased and killed by the military.

“No, I killed the military people to destroy a regiment, if their superiors still have some brains, they won’t come to mess with me.” Louis said.

Banner had nothing to say.

The cow batch is still Mr. Louis cow batch.

“Oh, by the way, I killed General Ross, it was originally left for you to do it, but that old thing is too fragile, I started too hard.” Louis said suddenly.

If anyone hates General Ross the most, it’s definitely Banner.

At first, Banner was hunted down and tortured by General Ross.

Hearing the news of General Ross’s death, Banner was a little stunned, and after a long time he said: “It’s okay, it’s okay to die, if I want to do it, I’m going to enter that state again.” ”

Banner really didn’t want to become the Hulk anymore.

Although Louis originally brought Banner back and said that he could solve the problem of Banner’s loss of mind after his transformation, it has not been solved for so long.

But Banner didn’t care anymore, he felt that he was doing well now, and there was nothing that made him angry.

The state of the Hulk was thus sealed.

“Mr. Louis, I’ll go to the armor problem first, with the calculations of Jarvis’ main system, two more weeks is enough to complete.” Banner said with some excitement.

“Then there you go.” Louis nodded and said.

He walked towards Tony’s bedroom, mainly to see how Tony’s injuries were.

I only felt that Tony’s injury was terrible, and the injury to his abdomen was serious.

Louis arrives in front of Tony’s bedroom, only to find that Tony has left the bedroom and is not here.

Louie used spatial perception only to discover that Louis was now in his lab.

Fingerprint collection, pupil recognition, password input.

Identification Successful!


It belongs to Tony’s laboratory, and the only people who can come in are Louis and Tony.

“I think you should need a break now.” Louis saw Tony’s unnaturally pale face and said.

“I don’t have the mind to rest now, Mark 6 has been destroyed, I now need to build a new set of armor, and when I face a powerful opponent, as long as I am caught, I have no ability to resist, I also need to develop new armor to fight.”

Tony entered all his thoughts into the main console, and on the three-dimensional simulation presented a giant armor, which looked almost as tall as the Iron Overlord.

But just by looking at the style, you can tell that it is Tony’s style.

Louis could see at a glance that this was anti-Hulk armor, which was specially created to target the Hulk in the original play.

However, Louis did not expect that Tony actually created anti-Hulk armor to fight against the Red King this time.

“Tony, what I want to say is that red giant, I have already solved it, there is no need for you to build this armor again.” Louis said.

“Be prepared, and such an enemy may appear in the future.” Tony said stubbornly.

Sure enough, the impermanence of the world is tied to the line.

In the end, Tony still has to build anti-Hulk armor. _

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