Seeing the disappeared Loki, Louis showed a slight evil smile.

Erased Loki casually, leaving spatial coordinates on himself.

They are all thousand-year-old foxes, who is afraid of whom.

Louis immersed his mind in his own space, where the Cosmic Cube and the Eye of Agomo were quietly levitating in space.

“Thanks.” Louis said softly.

Before, if it weren’t for the Space Gem and Time Gem joining forces, suppressing the perception of the Mind Gem.

It’s really not easy for Louis to fool Loki.

The power of the Mind Gem alone is not the strongest of the six Infinity Stones, but it is the most weird in the ranking.

Louis even suspected that taking the power of the Mind Gem to the extreme might even deny the existence of the universe in essence.

The premise is that the universe has a mind.

Distant Asgard.

Frigga felt Loki’s breath again.

She found Thor and said, “My son, Thor, I feel the breath of your brother, he is still alive.” ”

Thor holds a new hammer in his hand, a stock weapon in the Asgard treasury that doesn’t fit as Mjolnir as before. The metal used is also only part of Ulu, and the rest of the metal, although precious, is not as good as Ulu, but it is still enough.

Hearing Friga’s words, Thor lowered his head helplessly.

This was the thirty-seventh time he had heard his mother say the words “Loki is not dead” in this time.

“Queen Mother, Loki fell into the abyss of the universe, and there is no possibility of living.” Thor said.

Although he also hopes that Loki is alive, the people who fall into the abyss of the universe do not come out alive.

“No, Thor, this time I really felt Loki’s breath, right in Midgard.” Frigga was convinced that she had no perceptual error.

If the previous perception was only vague, then this perception is to clarify where Loki is now.

Midgard, Earth!

Thor’s cheeks twitched at the sound of this word, he had not forgotten the humiliation he had suffered on Earth.

To be honest, he really didn’t want to go back to that damn place.

Although he also joined an organization called the Avengers there.

However, that is only a stopgap measure.

If Loki was really on Earth, Thor’s face suddenly changed.

If Loki happens to the same thing as himself, then it is-

Thor, who is a protector mad demon, thought of the scene of Loki being directly convulsed with electricity, and gasped.

My brother, I will guard you.

“Queen Mother, I’ll go to Midgard to bring Loki back.” Thor said quietly.

“Go find Heimdall, he’ll teleport you to Earth.” Frigga said.

Thor nodded, said goodbye to his mother, and looked at the distant earth, unresolute.

Loki, stupid Oudou Yo, wait for your brother to come and save you.

On Earth.

And speaking of Loki, he learned the news of the Cosmic Cube from Louis.

Arrived at the temporary base via space teleportation.

The space carrier has been completed, and now the test flight phase is underway.

Loki saw the massive space carrier and compared it to the mothership of the Zitari army.

“Or Zitari’s civilization is a little higher, and when Zitari enters the invasion of the earth, the earth has no room for resistance at all.” Loki laughed.

“Hey, this soldier, what are you laughing at? Hurry back to your post. A squad leader saw Loki’s eyes wandering, and immediately reprimanded.

“Are you talking to me?” Loki’s expression became indifferent.

“No, who else can you have? Soldier, you left without permission during your duty, now, trail running ten kilometers, immediately immediately. ”

Loki looked at the squad leader with a serious expression, the corners of his mouth raised.

It’s really stupid humans.

“What are you laughing at?”

“I’m laughing at your lack of self-control.”

The yellow light invaded the squad leader’s brain, and after a few seconds, the squad leader’s eyes fell into a state of confusion.

“Tell me, where is the Cosmic Cube?” Loki is happy that he has taken control of someone else’s mind for the first time.

“Report lord, what is the Cosmic Cube?”

“It’s the Cosmic Cube, a blue cube.”

“I haven’t seen it.”

Loki frowned, looked at the soldier in front of him, and finally shook his head.

It seems that this person has no possibility of touching the level of the Cosmic Cube, and only the highest level of this temporary base can be accessed.

“Who is the supreme ruler here?” Loki asked.

“Supreme ruler? You mean our sir, right? After the death of General Ross, the commander of this base was General Freud. ”

“Take me to him.”


Two men in military uniforms walked in the temporary base, and although this squad leader did not seem to be a very powerful officer, he had the right to enter and exit freely because he was a patrol.

And in case of emergency, you can also directly report to the top.

Loki took direct control of the squad leader and allowed him to take himself to Freud’s command center.

“Report, Third Patrol Squad – Simmons found special circumstances.” Simmons shouted as he stood in the doorway.

Loki had sensed several people in the command center at the door.

“Come in.” Freud said coldly.

Simmons walked Loki into the command center, and the first threshold was metal detection.

“You can’t bring this in.” The inspector pointed to the psychic scepter in Loki’s hand and said solemnly.

Loki smiled and said, “This can’t work, this thing can’t be given to you.” ”

Loki’s face was cold, and the power of the psychic scepter controlled this one inspector, and then swaggered into the command center.

“What are you? Why is it here? Freud also noticed something was wrong.

Loki walks not like a soldier at all, more like a noble son.

Instead of answering Freud’s words, Loki asked, “You are the supreme commander here, I have a question for you.” ”

Loki shuttled through a space and instantly came to Freud, smiling.

“Come, there is an enemy invasion.” Freud shouted.

Loki frowned, and the power of the psychic scepter spread out like a wave of water, controlling all the soldiers in contact.

“It’s really troublesome, can’t you answer the question properly?”

“Soldier, soldier, what are you doing?”

“Don’t shout, they have been controlled by me, now tell me, where is the Cosmic Cube?”

“Your Excellency must be mistaken, this is just the base for the construction of aerospace aircraft carriers, and there is no cosmic cube.” Freud replied.

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