Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 101: Butler Training Program

  Chapter 101 Butler Training Program

  On the terrace of the top tower of Neuschwanstein Castle, Josie was sitting on a recliner, holding a puppy in her arms, and three of them were jumping around at her feet, enjoying the warm sunshine of the autumn afternoon leisurely together.

  The four puppies are exactly the four St. Bernard puppies that Randolph got.

   When Josie came, it happened to be the puppy's weaning period, so he took the puppy over the next day after staying in the castle.

  Randolph also came to the castle together at the time, but he came to say goodbye to Josie. After saying goodbye that day, he packed up his things, took two adult dogs, and set off for Norway.

  As of today, Josie has been living in Neuschwanstein Castle for four days.

   It can only be said that when I first moved in, it was quite fresh.

  But after living there for a few days, I felt that was the case.

   Well, in fact, the main reason is that the castle is too big, too empty, and too few people.

   After the castle is built, we need to recruit more talents.

  For such a big castle, hundreds of servants and security guards might not be enough.

   Just as Josie was dozing off, there was a sound of footsteps from the stairs below the tower.

  The footsteps are lighter, it is Jia Ying.

   It's not how good Josie's hearing is.

   But such light footsteps must be a woman.

   But now there are not many women in the castle.

   Josie and the others have verified Bucky's situation in the past few days, so they woke him up yesterday, and Ophelia led him to Vienna.

   So Ophelia is not in the castle.

  Therefore, the only ones who can appear in the tower at this point are the two young German girls who were recruited recently, and the kitchen is in charge of cooking, especially the aunt who is good at making German-style roasted elbows and Jia Ying.

But among these people, Jia Ying is the only one who can climb up the 100-meter tower stairs in one breath without panting... In fact, even all the men in the castle, including Josie, can't do this arrive.

  Jia Ying's ability to say that she is immortal is actually rather vague and narrow. More precisely, it is actually vitality.

  The powerful vitality, although it did not allow Jia Ying to have a strong combat power, it brought her vitality beyond ordinary people.

   To be more precise, I have good physical strength and energy, and I basically don’t get tired.

  The only side effect may be to eat a little more.

  Perhaps she herself has realized this, so in the past few days, she has already started to learn from the two little maids to do the work of a maid.

Although Josie has promised to take her in, Jia Ying, who has lost all her relatives, is actually very sensitive. Coupled with the simplicity of Xia people, she doesn't want to be a freelancer... Maybe Josie won't say anything in the short term. But what about later? And what about the hostess who hasn't met yet?

   It's just that Jia Ying doesn't know anything now, so she can only do rough work as a maid.

  But because she has enough energy, Jia Ying learns things quickly and does things quickly.

  In just two days, Josie took over most of Josie's daily affairs from two German maids who also became monks.

   It can be said to be very powerful.

   Sure enough, within a short time, Jia Ying appeared at the stairs of the tower, holding tea and snacks for Josie.

   "Master, do you need anything else?" Jia Ying asked softly after putting tea and snacks on the small table beside Josie.

  Josie didn't speak, but just looked up and down Jia Ying with great interest.

   Josie didn't ask until Jia Ying felt uncomfortable, "Jia Ying, are you interested in being my housekeeper?"

"Housekeeper? Can I do it?" Hearing Josie's words, Jia Ying was stunned first, then surprised, and then self-doubted—of course she knew what a housekeeper was, those old masters in the town and county It is a position that is only available in the family, and it is said that it is necessary to manage all the servants in the entire mansion, and the prestige is tight.

   But she is just a village girl! It's okay to let her do rough work, but she really doesn't know how to be a housekeeper.

"Of course not now, but there is a special butler school in Europe. I can send you to study. I have seen your performance these days. You learn things quickly and do things diligently. You are a good material for a butler , I don’t think you want to be an ordinary servant for the rest of your life, do you?” Josie said, “So now it’s up to you whether you want to or not.”

   Let Jia Ying learn to be a housekeeper, it's really not just Josie's whim, but an idea that came up after a few days of contact.

   Such a person who is always energetic, capable of learning, and organized is indeed very suitable to be a housekeeper.

   And Josie is getting richer and richer now, and there is indeed a lack of such a role by his side.

  Think Jarvis from the Starks, Alfred from the Wayne family.

   If there is a similar "housekeeper" by his side, Josie will have a lot of peace of mind.

   "Yes, of course I am willing, thank you for the promotion!" Jia Ying just doesn't know much now, but that doesn't mean she is stupid. Of course she has to seize such an obvious opportunity to flatter her.

   "Then pack it up. I'm going back to the United States tomorrow. Now, I'll take you to Paris first." Seeing Jia Ying's agreement, Josie nodded in satisfaction.

  Although the most popular butler in the world is the British butler, but just like the food that the British are best at is French food, the source of modern butlers is also France.

  The French Royal Butler Academy has a longer history than the British Royal Butler Academy.

   And because Paris did not suffer too much damage in the war, the environment is much better than London.

   Naturally, there is no need to go to England.

  As for the most famous Holland International Butler Academy in later generations... it is just a model of modern business operation, and it did not appear until 1998.

   "Thank you, master, I'll go get ready now!" Jia Ying thanked her and went to pack her things happily.

  Looking at Jia Ying who was leaving with cheerful steps, Josie picked up her teacup and took a sip.

   Having been in Europe for so long, it is time to return to the United States.

  The main reason is that Margot is about to give birth, and Josie is still pointing to see the birth of her child.

   It's October now, and Margot is eight months pregnant.

  It is said that pregnancy is in October, but in fact, most people give birth in about nine months. If Josie really wants to go back in time, she may miss the birth of her child.

  Anyway, although the situation in Europe is now clear, the specific partition plan for Germany is not so easy to come to results.

   And because this time and space did not go through the Yalta meeting to discuss the carve-up plan in advance.

  So now the confrontation between the Allied forces and Mao Xiong in Germany is fierce.

  Although both parties are trying their best to restrain themselves, who can guarantee that the guns will not go wrong?

  Before the two parties actually reach an agreement, Josie’s going to Germany is of little significance. It’s better to go home to accompany his wife and children first.

  Anyway, the transportation between Europe and the United States is still relatively developed. If there is something to rush back, it will only take a few days.

  Of course, there is one more thing. In two days, the first batch of "construction teams" composed of prisoners of war should have completed their training, and under the arrangement of Ophelia, they will be stationed in the castle.

   For a long time to come, Neuschwanstein Castle will become a large construction site.

  Josie is not interested in eating while listening to the sound of knocking stones all day long.

  (end of this chapter)

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