Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 103: club invitation

  Chapter 103 Club Invitation Letter

   "It's finally here, hehe, these guys can't bear it that much!" In the study, Josie fiddled with the invitation letter in his hand, with a sneer on his face.

  The location on the invitation letter in his hand is a nightclub in Chicago, but the invitation letter is from nothing but a competitive social club.

  The final signature was Wilfred Malick.

  The patriarch of the contemporary Malik family, one of the snake heads of Hydra, and also the leader of Hydra in the future Avengers era, Gideon Malik's father.

However, Wilfred was not very old at this time, only in his early forties. As for Gideon, he has not yet been born. Many tycoons in the United States marry and have children at a relatively late age. Because of the conditions, most people naturally It's how long you can play.

  For example, Howard Stark, who was born in 1917, has been chic until the end of the 1960s, when he met Tony Stark's biological mother, Mary, before he really got married.

   This is why Tony was born so late.

   And these rich people generally don’t worry about the issue of heirs. After all, as early as the beginning of the 20th century, the American Management Association had been established, and the professional manager system was very complete.

Those famous big families in the world, such as Rockefeller, Morgan, etc., may have a few outstanding heirs from time to time in a long period of time, but most of the time, their family businesses are all managed by special managers. Company operated.

  The advantage of this method is that if the heir is still small, it is difficult for outsiders to take away the family business by various means...Take Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne in DC, and Green Arrow as examples.

The parents of these few died very early, and the company was once occupied by others, but what others can occupy is only the right to speak in the company. It is impossible for the property to be occupied, the law will not allow it, and other rich groups even This kind of thing that touches their bottom line will not be allowed to happen.

   And this is the fundamental reason why several of them were finally able to regain control of the enterprise.

  If it is changed to a family business, the direct heirs will disappear for a few years, and the family property may be directly divided up by collaterals. It is simply impossible for the direct heirs to get it back through normal methods.

   Of course, the professional manager system also has disadvantages, that is, if the future generations do not live up to expectations, the control and influence in the family business will become lower and lower.

   The more representative one is Disney...

  In contrast, it is rare for someone like Josie who is not yet a full-grown adult—born in August 1927, and now in November 1944, at the age of 17, to already have a pair of cute twins.

   And now this Wilfred Malick, like the aforementioned Stark, is also an inspirational figure.

  The Malik family almost went bankrupt during the Great Depression more than ten years ago—although the Great Depression in this world was caused by the Hydra giants on Wall Street, it does not mean that their industries will not be affected.

  Besides, just like the Red Skull who betrayed before, the inside of Hydra has never been of one mind.

Before the economic crisis broke out, Wilfred's father was actually the boss of the nine-member council of the previous generation, but when the other branches of Hydra caused the economic crisis, they deliberately did not inform the Malik family, and finally made Malik The family almost went bankrupt, Wilfred's father committed suicide, and the family business was taken over by the bank.

As a result, Wilfredo had to hang out at the bottom of society for a long time. In the end, he took the risk of helping Schmidt transport a batch of super soldier raw materials, and only then did he get the help of Schmidt, who had not betrayed Hydra at the time. Take back the family business and return to the council.

   But it is only returning to the council. Wilfred still has a long way to go if he wants to regain the Malik family's right to speak in the council.

   All the above information about Wilfred comes from Whitney Frost, who has become Yuri's assistant.

   To be honest, Hydra will send Wilfred, which is actually a bit beyond Josie's expectations. After all, the first Hydra person he came into contact with before was Whitney Frost.

   And this woman is the "rumored girlfriend" of Calvin Chadwick, president of the Etherdan Group.

  So in Josie's opinion, Calvin Chadwick should be sent by Hydra.

  But this is not a bad thing for Josie.

  Because according to the relevant information obtained from Whitney, compared to Calvin Chadwick, who was born with a golden key in his mouth, he has a high self-esteem.

  Wilfred, who has experienced ups and downs, is obviously an easier target to communicate with, and is also the most suitable target for Josie.

  The purpose of Josie joining Hydra is to control Hydra.

   But to be honest, the wealth and influence he currently possesses is far from that of most of the nine-member council.

   This gap cannot be reversed in a short period of time by relying on the technologies provided by Yuri.

   After all, it takes time for technology to transform into wealth and strength.

   During this process, it was impossible for Josie to ignore the interference of these people.

  Of course, Josie also has another choice, such as going to control a country, and then fighting a world war with the United States, directly turning the table.

  But now the last mustache who did this is dead, and the other Schmidt has been teleported to nowhere in the universe.

  Although Josie is a cheater, he doesn't think he's a genius, and he doesn't think he can do better than these two in the short term.

  So before mastering the power to completely overturn the table, Josie can only follow the existing social rules in the United States to wrestle with the Council of Nine.

   Fortunately, conquering the Hydra branch in Austria saved Josie a lot of things.

   But this is not enough. If he wants to gain the right to speak as soon as possible, he also needs allies inside Hydra.

  As for Wilfred, who was severely tricked by colleagues in the organization more than ten years ago, Josie didn't believe that he didn't come back with revenge and regain control of Hydra's discourse power.

  But before going to the appointment, Josie still has to make complete preparations.

  The invitation letter is very polite, but when Josie actually goes to the appointment, who knows what he will face?

   It’s just right, many things I prepared when I went to Europe before, but I couldn’t use them. This time may be a good opportunity.

   In addition, the defense of the home must not be less.

  Although there is no direct conflict of interest between Josie and the Council of Nine, the possibility of the other party using extreme measures is very low, but precautions must be taken.

  What if the other party, Shi Lezhi?

  By then, Josie might not even have a place to cry.

  (end of this chapter)

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