Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 120: Winsberg

  Chapter 120 Winsberg

  The place where Hugh Jones had an accident was a small town called Winsberg in the mountains near the Rhine River Women's Camp.

But in fact, this town can no longer be found on many maps today, because this town is not only extremely remote and far away from all main roads, but also because of the plague as early as the 1830s, was completely abandoned.

Previously, after a thorough investigation of the entire Rhine River Camp, the military confirmed that except for the women's camp, there was no large-scale occurrence of anemia, and after searching the women's camp, it was not found. In fact, it was ready to press the so-called vampire event.

   But just before Joan Hughes' accident, 5 soldiers went hunting in the area around the abandoned town and disappeared.

After the incident, Colonel Ward, who was a garrison officer, sent troops to search the area and the abandoned town, but the result was that except for one soldier who broke a leg trying to climb the decayed stairs in a building , found nothing.

  The helpless Colonel Ward could only report this matter.

   It so happened that Colonel Ward's boss, Major General Fletcher, happened to be Hugh Jones' man.

  After Hugh Jones arrived in Germany, he learned about the suspected vampire during his communication with Major General Fletcher.

  Hydras are all ambitious people, and they immediately became curious about this legendary creature.

   After all, in the legend, although vampires have various weaknesses, there is one thing that people like Hugh Jones are extremely yearning for, and that is immortality.

  So Hugh Jones immediately asked Major General Fletcher, who was in charge of the Rhine Camp, to notify him of any discovery of vampires and not to report them for the time being.

  So the disappearance reported by Colonel Ward was reported to Hugh Jones by Major General Fletcher.

   And Hugh Jones also keenly felt that this disappearance case might be an opportunity.

   On the same day, he asked Major General Fletcher for a company of troops, as well as a lot of heavy weapons and equipment, and took people to find this small town.

   As a result, he never came back. It can only be said that this hydra boss is indeed courageous enough.

   But this time, Colonel Ward was very anxious, and he immediately reported it to Major General Fletcher.

  When Josie's C-69 landed at the local garrison airfield, Major General Fletcher was preparing to organize a regiment of troops to personally go to the area where Hugh Jones disappeared to search and rescue.

"Mr. Kahn, missing a Mr. Jones is bad enough. If something happens to you, General Eisenhower can kill me directly!" Seeing Josie's appearance, Major General Fletcher, who was about to set off, was annoyed. Said.

   Speaking of this so-called vampire incident, Josie's people discovered it, so Major General Fletcher also wanted to vent his grievances on Josie.

"General Fletcher, Mr. Jones has an accident. I am more anxious than you, but this matter is useful if it is not urgent. If the other party is really a legendary vampire, then general, have you prepared corresponding measures?" Josie didn't care about Fletcher's bad attitude, but asked back.

   "Hmph, let's not talk about whether this thing was done by a vampire. Even if it was true, I don't believe that thing can hold up to a machine gun!" Major General Fletcher snorted coldly.

   "Hehe, what if the other party kidnaps Mr. Jones? Do you want to bomb him as well?" Josie couldn't help but sneered when he heard the words.

   Facing Josie's sneer, General Fletcher was very angry, but he didn't know how to refute for a while.

  Yes, relying on the powerful firepower of the U.S. military, Fletcher believed that even if the person who sat down on this matter was really a legendary vampire, he would have nothing to fear.

   But the problem is that the most important thing now is not to defeat the monsters that might exist.

   Instead, they have to figure out how to find Hugh Jones and rescue him.

   "Since Mr. Kahn said that, there must be something to do?" General Fletcher, who had calmed down, looked at Josie and asked.

   "There is indeed a way, but I have to confirm one thing first!" Josie put his hands in front of him, and showed the ring on his left thumb representing the head of the council in front of the other party.

   "You all get out!" Fletcher was still a little confused at first, but after seeing the ring on Josie's thumb, he immediately ordered several adjutants in the office.

   "Hail Hydra!" After everyone had gone out, General Fletcher stood at attention and shouted this slogan in a low voice.

   There is no hand salute, that thing was learned by Red Skull and Mustache, and the rest of the Hydra branches are not interested in that.

  Josie guessed right, this general is one of his own.

   "HailHydra!" Josie nodded and replied softly.

"Sorry, sir, I didn't know before, and Mr. Jones didn't mention it!" General Fletcher apologized. As Hugh Jones' direct subordinate in the army, he only thought that Josie and Hugh Jones were ordinary people. business partnership, unaware that Josie was also a smuggler.

   "It's okay, those who don't know don't blame, the top priority now is what I said, to rescue Hugh Jones, he is too important to the organization, but I want to know if you have reported this matter!" Josie asked.

"Not yet, this matter is too serious!" Major General Fletcher shook his head. He was planning to lead his troops to search before, and wanted to find Hugh Jones before the news of Hugh Jones' disappearance spread. of.

"You're right, don't report this matter yet. This time I'm going to use some organization's secrets, so you just need to gather all the troops you can mobilize and completely seal off that area, and the rest , to my people... In addition, without my order, no bird can be released from that area, can it be done??" Josie asked.

   "It can be done!" Major General Fletcher nodded solemnly.

   All his hopes now rest on Josie.

  If Hugh Jones cannot be rescued, not only will he suffer from the military.

   What is more terrifying is the council.

   "Let's go now! By the way, send me some trucks with good cover, and I need to transport some things on my plane." Josie nodded and ordered immediately.

   "Yes, sir!" Hearing Josie's order, Major General Fletcher immediately went out to assign tasks to his subordinates.

   Half an hour later, a brigade of troops, under the personal command of Major General Fletcher, marched towards the area where the small town of Winsberg was located.

   And Josie also brought his own team and followed it.

   I wish everyone a happy Children's Day. It's too late, let's start with 2,000. There are four hours left to sleep, and more at night!

   In addition, a new month has arrived, so start asking for tickets again!



  (end of this chapter)

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