Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 124: Dame's Conspiracy

  Chapter 124 The Lady's Conspiracy

In front of a temporary camp tent built on a small soil **** in the blocked area outside the valley, General Fletcher paced back and forth absent-mindedly, using binoculars from time to time to look at the valley shrouded in clouds in the distance, full of worries .

"Relax, the current situation can't get any worse, no matter how anxious you are!" Not far away, Josie was sitting leisurely at a marching table, savoring Ophelia's cooking leisurely. Tea.

   It can only be said that after staying in Europe and America for a long time, Josie is now used to drinking boiled tea.

He is not the kind of person who is very particular about himself, and it is easier to make tea directly than boil water, especially the boiled tea is stronger than the brewed tea, which is very suitable for people who stay up all night—yesterday they came from overnight Hamburg rushed over and didn't sleep all night.

  Of course Josie is so leisurely not because he doesn't worry, but because he knows it's useless to worry.

   After all, if the magnetic storm armor can't solve the problem, then he has no better way for the time being.

   "I understand, Mr. Kahn, but I really can't relax!" General Fletcher walked to the table and sat down, sighing heavily.

  Josie who heard the words couldn't help but shook his head secretly. Although he was a general, it could be seen that this Fletcher really didn't have much level.

   But this is also normal, although the U.S. military seems to be the most powerful army in this era, but whether it is an officer or a soldier, there are not many qualified officers.

   After all, the time to participate in the war is too short, and too few have fought tough battles.

  Most of the time, it is pushed by strong logistics and firepower.

  So when they really run into trouble, most of them are actually unable to be as calm as those veterans who have experienced many battles.

   This is the case for Fletcher. He was originally in charge of training troops in China, and he came to Europe at the end of the war. He got a job as a prisoner of war guard.

   And now they are still encountering the legendary extraordinary power, so it is not surprising that Fletcher will behave like this.

   But at this moment, there was a roar of cars in the valley.

  Josie, Fletcher, and Ophelia on the side were refreshed, and immediately stood up and looked towards the valley.

  But the ten Vito cars that entered before drove back normally.

  Seeing this, Josie and Ophelia couldn't help but glance at each other, so fast.

   You must know that it is only two hours before Vito and the others enter the valley.

  So... are vampires too easy to deal with, or did they guess wrong before and it's not a vampire?

   Or maybe the people on these cars are no longer the original people?

   "Let everyone be alert!" Josie said calmly.

   Fortunately, the result does not seem to be going to the worst.

The convoy stopped a few hundred meters away from the checkpoint, and then Vito, who had already changed into regular clothes, jumped out of the first car with the two of them and walked towards the checkpoint—this was also agreed in advance, if the entire operation There was no accident, Vito took only two people to take over the inspection.

   And here, without Josie signaling, Ophelia has already brought people forward to check.

Although Ophelia's mind control ability is relatively average, it is still effective for Vito and the general Hydra team members. Josie is not sure whether vampires in this world will have mind control ability, so let It's very appropriate for Ophelia to check - if the other party shows signs of being controlled, Ophelia can also sense it.

   Soon, Ophelia confirmed that Vito and the two Hydra players were all normal, and made a safe gesture to Josie from a distance.

  The nervous Josie and General Fletcher let go of their original concerns when they saw this.

   "How? Are those things?" When Vito was brought over by Ophelia, General Fletcher asked Josie one step ahead.

  But Vito ignored him, but looked at Josie, and after Josie nodded, he said a little excitedly, "Yes, boss, just as you expected, it's a vampire."

   "Oh? Looks like the operation went well? Has Hugh Jones been found?" Seeing him so excited, Josie couldn't help asking.

  Hearing Josie ask Hugh Jones, Vito, who was still a little excited, froze.

   "What's wrong?" Seeing this, Josie and the others couldn't help feeling shocked.

   "Uh, boss, things are a bit complicated." Vito said with a weird expression.

   "...then don't keep it secret, talk about it carefully from beginning to end!" Josie said angrily.

   "Yes, yes, yes!" Vito laughed, and then told what happened to them.

  From the discovery of vampires in those cellars, to the fact that their weapons can easily kill vampires, and finally met that Alan Nosferatu in the old castle, and told the truth.

   And the focus is on that Alan Nosferatu, and the negotiation between Vito and her.

  Alan Nosferatu, formerly known as Alan Hurt, Hurt was the husband's surname when he was a human.

   Originally a small middle-class man in the small town of Winsberg in the 1830s, the wife of Hurt, a real estate agent, was famous throughout the town for her beauty.

But one day, Hurt received a business from a Romanian nobleman, Count Orlov, who said he wanted to buy an old castle in Germany, and the old castle in the small town of Winsberg happened to be Meet the requirements of the other party.

  Because of the huge rewards for this business, Hurt also ignored the long distance, and soon went up the Danube, from Germany all the way to Romania, and met Count Orlov.

  Count Orlov also warmly received Hurt.

   Who would have thought that Count Orlov was not a human being at all, but a high-level vampire.

   His real name is Nosferatu, and he is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years.

   Its bloodline can even be traced back to the Romanian Grand Duke Vlad III, also known as the famous Dracula.

   At the beginning, Nosferatu, who was hidden in the world, really just wanted to buy an old castle in Germany.

  But while communicating with Hurt, he suddenly saw the photo of Allen on the cover of Hurt's pocket watch, so he became suspicious.

Vampires are similar to humans in other respects except that they feed on blood and have supernatural powers and various weaknesses. They also have seven emotions and six desires, and beauty is no exception—as the extremely infatuated Dracula in the legend, Every few decades, he will find a vampire bride for himself.

   After seeing Alan's photo, Nosferatu, like most men in the world, had the ambition of Wei Wu.

  At that moment, he directly sucked Hurt dry, and then came to Winsberg himself, transformed Allen into a vampire, made this beauty his own taboo, and even made the beauty feel too lonely.

Nosferatu even cast a sorcery, causing the entire town to pass through the plague and be transformed into low-level vampires—transformation of direct descendants is also a very energy-consuming behavior for high-level vampires, so many times they will I prefer to use spells to transform low-level vampires.

   Although the vampires produced in this way are not high in IQ and strength, they are sufficient in number and not too expensive.

  That is, since then, Alan Hurt has ceased to exist for a hundred years, and there is only Nosferatu's vampire bride, Dame Alan Nosferatu.

   And this is also the truth that the town of Winsberg was destroyed by the plague more than a hundred years ago.

  In fact, when Josie heard the name Nosferatu, Josie already knew what he had encountered. An ancient and somewhat unpopular vampire movie was called Nosferatu.

Josie knew about this movie not because it was so good-looking. In fact, it was a black-and-white silent film in 1922. The scenes, props, costumes, performances, plots and other aspects, from the perspective of the 21st century, are all is extremely rough.

  But this movie is very meaningful in the history of movies, because it is the first vampire-themed movie in Josie's previous human history.

   But it is obvious that what Vito said is very different from what Josie knows about the plot.

Because in the movie, Nosferatu did not kill Hurt, but locked him up, then went to find Allen, and finally let Hurt run out, and used Allen as a bait to make Nosferatu Tu forgot the crowing of the rooster, so he was exposed to the sun and died very hastily.

  Although Allen is still dead at the end of the movie, the town is saved.

   Obviously, a movie can only be a movie, and what Vito said is the truth.

  A powerful vampire can't be killed by ordinary humans so easily, and there is no reason to keep Hurt alive for the new year when the thief's heart is moved—unless Nosferatu likes his wife to commit a crime now.

  However, after transforming Allen into his own blood and making it his own forbidden house, Nosferatu did not live in Winsberg for a long time.

   This vampire count is also a master who likes to play. Theoretically, his almost unlimited life and the title of nobility have allowed him to accumulate a huge amount of wealth, so this vampire count has dozens of castles throughout Europe.

   Mainly concentrated in the Balkan countries, a small part distributed in other parts of Europe.

  Each castle will have one or two vampire brides, so the harem system is also very large. Naturally, it is impossible to put all the energy on Allen alone.

   As long as Nosferatu is not around, Allen, as the lord of Winsberg, has absolute control, so he can restrain the vampires under him from slaughtering human beings wantonly, at most it is to secretly collect some blood.

  That's right, what happened to the women's camp at the Rhine Camp was actually done by Allen.

  So those female prisoners were only anemic, and no one died.

  As for the five missing hunting soldiers, they really weren't the fault of the vampires.

   But they were really unlucky and ran into a group of werewolves trying to trouble Allen.

   Well, with vampires, it is not surprising that there are werewolves, and the grievances between vampires and werewolves are also a bad debt—some high-level vampires will raise werewolves, but more werewolves and vampires are still hostile.

  So the first time Colonel Ward sent troops to search the town and found nothing, it was also because Dame Alan Nosferatu made her vampires deliberately avoid it.

  But Hugh Jones, who rushed to the town with his people later, was not so lucky.

   He bumped into Count Nosferatu himself, who came to care about his concubine after learning that the werewolf had attacked Winsberg.

   "So you believed what that Lady Ellen Nosferatu said? Hugh Jones was killed by that Count Nosferatu?" After hearing Vito's words, Josie couldn't help but get angry.

"Well, I didn't believe it all, but I can see that the other party is quite sincere. In addition, Mr. Hugh Jones is not dead. Dame Allen handed him over to me directly, but his situation may be worse than death. Terrible!" Vito said helplessly.

   "What do you mean? What is worse than death?" Josie had a very bad premonition in his heart.

   "He was transformed into a low-level vampire by that Nosferatu..." Vito said the answer with some hesitation.

   Good guy, Josie and General Fletcher were both heartbroken upon hearing this answer.

  Because according to what Vito said before, low-level vampires are just garbage with low intelligence and tended by instinct in most cases.

  Now that Hugh Jones has become such a non-human and ghost thing, how can he return him to the council?

"But Dame Allen said that it is not impossible to change the current situation of Mr. Hugh Jones and make him a vampire with complete self-awareness!" Seeing the ugly faces of Josie and Fletcher , Vito said hastily.

   "What way?" General Fletcher asked again.

"That is to feed him the blood essence of a higher-level vampire!" Vito said without hesitation this time, "As long as you feed him the blood essence of a higher-level vampire, he can regain full consciousness, but become I'm afraid there is no way to change the matter of vampires."

   "Hehe, my good fellow, this Dame Allen is probably planning to kill someone with a knife?" Hearing this, Josie suddenly sneered.

  For him, it doesn't matter whether Hugh Jones becomes a vampire or not.

   But the problem now is that this Dame Allen obviously wants to use them to deal with Count Nosferatu.

   Allen is a blood descendant of Nosferatu, but don't think that blood descendants will not have the idea of ​​betraying their blood ancestors.

  In Blade Runner, Underworld, Twilight, and even Dracula in Marvel Comics and other vampire film and television works, there are many vampires doing this.

  After all, they all have their own independent thoughts, so why should I be inferior to you?

  Especially when the two sides had a deep hatred from the beginning.

  So in the final analysis, whether to betray or not is just a matter of strength and strategy.

   Allen would definitely not be able to betray Nosferatu by relying on his own strength.

  But after seeing the power of the magnetic storm infantry, it is not surprising that she thought about it.

"It's just that this lady is thinking too simply? Since Hugh Jones can regain his sanity as long as it is the blood essence of a high-level vampire, why can't we use her instead of North Ferry?" Latu's?" Josie said with a sneer on his face.

"...But if we kill Countess Ellen, then we still have to face Count Nosferatu for revenge, don't we? Then it's better to kill Nosferatu in one step!" Just in Josie While thinking about how to use the knife on this Dame Allen, Josie's face froze when Ophelia raised a question.

  Yeah, killing Lady Allen and obtaining her blood essence will of course restore Hugh Jones to his sense of self.

  But Nosferatu didn't know the lady's intention of betrayal.

  The little wife was killed suddenly, so maybe he won't take revenge?

  Josie is numb, this Dame Allen is very scheming!

   First four thousand words, go out for dinner, come back and continue!



  (end of this chapter)

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