Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 162: Venture Capital Captain Carter!

  Chapter 162 Venture Capital Captain Carter!

  Compared to the unlucky magician Imerton, Cai Lin, who can only be regarded as an ordinary person, communicates very well.

  After some communication with her, Josie basically knew the situation of the other party.

  The current time on the opposite side is the end of 1926, and the timeline is exactly 21 years earlier than the timeline of Josie's world.

This point is in line with the timeline of the first part of The Legend of Ghosts - in the original plot, Okonda first followed the lawless army to the lost ancient city of Hamna Tower in 1923, and met Evelyn and started an adventure. It was three years later, in 1926.

  Cai Lin's father was once a military giant in the Southwest, with tens of thousands of troops at his peak, but died of illness just ten years ago.

   But his family is still considered a local giant.

It is precisely because of this identity that she revered her father since she was a child. Cai Lin, who had just turned 18, became a member of the female class of the Jiangcheng branch of the official Huangfu Military Academy of the Han Empire—this was the first time in the history of the Han Empire that female soldiers were publicly recruited. soldier.

  This is why Cai Lin would so proudly declare that she is a Han female officer—such an identity was indeed very rare in that era. After all, apart from those who were appointed privately, there were only 213 official female soldiers in the entire Han Empire at that time.

   When the trader selected her, she had just graduated from the female class of the military academy.

   Originally, according to the normal way, she should have gone to the military intelligence department to do some confidential paper work like Peggy Carter, but now the appearance of the plane trader obviously gave her a new direction.

  Women who can join the army in this era are obviously impossible to be good girls in terms of their own personalities.

  Ambition has never been a man's patent.

  With the power of her own family, it is not difficult to pull up an army. The only problem is that, like Carter, as a woman in the old society, it is not easy to make men submit.

   But for Cai Lin, this is not a problem.

  Because she has a younger brother.

   Summon those father's old ministries in her brother's name, and then she controls her brother, perfect!

  Of course, the premise of all this is that Josie can provide her with enough support.

"This blue potion, called Super Soldier Potion, is not much in quantity, only three. As long as you inject it, you can have superhuman strength, but in this process, it requires a lot of energy. And this green potion is the corresponding high-energy nutrient mixture. The two are used together. First inject the super soldier potion, and then inject the high-energy nutrient mixture within five minutes. The process will be a bit painful, but there is no risk. "For the seemingly ridiculous ambition of the little **** the other side of the trader, Josie did not laugh at it, but gave full support. At the beginning, he took out the good stuff at the bottom of the box—Yuri spent several months Time, a new type of super soldier potion developed through the blood left by the US team.

  After Yuri's improvement, the new super soldier potion is different from the super soldier potion used by the US team and the red skull.

  The effect is simply to allow the human body to break through the limit, and there is no characteristic that the good will be better, the evil will be more evil, and the characteristics of amplifying personal emotions.

In general, it is more similar to the semi-finished products used by Winter Soldier Bucky and Vito, but it needs to be more perfect and there is no risk. Although Winter Soldier and Vito are semi-finished products, the effect is not bad, but this kind of Zola complex The engraved potion was experimented with thousands of people at the beginning, and only the two of them survived in the end. The success rate can be said to be frighteningly low.

It is also because of the imperfection of this medicine. Even a great scientific researcher like Yuri, after obtaining Vito's blood, cannot reproduce and improve this medicine. He can only extract some of the substances and combine it with red Some genetic medicines in the police world have created veterinary medicines.

  But with the blood of Captain America as the perfect super soldier, plus the accumulation of previous research on the defective potion on Vito.

  Research on new medicines is relatively easy.

  In just a few months, Yuri has achieved preliminary results,

  The new potion may be weaker than the original super soldier potion in terms of the upper limit of strength improvement.

   There is no way to do this, because how much combat power an individual can exert is always not only based on physical strength, but also the addition of willpower is also a very important part

  Although the original super soldier potion can amplify personal desires and emotions, to some extent, it is also enhancing the user's personal willpower.

  This is well reflected in Bucky. As a semi-finished product, he can't beat any of the new Winter Soldier made with the super soldier potion reproduced by Howard Stark...

   And this is also the reason why the US team can always maintain a 50-50 split to a certain extent when encountering many opponents whose strength is far superior to him.

However, the advantages of the new super-soldier potion are also obvious, that is, it is safe and has no side effects, and is easy to mass-produce, which is very suitable for popularization. At the same time, the existence of high-energy nutritional mixture also eliminates the need for the original super-soldier potion to cost a lot like the US team. Electricity supplements the process of strengthening energy with special rays, making the strengthening process very simple.

   In fact, for military and medical applications, this is really the perfect super soldier potion.

  After preliminary experiments, after the soldiers have used this super-soldier potion word, and then assist Bo Xi'an potion, and then go to learn the gun fighting technique, it will get twice the result with half the effort!

It is precisely because this potion is so perfect that Josie will not release it casually in the short term, because this thing is really going to spread, but it can really completely change the existing human pattern, which is very important for the current stage. For Josie, it's not a good thing.

  But if it is used as a plane transaction, it will be a bestseller again.

With this kind of super soldier potion as a foundation, no matter how ridiculous Cai Lin's ambition is, no matter how naive her mind is, as long as she doesn't face bugs like Imerton or Dragon Emperor, she will basically be invincible in the world of ghosts and ghosts—as long as she As long as she is alive, with the help of the trading system, she will have countless chances to make a comeback.

"In addition, here is a military standard of military equipment and logistics materials that are twenty years ahead of the world you live in. It should be enough for you to use for a year. With these equipment and materials, you can easily form a With a good army, with the strength of the warlords in various parts of the Han Empire you are in, it is definitely enough for you to dominate the entire empire, and it is not a problem to win the land of Sanqin." Josie said, "As long as you can win the land of Sanqin If we find the tomb of the Dragon Emperor, we will have the basis to continue trading!"

  Since Cai Lin has nothing to trade with Josie, these things are actually pure investments.

An army-sized munitions and logistics supplies, plus three super soldier potions, if Cai Lin still can't develop, then she has no value in continuing to invest. Josie doesn't mind giving her a Howard specialty and then changing it to another Reliable trading partner.

   It’s still the same sentence, investment always has to bear a little risk.

   And this risk is completely acceptable for Josie now.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Josie Kahn, I will definitely complete your entrustment as soon as possible!" Cai Lin didn't know the hidden thoughts in Josie's heart. The mountain of materials has been completely immersed in excitement.

   Lots of "advanced" tanks, artillery, armored vehicles, and even airplanes.

  Not to mention machine guns and rifles.

   With such a large amount of armaments, let alone summoning the old troops, even if she recruits again, she can quickly pull up a team with strong combat effectiveness.

money? There is no need at all. Among the logistics supplies that Josie traded to her, there are a large amount of canned meat. She can sell these canned meat and get back at least ten times the amount of food.

   These days, as long as there is food in hand, it is more useful than money.

  The only thing that may be more troublesome is the issue of fuel required for the follow-up.

   But this is not a big problem. Josie has already told her that there are rich oil and gas resources in the Sanqin Land. As long as he occupies it, he can help provide oil mining and refining equipment and help train workers.

At this time, those local warlords in all parts of the empire who are still armed with old sleeves made by Hanyang, and even the main force of the empire, are completely like chickens and dogs in her eyes. She will not let go of a mere land of the Three Qin in the eyes.

  And if, as Josie said, she can wake up the Dragon Emperor and get the Fountain of Eternal Life... Cai Lin's eyes can't help but become more eager.

   After finishing communicating with Cai Lin, Josie looked at the time. It was already past six o'clock in the morning, and the sky was already getting bright.

  Josie didn't continue to go back to sleep, but went directly to the garden to practice the basic training of gun fighting.

  Although the Super Soldier Potion has been forged, Josie has no intention of using it for the time being. Usually, the most is to put some veterinary potions in the system warehouse just in case.

   After all, he is still young, and he is not so urgent for higher-level power.

  Although the super soldier potion seems perfect, it is not known whether it will block the power of other levels that he may come into contact with in the future.

  So with unlimited possibilities, Josie doesn't want to "set" herself so early.

After practicing the basic training of the gun fighting technique several times, Margot woke up in addition to being sweaty all over. Josie went to take a bath, and then had breakfast with Margot and the child, and then went to the manor A small airport in a small airport, ready to fly to work - because it is still relatively cold in early spring, so their family is not in Chicago now, but in West Palm Beach, Florida.

   And the class he is going to work now is not the job of the CIA—although he is the head of the first department, there are not many things that he really needs to handle personally.

  He is now going to the Truman Launch Center established by Boeing last year on Merritt Island, more than a hundred kilometers away from West Palm Beach-well, very obvious flattery, but very effective.

   Truman appears to be a very gentle person on the surface, but after getting along for a long time, he knows that this is actually a very smoldering person.

   Josie was able to become the main person to form the CIA, and the naming of the launch center also played a big role.

   Of course, there is another very important reason, that is, in the original time and space, this medium-sized launch will be named the Kennedy Space Center in the future... But in this world, don't even think about it!

   And in this launch center, the first carrier rocket Cupid 1 manufactured by Boeing is about to be launched there today, which was developed by Josie himself, and this time is 10 years earlier than Josie's original time and space.

  But Josie is not actually counterproductive.

  Because in the past few years after World War II, the United States has already accumulated a lot of technology, but because it owns nuclear bombs and high-speed aircraft, it doesn’t invest heavily in the aerospace industry, and Mao Xiong takes the lead.

  The original time and space Mao Xiong was a satellite launched in October 1957. After the launch, then President Eisenhower started the space program under the pressure of domestic public opinion.

   Then the first rocket was completed in December of that year, but the launch failed.

  On January 31, the second rocket was officially launched successfully.

  The whole process took less than four months.

   Without sufficient technical accumulation, it is impossible to do this.

   And Josie also realized this after acquiring Boeing and discovering the various related aerospace technologies that Boeing has mastered.

  In the end, although this day was 10 years earlier, in fact, the various manpower and material resources consumed in it were not as great as Josie imagined.

   But after all, it is the first satellite launch of human beings, and the significance it represents is still very great.

   At that time, Truman, Marshall and a series of contemporary American dignitaries will be present to watch the ceremony.

   Just arrived at the launch center, Josie got another message from the CIA.

  Because of the importance of the launch center, Josie also directly used public equipment for private use, bringing it under the jurisdiction and protection of the CIA, so the CIA resident was also established here.

   And the news he got was that Peggy Carter agreed to join the CIA.

   "Really?" Hearing the news, Josie looked at Vito who had passed on the message in surprise. He invited Carter at the time, but he said it casually, but he didn't expect the other party to actually agree.

However, it can also be seen that in the past few months, how much trouble Peggy Carter has received in the Strategic Science Corps, she will abandon her thoughts on the US team, quit the Strategic Science Corps, and join the CIA .

   "Yes, Ms. Carter is now in Langley, waiting for your appointment at any time!" Vito shrugged.

   "That's really great!" Josie nodded. Although he was a little surprised, he wouldn't feel flustered by it.

   On the contrary, he immediately thought of another important piece of information, so he set his sights on Truman not far away.

  As the director of the CIA and at the same time the actual controller of the CIA, Josie has also greatly strengthened the various intelligence sources of the United States.

   Not long ago, he had just seen an intelligence document sent by the Ministry of the Army, and accepted a mission to cooperate with the Ministry of the Army.

   That is, the Department of the Army has made a certain breakthrough in the research on the blood left by Captain America, and is preparing to start human experiments.

   It's just that the subjects selected by the Ministry of War are black people who don't have any personal rights in this era.

  When she saw this task, Josie understood that this was the origin of the forgotten black American team.

  But this time, Josie is going to let Peggy Carter also participate in this project.

  Although the risks involved are huge, Josie has read the If series of short stories before traveling, and knows that there are many Captain Carters in many parallel worlds.

  So compared to some other experimental subjects, Peggy Carter's qualifications for the original super soldier potion are theoretically the highest.

  And Josie believes that even if Peggy Carter is allowed to choose, she will definitely agree to join this plan.

  This woman's obsession with the US team is definitely beyond everyone's imagination.

  So an opportunity to complete the mission on behalf of the US team is in front of her, and she will never refuse, even if the chance of success is very slim.

  At that time, a Captain Carter who belongs to the quite interesting.

  (end of this chapter)

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