Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 177: marriage

  Chapter 177 Marriage

   Although Josie was a little surprised to have a visitor at home, she still entertained him very warmly.

I have been dating Margot for almost four years. Although Margot was so enthusiastic about Josie when the two met, in real life, Margot is actually a proper house girl, and her usual social circle is actually small. Pitiful.

  When I don’t have children, I may go out to socialize occasionally, but after having children, I don’t like to move anymore.

  So it is rare to meet a good relationship nowadays, and Josie is naturally very face-saving.

  Especially the enthusiasm that Josie had rarely seen when Margot got along with this woman named Mary Yellen.

   Obviously the relationship between the two is very good.

   It's just that after graduating from high school, Mary Yellen moved to Seattle with her parents, and at that time Margot was also fascinated by a scumbag, so the two broke off contact.

  Amberson was also met by Mary Yellen in Seattle, and married in 45 years, that is, the year before last, and has no children yet.

  Recently, because of Amberson's business, they are planning to move to Chicago to settle down.

  Because Amberson and Linus are high school classmates, and Chicago is the headquarters of the Lebiler family, it is natural for Amberson to pay homage to his old classmate's pier.

During the period, Amberson also asked Linus about Josie—although Josie is relatively low-key to the public, not as well-known as Howard Stark, but for the business community in the entire northern United States, Josie Ka In fact, En and his Continental Group have already become a behemoth that cannot be avoided.

  And one of the core industries under Amberson is the supply of some spare parts for aviation and automobiles.

  Although it sounds like the aviation industry and the automobile industry are quite far away, in fact, many parts configurations in the modern automobile industry are actually derived from the aviation industry, and there are many similarities between the two.

  Especially in this era, various industries are not as specialized as later generations.

  Many companies make what they have.

  The most popular and largest aerospace and automotive company in the United States today is naturally Boeing, which is almost completely controlled by Continental.

  So to put it bluntly, Amberson actually relies on Josie for food.

   It's just that there are too many entrepreneurs like Amberson, and each of them is too far away from Josie's level, so it's not easy to get in touch with this God of Wealth.

   Through Linus, Mary Yellen knew Josie's lover, and Margot was her high school classmate.

   This directly shortened the relationship between the two families.

  Although it is a bit convoluted.

  But many times, interpersonal relationships are built in this way.

And if it weren't for the relationship between Linus and Margot, at Amberson's level, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to get in touch with Josie directly in this life without any accidents, and it would be impossible to have a relationship with Josie on a relatively equal status like now. West sat down for dinner.

"Oh? You will settle down in Chicago in the future? That's good. Our two families can spend more time in the future!" At the dinner table, hearing that the Ambersons had decided to settle in Chicago, Josie also nodded to express his welcome. .

   Hearing Josie's statement, Amberson also breathed a sigh of relief.

   Regarding today's rash visit, it is impossible to say that he is not worried at all. After all, he has not had direct contact with Josie before, so he doesn't know much about the temperament of this legendary tycoon.

   Fortunately, now it seems that this young tycoon is very fond of his lover, and this step of his wife's route can be regarded as the right one.

   "The company's placement here is going well, right?" Josie asked.

"With the help of Linus, everything is going smoothly. The only problem is that the workers are not easy to recruit. In order to be able to produce smoothly, I have to consider recruiting more black people, but I think you should understand that those Farming may be okay, but higher-end work will be more troublesome!" Facing Josie's question, Amberson also replied in a straightforward manner.

  In terms of speech, it is also full of dissatisfaction with hiring black workers.

   And this is also the consensus of the upper class in this era.

  Since World War II, the overall economy of the United States has been in a state of rapid development except that the economy has stagnated for a short period of time due to the return of a large number of veterans and the unsalable wartime industries at the end of World War II.

  But while the economy is taking off, it also leads to a more serious problem, that is, the shortage of labor force.

  For this reason, in many industrial cities, especially heavy industrial cities like Chicago, a large number of factories had to start recruiting black workers.

  And this also led to a large number of dark people in the south, who began to move north to look for opportunities.

   But this is the general trend of the times. Although Josie doesn't like it very much, unless he can find a better source of labor, it won't change much.

"Speaking of which, you have been married for two years, and you have never thought about having children? And Linus, when are you going to get married? You and David are both old and don't even have a child. Every time Uncle John comes to see Mike and Ka Luo Er, it’s too much to talk about.” Josie nodded, and didn’t continue on this disappointing topic, and even changed the topic.

And the sound of the two children, Mike and Carol, playing in the next door at the right time—the two- and three-year-old children are too noisy, so in order to avoid being rude, in addition to letting the two children meet each other at the beginning, The rest of the time is given to Jia Ying to take to play, and the meals are also eaten in the side hall.

  I heard Josie talk about the child.

  Amberson and Mary are fine. They have been married for almost two years, but they have no children yet.

  Linus and Elizabeth are a little embarrassed. Although they say they are boyfriend and girlfriend, they have not been dating for a long time. They are the parents of the two families.

   That is almost equal to a blind date.

   Fortunately, the signs between the two are pretty good, but Linus is a little slow in this aspect, and he doesn't have any shrewdness in business operations, which makes John Lebiler a big headache.

  The youngest son, David, has basically given up. The eldest son is the hope of their family, but he just doesn’t know how to relate to men and women.

  So when Josie mentioned this matter at this time, it might not be without push.

In the years of contact and cooperation with the Lebile family, Linus has given Josie a very good feeling. As the godfather of the two children, he is also very competent. He will bring gifts to the two children during the holidays. I also like this godfather.

  But Josie mentioned this for another purpose, that is, he was curious whether this Amberson Osborn was Norman Osborn's father.

  But Amberson's company in front of him is not called the Osborne Group, but this does not prove that the other party is not the Osborne.

  As for the genetic disease, it's just the second setting in The Amazing Spider-Man.

   As an important villain in the Spider-Man series, the version of the Osborn family is the same as Spider-Man, many, many.

  But in most versions of the Osborne family, there is no such thing as a genetic disease.

   It’s just that for some reason, in the various fan fictions that Josie read in the previous life, genetic diseases inexplicably became the standard feature of the Osborne family.

So the best way to judge, no doubt, is to see whether the other party's child is named Norman after birth—although this does not completely prove that the child born must be the "Green Goblin", but it is still an important factor. According to.

   And hearing Josie mention the child, and hearing the play of the two children in the side hall, Linus's expression also moved.

  Because I have been focusing on business, and I haven’t met any girls who are interested, so I don’t feel much.

  But after accepting the two godchildren, Mike and Carol, because of the relationship between the two families, he found that he actually liked children a lot, so he couldn't help but cast a glance at Elizabeth.

   And Elizabeth just shifted her gaze to him.

   When their eyes met, it was like an electric shock, and they moved away immediately.

  The situation of the two fell into the eyes of Josie and the others, and they immediately knew there was something to be done.

   "The main business has just started, so there was a slight delay, but recently, Mary and I have discussed it and are planning to have a child." Amberson Osborne, as a businessman, is also very shrewd, and expressed his position at the right time.

   Mary on the side was surprised. Have the two of them discussed it? I remember that last month, Amberson said to wait a little longer, and this has changed really fast enough.

  But being smart, she naturally immediately thought of why her husband said that.

   Mary can only sigh inwardly about this, her husband is generally good to her, but he is a little philistine.

   At the same time, he took another look at Josie and Margot, feeling a hint of envy in his heart.

  Not long after the dinner, Linus and Amberson very wisely chose to leave.

  The purpose of their coming today has basically been achieved, and they have been holding back, which is likely to cause counterproductive effects.

   "Do you think Linus and Elizabeth can make it?" Watching the two cars leave, Margot couldn't help asking Josie.

   "I think the chance is pretty good." Josie took a sip of tea and nodded.

   "I hope so, Uncle John is so old, that's all he has left to think about!" Hearing Josie's approval, Margot nodded.

   "By the way, instead of worrying about others, shouldn't you worry about your own affairs?" Josie stood up, walked behind Margot and wrapped her arms around her waist, whispering in her ear.

   "Oh, it's so itchy. I have a child and a ring, so what's the rush for me!" Margot said with a smile, pushing Josie's head away.

   "Well, that can't be done, the European side is ready, the child is growing up, and it's time for us to choose a date!" Josie said, pecking Margot's neck and shoulders.

   "Oh? Are you finally ready?" Margot asked with bright eyes.

   The two of them were talking about Neuschwanstein Castle.

  Although the main body of the castle was completed last year thanks to the hard work of many free laborers, compared to the main body outside the castle, the various interior decorations are the most troublesome thing.

  For this reason, Josie specially spent a lot of money to invite many famous interior designers in Europe.

  That's the case, it took another year in a flash, and until now, it's officially coming to an end.

   "Yes, it just so happens that the Margot is also completed, we can take it directly to Europe, I believe this will be a perfect journey!" Josie said.

   The Margot that Josie was talking about was the super cruise ship Europa that he bought before.

  After nearly a year of refitting, it was officially completed not long ago, and was renamed Margot by Josie.

  Margot is opposed to this, and although she has a beautiful heart to name such a ship with her own name, she always feels a little inexplicably ashamed.

   Josie just made a very domineering decision about this, and she couldn't tolerate Margot's objection at all, which made her angry and funny.

  "It sounds really exciting, so what do you think is the most suitable day? It can't be Christmas, right? It's too late in time!" Margot said.

   It is now November, and there is only less than a month left before Christmas.

   "Of course not, but I think February 25th will be a good day!" Josie said.

   "February 25th?" Margot thought for a while, and there were still nearly four months left. If you were to prepare at this time, it really wasn't too rushed—but is there anything to say about this day?

   "Hmph, have you forgotten? It was February 25, 1943!" Seeing Margot's confused face, Josie squeezed her round chin pretending to be angry.

  After hearing Josie's reminder, Margot suddenly realized.

   By the way, February 25, 1943 was the day when the two of them met for the first time.

"I didn't expect you to remember it so clearly!" After thinking about it, Margot couldn't help but sigh with emotion. She really didn't think that Josie could remember it so clearly, which also moved her very much. At least it shows that this man has always had with her.

"That must be remembered. I remember when I saw you for the first time, I was thinking, this lady is so beautiful and has such a good temperament. When I am rich, I will definitely marry such a beautiful woman. Wife!" Josie whispered in Margot's ear mischievously, making her laugh.

   "Okay, so it turned out that you were planning on me at that time!" Margot feigned anger.

   "Hey, woman, do you dare to say that you didn't have any thoughts on me at that time?" Josie laughed strangely.

   "I don't have it! It's not like you, you are a wolf in sheep's clothing!" Margot said angrily. Josie's words reminded her of the day when she was raped by Josie for no reason.

"Hmph, whether you have it or not, anyway, you are mine now, and the big bad wolf is going to eat the lamb again!" Josie said as she hugged Margot horizontally, ignoring the snickering people around her. The servant, in Margot's anger, carried her up the stairs.

  Hey, after eating, it is normal to exercise to digest food.

  (end of this chapter)

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