Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 181: Dracula returns

  Chapter 181 Dracula Returns

  It was the end of December when the Margot cruise ship departed from New York, so when it arrived in Europe, the time had already come to the beginning of 1948.

  The story between Peggy Carter and Marvell is an episode in a relatively long journey.

In fact, during the nearly twenty-day journey, these two energetic women fought no less than ten times. Fortunately, except for the first time, which was a little more intense, the rest of the fight was relatively restrained. Broken too many things.

  However, no one felt bored by the behavior of the two of them.

  After all, the journey on the cruise ship may feel good at the beginning, but it will actually feel a little boring after a long time. The interaction between the two people adds some color to the journey.

  In contrast, Josie, one of the protagonists of this journey, was basically missing except for showing his face on the day the two met for the first time.

  Only when the cruise ship passed through Gibraltar, did I meet the Spanish dictator Franco.

  The reason for this is of course not because Josie was drained dry. He was bullied by Margot all night that day, and the next day he poured more spring water.

  The real reason for his disappearance was actually to hide in the cabin and practice the five elements technique.

   In her previous life, she was also a native of the Xia Kingdom, and with the help of the official translation of the system, and drinking a lot of eternal spring water that contains a small amount of mana, Josie at least got started before arriving in Austria—mastered water and gold.

  No way, on the giant ship of the vast ocean, these two are the easiest to practice.

  Of course, the so-called mastery is actually just the appearance of being able to barely control a small amount of water or an iron nail.

   And the actual control is not as efficient as directly using hands.

   There is still a long way to go if you want to be as easy as Dragon Emperor.

   But it's a relatively good start.

  Beep! !

  Accompanied by a long whistle, the Margot slowly sailed into the port of Trieste.

  The Port of Trieste was once the largest port of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but after World War I, it was occupied by Italy, and the future of the original time and space also belonged to Italy.

  During World War II, it was first occupied by the Allied Forces, and then divided by Italy and the Southern Federation.

   But in this world, due to the rise of Austria, it was occupied by the Austrian joint U.S. military after Operation Return to the Eagle's Nest.

  Although Italy has complaints, as a "defeated country", it is not qualified to negotiate terms with the US military.

   Later, after Austria supported the Yugoslav Empire and occupied the Slovenian region, it should be taken for granted that in the name of the Yugoslav Empire, it and the US military jointly controlled this excellent harbor.

   Then there was the war with the Southern Federation. After showing its amazing strength, Italy dared not say anything more.

  So, amid the cheers of the Austrian people, Trieste, once the first port of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, has officially returned to Austria after nearly 30 years of absence.

"Phew, I finally landed. Although the cruise ship feels good and the facilities on it are very comfortable, but I have been away from the land for too long, and I always feel that there is something missing!" Peggy Carter, who was wearing a dark blue dress, sighed after stepping off the ship. .

  Her appearance also attracted the attention of the surrounding crowd.

   After all, such a tall and big woman is quite rare in Europe.

"It's really nothing. I'll take you to space for a few laps later and you'll know that compared to the endless cosmic ocean, your so-called Atlantic Ocean is actually no different from a small lake!" Dressed in a neutral suit Marwell put his hand on Carter's shoulder and said arrogantly.

  As she said, the 20-day ocean voyage really didn't make much sense to her.

   To know her longest flight record, she flew alone in the universe for half a year.

"...Okay, I know you are amazing, but please pay attention to the occasion." Faced with Marvell's show off, Carter said with a helpless roll of his eyes, but there was a wave of waves in his heart... Star Trek? ? It's really tempting.

"Peggy, why don't you just go back to Hara with me. Although you are a native of Earth, Kerry is not a place that excludes xenophobia. With your strength, the Supreme Intelligence will definitely accept you!" Seeing Carter's face Seemingly moved, Mawell rolled his eyeballs and whispered in her ear.

  Whether it is Kerry, Shia, Nova and most other cosmic civilizations, they are actually not a single race, but are composed of one or two core races, plus countless subsidiary races.

  Even the powerful and special existence of Asgard is divided into the Asir Protoss and the Vanir Protoss-the Queen of Heaven, Frigga, is the Vanir Protoss.

  In contrast, the Skrulls' empire composed of a single ethnic group is extremely rare.

  So although Carter is a backward "earth native", as a super soldier with a physique not weaker than that of Kree elite fighters, Marwell believes that she has a chance to be recognized by the supreme wisdom and become a citizen of the Kerry Empire.

"Sorry, the earth is my hometown, I have no intention of leaving here, and there are still many crises on the earth, I have the responsibility to protect my hometown, instead of going to a strange civilization, a country I don't understand Combat." However, Carter chose to refuse Marvell's invitation without hesitation.

  As an Englishman himself, but he has been working for the United States after the war, Carter is already an outlier in the eyes of many people.

   But anyway, the United Kingdom and the United States have always been allies. The former Strategic Science Corps and the current CIA don't care about nationality issues, and her behavior can barely be justified.

  But abandoning the earth that has been cultivating oneself all the time, and running to become a warrior of an alien civilization to fight for the aliens?

  Carter said that he has not yet reached that level.

   Seeing Carter's rejection so cleanly, Marvell could only express regret.

   "What are you two standing around for? Get in the car!" Just as the two were talking, Josie, who was about to get in the car in the distance, shouted at the two of them. He didn't know that he had just been poached.

   But even if they knew, they wouldn't care.

  First of all, with Carter's character, it is very difficult to be poached away, and now super soldiers are no longer a rare thing for him, one less is a lot, and one more is not much.

"Okay, let's go, it's better not to talk about these topics casually outside, or it will be more troublesome if someone wants to hear it!" Carter nodded at Josie, then said to Marwell, and then didn't wait for the other party After replying, he went straight into a car behind Josie and the others.

  Josie and the others have a lot of people on this trip, so the Austrian side also prepared a team early.

  They will arrive at the nearest airport first, and then fly directly to Schwangau, where Neuschwanstein Castle is located. The distance between the two places is only more than 500 kilometers, and it will not take much time if there is a special plane.

   And Josie and his family got into a car, so Carter naturally couldn't make fun of himself and squeeze together with their family.

   Marwell, who was told by Carter, shrugged and followed Carter into a car.

   It's just that no one noticed that just after the convoy started, a black shadow flashed past in the shadow of a tall tower overlooking most of the port area in the distance.

   "Josie, what's the matter?" In the car, Margot looked at Josie's frowning expression and asked strangely.

   "I don't know why, but I felt like I was being stared at just now!" Josie said.

   "Really? Why don't you ask Vito and the others?" Margot couldn't help saying after hearing what Josie said.

"I've already asked, and Vito and the security personnel have also checked, and they didn't feel anything unusual, and it seems that Carter and Marwell didn't feel anything unusual either. Maybe I'm overthinking!" Josie shook his head. He shook his head and said.

Josie is still very clear about her own level. Although, like Margot, she has already drank the Fountain of Eternal Life, but apart from prolonging life, this thing has extremely limited improvement in physical fitness and senses. Get the Super Soldier Potion.

  So if even he can feel being followed, then Vito and Carter have no reason why they can't feel it.

  What Josie doesn't know is that although the five elements spells he practiced are just alchemist spells and not immortal cultivation skills, after practicing, they will actually strengthen his perception of the outside world.

  At this time, he may still not be able to fight with one hand like Vito, Carter, and other super soldiers in terms of combat effectiveness.

  But if it’s just about intuition, he’s actually stronger than Vito and the others.

  So his intuition was actually correct.

   Someone was indeed observing him just now.

   It's just that the distance from the other party is very far away, even far beyond the reach of ordinary human eyesight, so Josie can't find the other party at all except for a vague sense of peeping.

   And all the way until boarding the plane, Josie never felt that feeling again, so he completely regarded this feeling as an illusion.

   Trieste is only more than 500 kilometers away from Schwangau, which is only half an hour for the plane that Josie and the others took.

  The plane that Josie is flying now is not a DC-3 or C-69.

   Those are all planes produced by other airlines. Josie is now in charge of the Boeing Group, and if he flies on another plane, wouldn’t he be laughed out of his mouth?

  And as the second-generation fighter jets such as Mirage 3 and Mi-21 were taken out by Josie ahead of time and became popular, aircraft technology around the world has also made leaps and bounds.

  While continuing to develop more advanced jet engines, many airlines have also begun to try to apply jet technology to the civil aerospace industry.

   And Boeing, which has Josie, the big boss who is cheating, is undoubtedly at the forefront of the world in this regard.

  As early as a few months ago, the prototype of Boeing's first jet airliner, the Boeing 707, had successfully tested and flown.

   What Josie and the others are riding now is a specially modified Boeing 707, and its official model is named Boeing VC137.

   This plane is famous no matter in Josie’s original time and space or in the world of Red Alert.

  The reason for its great fame is also related to the Melody who had some personal grievances with Josie.

  Because it is Melody, the appearance of this aircraft has become synonymous with "Air Force One", the US presidential plane.

  Starting from Melody, "Air Force One" has actually changed many models, but its appearance and painting are all imitated VC137 without exception.

  However, in this world, Josie made this plane in advance.

   And not only did Josie own one, he also gave Truman one—of course not directly, because sending it directly is called bribery.

   But donate to the White House in the name of Boeing, then there is no problem.

   "Here we are, look, that's Neuschwanstein Castle!" When the plane landed slowly, Josie pointed to a very dreamy castle standing on the mountain below.

   "It's so beautiful, much more beautiful than in the photo!" Looking in the direction Josie pointed, Margot's eyes flashed with fascination.

  Don't talk about Margot, even Carter and Marwell couldn't help feeling jealous of her at this moment.

   After all, they are also women.

   "It's not very clear from this distance. There are helicopters in the castle. It will be more beautiful when we take a helicopter to get closer and look down!" Josie introduced with a smile on Margot's shoulder.

  Because Neuschwanstein Castle is hidden in the dense forest in the mountains, the only way to fully capture the beauty of Neuschwanstein Castle is to look down from the air.

   Jet airliners are obviously not suitable for getting too close to the castle because of their speed.

   However, if it is a helicopter, it is completely fine.

  In order to facilitate travel, but also to be able to better visit the nearby scenery, Josie deliberately built a helipad in the castle.

   At the same time, a rather gorgeously dressed figure appeared on the streets of the small town of Schwangau, watching the landing of "Air Force One" from a distance.

   "Hey! Stop, please show your ID!" The policeman on the street quickly spotted the unexpected visitor and immediately stepped forward to question him.

  Although Josie has not been in Austria for the past two years, with the continuous development of Ouroboros, his control over Austria has become deeper and deeper.

  For the sake of convenience and privacy, the entire area of ​​tens of kilometers around the small town of Schwangau has been designated as private territory by Josie.

  However, the population of the small town in this era is not large, and Josie also needs some people to serve him, and the people in the castle also need a place to go when they are free.

   So people in the town weren't driven away.

   It's just the security of the entire town, which has already been taken over by Josie's people.

   This patrolman is very familiar with the people in the town, and although Josie's wedding is approaching, there is still more than a month after all, and the guests will not come so early.

   So when there's a new face in town, it still stands out.

  Especially the clothes of this person, either rich or expensive, and his overall appearance is extremely good. It would be weird if the patrolman couldn't tell that he was from outside.

   "Mr. Police, I'm just a tourist. Is it necessary to check the documents?" Faced with the patrolman blocking the way, the visitor asked with a smile.

"Tourist? Hehe, the whole of Schwangau has been sealed off now. You are not allowed to enter without an invitation letter. You tell me you are a tourist? Hehe, come with me to the police station!" Hearing the other party say himself It's a tourist, the policeman is happy, this is simply a credit to the door.

   Immediately took out the handcuffs and handcuffed them to the other party.

   "Look, Mr. Police, I have an invitation letter!" Facing the handcuffs, this person calmly took out an invitation letter and handed it to the policeman.

   "His Royal Highness Vlad Dracula, I'm sorry, I don't know, welcome to Schwangau, I wish you a happy day!" The patrolman looked at the invitation letter and said in a trance.

   It turned out that this uninvited guest was none other than the famous Vampire Grand Duke Dracula.

  It was actually him who spied on Josie in Trieste before—hundreds of kilometers away, this Vampire Grand Duke is actually faster than a jet plane, which is simply unimaginable.

   More importantly, the sun in the sky is blazing right now!

  And if someone looked at it from the perspective of a third person at this time, they would find that what Dracula handed to the patrolman was not an invitation letter at all, but just a withered leaf.

  It's just to confuse a human being, which couldn't be easier for the ancestor of the vampire.

  (end of this chapter)

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