Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 191: Abedis

  Chapter 191 Abedis

  Alfred Abedis.

   Lordaeron Calendar 1175.

   Lord of the North Sea Territory in Silverpine Forest, son of Earl Abides.

   This is the information that Josie asked from Mrs. Zheng not long ago.

  As a fan of Shankoushan for more than fifteen years in her previous life, Josie realized the world behind the little guy when she heard the name.

  World of Warcraft, the world of Azeroth, where the popular online game in the previous life is located.

  Alfred Abidis is a well-known faction in the game, the founder and supreme commander of the Scarlet Crusade.

  Before that, he was a senior member of the equally famous Knights of the Silver Hand, and even the famous Ashbringer, the adjutant of High Lord Alessandro Mograine.

  But compared to Alfred himself, his daughter, Bridget Abedis, is actually more famous.

   That is, the new leader of the Scarlet Crusade that players assassinated in the Wrath of the Lich King version, General Abbendis.

  When she finally learned that the third trading plane was World of Warcraft, Josie was extremely excited.

  Because this is a magical world whose upper limit is not lower than that of the Marvel Universe.

  Powerful Titans, ferocious demons, majestic dragons, beautiful elves, ferocious orcs, and ordinary humans.

  Mysterious and eccentric arcane magic, the power of holy light that is pure and upright, and the power of dark and terrifying shadows.

  Warrior, mage, paladin, priest, ranger and many other magical professions.

   There are also many artifacts such as Frostmourne, Ashbringer, Flamestrike, etc.

   Obtaining any of these things or abilities will be a huge improvement for Josie.

   It's just a pity that Josie connected to this world a little earlier.

   What kind of time period is Lordaeron 1173, Josie doesn't know.

  Because I played games in my previous life, I always opened the Dark Portal, and the time when the orcs officially invaded Azeroth was regarded as the first year, and that also represented the arrival of a truly magnificent era for Azeroth.

   As for the various races and calendars of Azeroth before this, there is no way to know.

  So Josie is temporarily unable to correspond the Lordaeron calendar mentioned by Abbendis with the Dark Portal calendar.

   But one thing is for sure, at least it must be after Abidis has grown up.

  Because Abides really entered the stage of history, it was six years after the Dark Gate, the second war between humans and orcs, and the old alliance was established.

   At that time he was already the adjutant of the senior commander of the Union Army, Alessandro Mograini.

  For an officer of this level, even if Abidis was born in a noble family, generally speaking, he would have to be at least around 30 to be able to serve.

   And now Abidis is only five years old, only less than a year older than Josie's two children.

   In other words, it will take at least twenty or thirty years before the time when the door of darkness opens.

  For Josie, this is both bad news and good news.

The bad news, there is no doubt that as a child, even in an advanced magical world like Azeroth, or a noble family, it is difficult to get in touch with too high-end things, that is, before the official plot begins. Ordinary age.

   This is somewhat similar to Josie's situation. Compared with the 21st century when superheroes exploded, Josie's era had very little extraordinary power.

And the good news is that this also means that Josie has enough time to cultivate Abidis and let him grow rapidly, so that he can help Josie in the future when that magnificent era comes. many benefits.

  Although going on in accordance with normal history, Abidis can still occupy a high position.

  But the Scarlet Legion, an extremist group formed by a mixture of various forces, is really useless in Josie's view.

  In contrast, if he had his own help, before the arrival of the Dark Portal, Abidis would have unified the seven kingdoms of mankind and became the second great emperor to unify mankind after the ancient emperor Thoradin.

   When the time comes, orcs? Hehehe!

   "How are you doing today? Alfred!" Josie greeted Abides with a warm face.

  Because Josie would tease him from time to time since the other party was not sensible, so the two parties have actually gotten along for several years and are very familiar with each other, even more familiar than Josie and his two children.

"Josie, you are finally here. The Dragon Cube is out of power, and I want to eat potato chips and Coke!" Seeing Josie's appearance, Abby Diston, who was lying on the bed and getting ready to sleep, his eyes lit up. Surprised.

   Question, what is the easiest way to gain favor with a child who is deeply in a medieval environment?

  Of course, game consoles and delicious snacks.

   Needless to say, potato chips and cola, children simply cannot refuse their temptation.

  Especially in the medieval world like Azeroth, the civilization of the human country is not very developed, and various seasonings are still relatively scarce and the price is extremely high.

  Even for nobles, it is not easy to eat food with rich taste.

  Of course, if it was an elf country with a longer history and more developed, these things would not be so unusual.

  As for the dragon cube that Abbydis said, it is actually Tetris.

  In the Marvel Universe, although the time is still 1948, as Josie's control over the American economy has deepened, he has begun to consciously speed up the progress of science and technology.

  Since the second-generation fighters that only appeared in the 1960s and 1970s have already appeared on the scene, let alone the relatively low-end products such as handhelds?

  Handheld consoles, in many people's minds, may be Nintendo's Game&Watch.

   But in fact, as early as 1976, Mattel of the United States had developed the world's first handheld game console.

  So now that Josie is gradually advancing the development of modern technology on the earth, it is nothing to release things more than 20 years in advance.

   Not to mention mere handhelds, even personal computers and the Internet, Josie is already ready to start.

  If there are no accidents, the earth where Josie lives will usher in the information age at least twenty years in advance.

  No way, if you don't do this, Josie won't be able to release NS robots, a product of cutting-edge multidisciplinary cross-fusion technology.

   And one of the reasons why Josie is eager to bring NS robots to the market is because Josie sees a possibility to change the future human society in the United States and even the world.

   That is to reduce the dyeing ability of black and create a world without black.

  Josie, who was reborn in the United States in the 1940s, is very satisfied with the segregation era in the United States where black people are basically invisible on the streets.

   But if nothing unexpected happens, that will soon start to change.

  Because in the middle of this year, in July 1948, our President Truman will sign the abolition of segregation in the military.

  Although it is only within the military, this basically marks the beginning of the end of American isolation.

  As the controller of the CIA, Josie knew about Truman's plan very early on.

   The reason, in the final analysis, is that with the rapid development of the overall social economy after the United States won World War II, the middle and lower-class labor force in the United States has begun to show signs of shortage.

Because the American economy developed much earlier than other regions in the world, most of the white people who are the mainstream of society have received a good basic education, so when the economy takes off, they will try their best to go to big cities to get more Good development, to pursue a better working environment and rights.

  In this way, it will lead to the lack of bottom-level labor.

  Everyone wants to sit in an office, even if the salary is lower, and they don’t want to go to the factory site to suffer.

   It is this situation that gives blacks the opportunity to deeply participate in the production of American society.

   Now, what Josie has to do is to push robots into American society as soon as possible, and occupy those low-level jobs with cheaper and more efficient labor.

  As for the black people? Naturally, send them home to build their own hometown.

  Like Liberia, they had a pretty good life.

  Of course, what Josie did would undoubtedly affect people of color other than black and black.

  However, Josie is also prepared for this.

  Because the number of these races is nothing compared to the number of blacks.

  For example, the total number of Xia descendants in the United States in the 1940s was only a few hundred thousand people, and even in the 21st century, there were only five million people.

  This figure can be easily accommodated with Josie's current ability and influence in the United States.

   It really doesn't work, Austria's door is open, and it can be easily accepted.

  And how many blacks are there? More than 20 million, accounting for nearly 20% of the total population of the United States, and in the 21st century, it will be close to 50 million. If you count 40 million black mixed blood, it will be rounded up to 100 million, accounting for one-third one.

   How can this not be messy?

  Although Josie doesn't really like the United States in his bones, this is the perfect leek field in Josie's mind after all.

It is true that there are also a very small number of talents among the blacks, but compared to other ethnic groups, their nature makes them less likely to grow into plump leeks, and the greater possibility is that they will only become over-absorbed nutrients from the land. Weeds that destroy leek fields.

   Better to clean it up early.

   It is also on the premise of this purpose that the civilian technology of the United States and Austria has begun to lead other countries by at least ten years.

  The first generation of game consoles, as one of the unremarkable products, began to appear on the market.

  Of course, just like the first-generation handheld in the original space-time, this handheld named Game No. 1 by Josie can only load one game.

   And the first video game it carried was Tetris, which became popular all over the world later.

   Of course, the current name must not be called Tetris.

  So Josie named it the first trading world, the special dragon of Game of Thrones, and gave it a dragon cube.

   And at the bottom of the game console, an image of a dragon with a big mouth was made.

   Play the game as if the dragon ate the cubes.

  Although it is a very old game console, because it is the world's first game console and the first game, its price is also very high - twenty dollars.

   Don’t think it’s too expensive, in this era, this thing represents high technology.

  When the game console was launched, it was extremely popular-don't think that only children can play it, and adults are also surprised by it.

   After all, entertainment activities in this era are still relatively scarce compared with later generations.

  And it wasn't just ordinary people in Josie's world who were popular with game consoles.

   People like Daenerys who lived in the medieval society played with relish.

   Not to mention little Abidis, he was fascinated when he played with this thing for the first time.

But Josie's purpose is to train little Abbendis to be a qualified trading partner, not a waste of playthings. It might be a good thing for Josie, because such a person is easy to fool.

  In addition, in the ordinary ancient world, the status and classes were clearly defined, and unless it was a particularly serious crime, it was not easy for ordinary nobles to have accidents.

  But in a world like Azeroth, a trash noble will never live long.

   Unless Josie directs Abbendis all the time, otherwise he will be able to train Abbendis in the direction of a hero.

   Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to get what Josie expected in several lifetimes.

  Although he used game consoles and snacks to win the favor of little Abidis, Josie was very strict about the quantity control.

  For example, the power of the game console will not exceed one hour.

  If you want to continue playing, you have to trade and recharge Josie.

  Potato chips, cola and other snacks, the amount of a day is also extremely limited.

  Especially Coke, although Josie has changed the formula of Coke in this era and removed some of the poisonous substances noted by later generations, but the amount given to little Abidis is only one or two sips each time.

   It can be said that Josie cares more about little Abides than her two children.

   "Oh, of course, but potato chips and cola can't be eaten too much, and after eating, you must brush your teeth!" Josie reminded, and traded the food prepared in advance.

"I see. You don't need to remind me every time. By the way, Josie, do you want to continue talking about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms today?" Facing Josie's exhortation, little Abidis happily confirmed the deal, and was not in a hurry to immediately Just eat it, but temporarily put it in the warehouse.

  Like many children, their favorite food will be stored and eaten slowly, and Abidis also has this habit.

   After receiving the food, Abbendis asked Josie to tell a story.

  Talk about Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

   This was also specially chosen by Josie.

Although he is still very young, in fact, Abidis's mind has matured much earlier than the children on the earth. After all, although the appearance is the same, in the final analysis, the human beings in Azeroth and the human beings on the earth , is not a species at all.

  Because of receiving aristocratic education since he was a child, and Josie’s advice, little Abidis also knew how to hide his secrets since he was sensible. He never told anyone, including his parents, about the existence of the trading device.

  So after Josie confirmed that little Abidis could understand the content of Romance of the Three Kingdoms, telling little Abidis a piece of Romance of the Three Kingdoms every day became one of the daily routines between the two.

  (end of this chapter)

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