Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 193: Big Business at Blackwater International

  Chapter 193 Blackwater International’s Big Business

"Why are you worried about this? As long as you first declare and recognize my legal right to rule Sulawesi, then I can hire troops in my own name. The reputation is not good, and that is my reputation... What do you have to worry about? "Josie looked at the Dutch ambassador in surprise and asked.

  The Dutch ambassador was immediately embarrassed when Josie asked him this question.

   "Don't you still think about using my money to hire the army, and leave it to you?" Seeing the expression of the Dutch ambassador, Josie was speechless.

  Emotions This guy really thinks so.

   Spend Lao Tzu's money, hire troops in your name, let you control the military power? What spring and autumn dream?

   If you regret it afterwards, who will I turn to?

   Not to mention, with the peeing nature of the Dutch, this thing can really be done.

   Regardless of the small size of the country, this country, like France, also has a good tradition of bad debts and bad faith.

   Not to mention that the contract signed with the Republic of Java was torn up in minutes, the Netherlands, as the first country in the world to start the financial industry, even invented such a thing as perpetual bonds.

  What is perpetual debt? It is a bond that has no clear maturity date or has a very long term, that is, a bond that lasts forever in theory.

  Theoretically, this kind of bond never needs to consider repaying the principal, as long as the interest is paid all the time.

  Although it was adopted by many countries in later generations, and the name sounds good, it is actually a very shameless way of reneging on debts.

   If Josie really only pays the money, and the other things are decided by Holland himself, then it will become a real injustice.

   Facing Josie's disdainful gaze, the Dutch ambassador was a little embarrassed. In fact, the top executives of the Dutch government really had this idea at the beginning, using the name of a short seller to trick Josie into providing money and supplies.

   But considering Josie's identity and his influence in the US government, this proposal was quickly rejected.

Because the Marshall Plan that the United States is about to implement is now a completely open policy, and the rest is the issue of benefit distribution. If the Netherlands offends Josie at this juncture, then Josie will use his influence to arouse the attention of the US authorities. Dissatisfied, then the Netherlands may really lose more than it gains.

   "Mr. Kahn was joking, isn't it because we are worried that you will not be able to withstand the international public opinion..." The Dutch ambassador laughed and said, "If you have an idea, you have an idea, but it is absolutely impossible to admit it.

   "Don't worry about it, Mr. Ambassador. I can still bear this kind of public opinion." Josie didn't pursue this matter either. International public opinion cannot be avoided.

  As long as Josie wants to take over the interests of Sulawesi in a formal name, he must accept a certain degree of criticism.

  It’s just—after being attacked by international public opinion, will Josie lose a few pieces of meat?

   While agreeing to help the Netherlands send troops, Josie also made a decision in his heart, and had the opportunity to teach the Dutch a lesson.

   Huh, Sulawesi?

   Wait until the real Josie dispatches the army, and expect him to spit it out after eating it in his mouth? Dreaming!

   Sent away Franco and the Dutch ambassador.

   Josie took action.

A transoceanic satellite phone call was made to an office building in a military base in Virginia, the United States—as Boeing Aerospace officially opened the space age, Josie was able to use it for transoceanic instant messaging .

  But the military base that Josie called does not belong to the US military, but to private individuals.

  Its official name is Blackwater International Military Service Company.

   It was the private military service company established by Josie after reorganizing the Blackwater Gang.

  In the original time and space, a large number of private military service companies——PMCs appeared in the late Cold War.

  PMC is not a simple mercenary, there is a huge difference between the two.

  Of course, this difference does not mean that PMC does not engage in mercenary business, but that compared with mercenaries, PMC involves more extensive and professional businesses.

   Obviously, the Blackwater Company established by Josie decades in advance, under his guidance, is such an extremely professional military service company.

It is precisely because of this professionalism, coupled with the fact that Josie has always had a good relationship with the military, and his own status in the US government, under his matchmaking, the Pentagon is very interested in this new concept of private military service companies. interest.

  In addition, Blackwater International deliberately hired many generals and officers who retired during the disarmament.

  So although Blackwater International has only been established for two years now, it has basically been recognized by the Pentagon, received a lot of defense orders, and its development is growing stronger.

  In order to facilitate business communication, its headquarters was also moved to Virginia, which is close to the Pentagon.

   In addition to the Pentagon, under the propaganda of the Continental Group, Blackwater International has also been promoted to a certain extent in the private security business.

  But in the international arena, Blackwater International is not yet well-known, so it is called international, but it is not international at all.

  In Josie’s view, the Battle of Java in the Netherlands is a good opportunity to advertise for Blackwater International.

  And this does not conflict with what Josie said to the Dutch ambassador before, hiring German prisoners to fight.

   Josie spent money to hire Blackwater International, and Blackwater International hired lower-cost German prisoners of war as soldiers. Is this a problem?

no problem.

  In this way, Josie only needs to bear the criticism of the title of "accomplice of the colonists", hire war criminals to fight, and get rid of it directly.

"Oh, big boss, you are such a rare visitor. I thought that after you got married, your life was too sweet, and you had already forgotten about Heishui International." On the other end, Aldo, who is the general manager of Heishui International, answered the phone and smiled. quipped to Josie.

   "No matter how sweet life is, you still have to earn money for milk powder, Aldo, I have brought a big order." Josie said straight to the point.

   "Oh? Who is the employer? What is it going to do?" Aldo was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked.

   "I'm the employer!" Josie said.

   "Eh... Josie, I work so hard every day, I didn't ask you to tease me..." Aldo was speechless, the company is yours, you just give an order, hire a hammer.

"No, Aldo, I'm not kidding you. I am now officially in the name of the hereditary earl appointed by the royal family of the Netherlands, the governor of Sulawesi, to initiate employment with Blackwater International, organize military forces, and eliminate illegal activities in Java, the Netherlands. The government and the armed forces provide military guarantees for me and the Dutch royal family to rule Java." Josie interrupted Aldo and explained.

  Aldo was taken aback when he heard the words, good guy, are you still related to the Dutch royal family? Awesome!

  As a private military service company, it is naturally impossible for Aldo not to know about the war in Java.

  Although this war has nothing to do with Blackwater in general, there are also many shipping exchanges between the United States in Southeast Asia. Blackwater International has provided security services for many related shipping companies and individuals.

   I just didn't expect that Blackwater International would have the opportunity to directly participate in this war.

"But there is a problem here, Josie. If we want to intervene in this war, our current employees may not be enough. Of course, we can also recruit veterans, but it will take a lot of time, and the cost will far exceed expectations. !” Aldo said hesitantly.

Although the number of U.S. military veterans after the war was extremely large, with the disarmament basically completed, most of the returned U.S. troops have returned to social positions. After World War II, the U.S. was basically in a state of rapid economic development, and its per capita income increased rapidly. .

  Under the background of this era, the cost of returning retired American soldiers to the battlefield will naturally increase.

"Hehe, you don't need to worry about this. Blackwater International accepts my employment. To some extent, it is just a name. In fact, I have prepared the real combat army. There are still a lot of countries in Europe. The German prisoners of war can’t go home, we can buy them from those countries, and it doesn’t cost much. Even if those countries are unwilling, there are still millions of people in Germany, who can’t even eat enough!” Hearing Aldo’s words, Josie said indifferently.

  As he said, except for those German prisoners of war who are still detained by various countries as coolies, even those millions of people who have been released to Germany are still on the verge of starvation.

  Although the Cold War started in 1947.

  But during this period, the two camps actually maintained a superficial peace, and the confrontation between the two sides was not very serious.

  In addition, the trauma caused by the war has not yet been shaken off, so neither the Democratic Republic of Germany nor the Federal Republic of Germany has been established yet, and the whole of Germany is still in the stage of being frantically conquered by several victorious countries.

  So the life of the Germans during this period was very miserable. In the winter of 1946 alone, more than 100,000 people died of freezing in Germany, mainly in the areas controlled by the British and French bears.

   Because of the relationship between Austria and the United States, life in the US-occupied area is pretty good. Although it is also very poor, at least it will not starve to death or freeze to death.

   At least until the two camps in 1949, in order to confront each other, each supported a new government, and this situation will not change.

   It is precisely for this reason that in the past few years, a large number of Germans have tried to escape into Bavaria, the "paradise on earth" that has become part of Austria, through various channels every year.

  For this situation, if it is from the US-occupied area, Austria's approach is to repatriate and block it-after all, the two countries are now in a full honeymoon period, and Austria does not want to offend the Americans because of this kind of thing.

   Moreover, the Germans in the US-occupied area just had a hard life, but they could live anyway.

There are not many people from the British and French bears, and Austria will always come. It can just supplement the labor force that Austria desperately needs. With the various high-tech technologies provided by Josie, Austria's industry and economic growth rate are faster than those of the United States. Even faster at home.

   But as in the United States, this situation has created a gap in the labor force in Austria.

  So if possible, Austria is actually happy to accept the Germans. Well, it would be best to accept all the territories of Germany.

   Deo is a family.

   It's just a pity that this kind of thing is impossible even for the closest ally of the United States.

   Moreover, several occupying countries other than the United States also have strict control over border areas, so the number of people who can really cross the border into Austria is not very large.

  However, if Josie recruits some fighters in the occupied areas of several countries other than Mao Xiong in the name of Blackwater Company and the Netherlands, he will not mind coming to these countries.

   After all, the Netherlands has always been an important ally of Britain and France, and now it is also the target that the United States needs to win over.

  And in this period of turbulent colonial independence in the world, Britain and France are very happy to see that the Netherlands can stabilize the Java region.

  So even without those prisoners of war, Josie could easily recruit a large amount of cannon fodder from Germany during this period.

   "This is a good idea, but if the salary is too low, those Germans may not be able to fight with all their heart?" Aldo heard what Josie said, and immediately knew what his idea was, but he still had some doubts.

   This is also a mindset after he runs a private military service company.

   That’s what mercenaries are for, after all, it’s all about making money.

  If it is only limited to eating enough, then even those prisoners of war are unlikely to work hard, which is different from simply doing coolies.

   "It's easy. If I promise them that as long as they fight well, they and their families can become full citizens of Sulawesi. Do you think they will work hard?" Josie said with a smile.

   This is what Josie planned early on.

  The natives of Java are poor, lazy, trouble-loving, and most of them believe in the green sect. This is definitely not good for Josie's future rule over Sulawesi, and they will basically not accept Josie's rule.

  So if you want to maintain long-term rule over this area, the best way is to find a way to replace the residents on this land.

  Of course, this is not what Josie wants to do against humanity.

  The replacement method does not necessarily have to be killed, but it can also be rushed.

  The minds of the Dutch are not pure, and when the battle is won, drive those natives to the area controlled by the Dutch... Hehe.

And besides the Dutch, there is also Malaya, which is still under the control of the British, on the edge of Java. With the unstable situation in Java and the decline of the strength of the British too quickly, the situation in Malaya is not very good. optimism.

  In the original time and space, within a few years after Java’s independence, Malaya also successfully got rid of the control of the British and became independent.

   At that time, Josie can completely follow the current model with the Netherlands and cooperate with the United Kingdom once to swallow a large piece of meat from Malaya.

  The eleventh largest island in the world is far less attractive than the third largest island in the world.

   "I see, I understand, I will take people to Europe tomorrow!" Aldo replied immediately.

   "Don't worry, Aldo, I can't be too active in this matter, I have to make the Dutchman anxious. In fact, I have another proposal. I don't know if you are interested." Josie said.

   "What proposal?" Aldo asked puzzled.

   "Is your mother's tribe interested in changing their land?" Josie asked.

  Aldo was stunned when he heard the words.

"you mean?"

"It literally means that although there are volcanoes in Sulawesi, the overall environment is still good, and the supplies are also very rich. There is no problem in accommodating tens of millions of people. I don't like the indigenous people on this land... You see what I mean?" Josh said.

   "I understand, but this matter is beyond my decision. After all, it is related to the future of the entire tribe. I have to go back and ask my grandfather!" Aldo said seriously.

  The topic of the two seems to be inexplicable, but everything is actually based on Aldo's blood.

  Aldo is not a pure white man, he is a mixed race.

   It’s just not black and white, his father is white, his mother is an Indian, and she is also the daughter of the patriarch of a large Indian tribe.

  As for Aldo's father, he has never seen it—if he had this opportunity to meet that man, Aldo would be very happy to send him a bullet.

   No, instead of sending bullets, he directly injected the veterinary agent, and then smashed the man into a pulp.

  Because of Aldo's birth, it was actually very disgraceful, and it was even more a shame for his mother.

  More than thirty years ago, Aldo's mother went hunting with two guards, but encountered several white hunters.

   As a result, Aldo's mother's guard was killed, and she herself was abused.

  But the final result was that those white hunters did not suffer any setbacks and were given asylum by the US authorities.

  And this is the living status of the aborigines and Indians in North America.

  Although the Americans have stopped massacres of Indians long ago.

  But the living environment of Indians in the United States is actually not as good as black to a large extent.

  The so-called reservation is nominally to protect their living environment from damage, but in fact this thing is no different from a concentration camp. It is a restriction on Indians—a shackle that restricts their integration into the United States.

   Even in the 21st century, the Indian ethnic group is also the ethnic group with the worst education level and living standard among all ethnic groups in the United States.

  When the blacks are clamoring for racial equality, almost no one cares about this group that has always been marginalized by the United States.

  I can only watch helplessly as the U.S. government covers up everything in the past and silently suffers all unfair treatment.

  Because they simply cannot change.

  (end of this chapter)

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