Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 195: How about building a Jurassic Park?

  Chapter 195 Do you want to build a Jurassic Park?

  A few days later, Josie flew to the Navajo Indian Reservation by plane.

After a day of long talks, the old Kuichai finally decided to accept Josie's invitation. When Josie officially took over Sulawesi, they moved with their families and introduced some other tribes in the reserve to Josie. , ready to let everyone migrate together.

  Of course, the statement about family relocation is not very accurate. Although Josie's promise is very generous, many Indians also have a strong plot of their homeland.

   Even if the conditions here are difficult, I am not ready to leave.

  Especially many elderly people who cannot bear the hardships of long-distance treks, and may not be able to adapt to the climate of Sulawesi.

  So the whole migration will be divided into three steps.

  The first step is that Aldo’s uncle, the patriarch’s son, Slamu, takes the young and strong members of the clan to go there first, confirm the environment there, and build the homeland there.

   Wait until the situation over there is confirmed and stabilized, then proceed to the second step, taking the women and children of the clan.

  As for the elderly, most of them will stay in the clan land, and together with some young people who are also unwilling to migrate, they will be resettled by the Continental Group to provide basic living security.

  In exchange, the development rights of the Navajo reservation will also be handed over to the Continental Group—many Indian reservations, for themselves, are tasteless because of lack of resources.

  But for some Americans, Indian reservations are more maneuverable.

  Because the administrative level of all reserved areas is at the state level.

  This also means that the Indians on the reservation can set specific legal provisions on their own, just like each state, without violating the Constitution.

   For example, gambling.

   At the beginning of the 20th century, most states in the United States banned gambling.

   There are only two exceptions, Atlantic City and Las Vegas.

  Atlantic City was able to become a gambling city because it was approved by the referendum in New Jersey.

   And Las Vegas can become a casino because it is an Indian reservation.

  By the 21st century, there are still about 310 reservations in the United States, most of which have become casinos, with a total annual profit of billions of dollars.

   Of course, there is only one Las Vegas at this level.

   And don't think being able to open a casino is a good thing.

   It is precisely because it is not illegal to open casinos in reserved areas, which has also led to many company groups and gangs targeting these relatively special existences in the next few decades.

  Large reservations like the Navajo are okay, but reservations for small, sparsely populated tribes are miserable.

  As long as the strength is weak, the entire tribe may suddenly disappear one day, and be replaced by casinos and big restaurants.

  This situation did not start to improve until the states of the United States began to liberalize casino restrictions in the 21st century.

  Of course, this reserved land falls into the hands of the Continental Group, and it will definitely not be used to build a casino. This is also Josie's promise to the patriarchs of several Navajo tribes.

  Although with the size reserved by the Navajo, it is entirely possible to build an entertainment city that is more magnificent than Las Vegas.

  But Josie thinks that his promise is still very valuable. Although the casino makes money, it is not worth enough to make him break the promise.

  With the plane trader, Josie is still afraid of lack of money?

  As for how to use it... Josie suddenly felt that in such a large area, it is actually quite appropriate to keep some animals, especially some more dangerous animals.

  The land is barren? Just remodel it, and it’s good to be barren, there is no place to hide, even if something goes wrong, the plane can be seen at a glance from the sky.

   "How about I build a Jurassic Park here?" Josie, who was riding a horse on a mesa overlooking the land, asked Akado beside him.

  Oh no, it’s not appropriate to call it the Jurassic, but Yuri’s is the Cretaceous.

  Then it is called Cretaceous Park?

  Hearing Josie's question, Akado looked at a loss.

   Please excuse his low level of education, he knows the park, but what is the Jurassic?

After all, it was still in the 1940s. Without the Jurassic Park movie, unless they were highly educated and knowledgeable or archaeologically related practitioners, most people in this era actually didn’t know about the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. vocabulary.

  Looking at Akado's blank face, Vito on the other side of Josie showed a smug face, hehehe, don't you know what Jurassic is? I know.

   Of course, before he met Josie, he didn’t know what the Jurassic period was. As an Italian immigrant who didn’t go to much school, his knowledge was not much better than that of Acado, an Indian mixed race.

   It's just that after staying with Josie, I have seen a lot and learned a lot.

   "...You can understand it as a dinosaur paradise!" Josie looked at Akado with a confused face, and twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly.

  In fact, from the time travel to the present, he found that the person with whom he had the most common language was actually the trade partner of the new world whom he had just met not long ago, Lawrence, the boss of American Robot.

   It's very annoying.

"Oh, dinosaurs, I know this, the lost world, so are you going to build a park with the theme of dinosaurs? Perform a stage play related to dinosaurs? Sounds like a good idea!" Hearing Josie say this, Akado suddenly realized.

The lost world he is talking about is certainly not the one in the 1990s, nor is it the original novel by Conan Doyle, but a silent film released in 1925 based on the original novel, and it is also the first monster movie in human history. It can be said to be popular all over the world at that time.

  The story is about a group of scientists who found a huge dinosaur alive on a deserted island, and tried their best to get one to the city, but the dinosaur escaped and made a big fuss.

   Is the plot familiar, yes, the plot of the later movie King Kong was influenced by this movie.

   It's just obvious that Akado at this time has not realized the true meaning of Josie's words.

   But he saw the strange eyes of Josie and Vito looking at him.

   "Eh... Did I say something wrong?" Akado asked a little embarrassed.

  "...Of course not, the dinosaur paradise I mentioned raises real dinosaurs, the living ones, not some singing and dancing performance!" Josie said helplessly, covering her forehead.

"...My God, is what you said true? Isn't that thing extinct? Or, like in the Lost World movie, you found a place where dinosaurs still exist?" Hearing Josie's words, Ah Cardo immediately widened his eyes.

"'s technology...well, you're right, we did find such a place, otherwise, what do you think the veterinary potion you drank turned into?" Josie originally wanted to deny, saying That is the power of technology, but carefully, the so-called dinosaur cloning technology is actually not reliable at all.

  And the cloning technology, although Josie does have it—Yuri can be said to be proficient in this technology.

  But if this technology is brought out in this era, it will bring him and Continental Group very big troubles.

  So it’s better to find a place where dinosaurs still exist, such as the tens of thousands of islands in Java. At that time, Josie will find an uninhabited island, put some dinosaurs on it, and then catch these dinosaurs and transport them to the United States.

  After the work is done, find an excuse to burn the island to the ground, or conduct a nuclear test or something, and there will be no evidence at all.

  Anyway, we caught the dinosaur from there, believe it or not!

   "It really exists? Wait, so you mean that the gene in the veterinary potion is actually not a Komodo dragon at all, but a dinosaur?" Akado was shocked.

   "Of course, but the real Komodo dragon potion is also available, do you want it?" Josie shrugged.

   "Ah... no need, the current veterinary potion is very good! Live dinosaurs... hiss!" Akado seemed to have seen the scene of the whole world flocking to see the dinosaurs.

  Compared to living dinosaurs, Las Vegas is a dick?

  As for what Disney... There is no Disneyland in this era, let alone other similar theme parks.

   Oh, and not entirely absent, Howard's Starkko Expo can also be considered a theme park.

  So, the world-famous Navajo Jurassic Park in the future was settled in Josie's few words.

  As for Josie's actions in the Indian reservation, it was natural that they could not be hidden from the US government authorities. They were quickly learned by the FBI and sent to Hoover's desk, and then to Truman's desk.

  After all, Josie’s actions in the Navajo were not small. After all, the matter involved the relocation of tens of thousands of people, and the energy of the CIA couldn’t hide it.

  The existence of Indians is actually a relatively taboo topic among high-level Americans. After all, this belongs to black history.

  So Truman was also very concerned about this matter, and it didn't take long for Josie to call.

   It's just a pity that Josie didn't intend to hide this matter at all.

  Why hide it? The Indians themselves are a thorn in the upper echelons of the United States. What he is doing now is to pull out this thorn, and he is trying to relieve the worries of the top government, okay?

   This is a great achievement.

   Sure enough, Josie was just talking about the Netherlands, Java, and Indians.

  Truman immediately said to let Josie let go. If there is any accident, the US military can provide a certain degree of support and help.

  Because of this series of things, whether it is helping the Dutch government, quelling the war in Java, or relocating Indians, none of them will have an adverse impact on the United States.

  On the contrary, because of Josie’s identity, the United States was able to smoothly extend its hand into Malacca—the U.S. government has always coveted the control of Malacca, but it is only because of its two allies, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, that it is not easy to start directly.

  But now that the Dutch have sent them themselves, Truman is so happy, how could he not support Josie?

So in April of that year, with the approval of Truman, the urgent request of the Dutch, and the fact that the Javanese did not know anything about the situation, Josie went to Amsterdam and accepted the canonization of Queen Wilhelmina, the then Queen of the Netherlands. He became the governor of Sulawesi, the hereditary earl of the Netherlands, and possessed the name of monopolizing Sulawesi's military and political affairs.

   After conferring Josie, Queen Wilhelmina officially abdicated and passed the throne to her daughter, Queen Juliana.

   This is all right, the successor king has no right to deprive the hereditary title of the previous king.

   Now Josie doesn't even have the last worry.

So just a few days after he was canonized, several newly launched Austrian frigates and the cruise ship Margot put on the Dutch flag and left the port, heading for Asia—well, the Prinz Eugen has a special meaning as a ship The battleship is the symbol of the Austrian Navy, and it is absolutely impossible to use it as an escort. This is not Josie's superstition, absolutely not.

   Seven thousand and five chapters in two chapters, but I still haven't been able to achieve the goal, I deserve to die.

   So I decided to sacrifice another book.

   Aldehyde's ranch leisure, Aldehyde is also an old author, and his alpine pasture can be regarded as a classic. Now that he has returned to the pastoral text, it is worth reading. It has more than 200,000 words, and it has been confirmed to be on the shelves on the 1st!



  (end of this chapter)

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