Marvel Plane Trader

Chapter 223: steal light

Hearing that the ancient one said that this is just a very powerful symbiosis, but the previous host came from a civilization that was seeded with gods and destroyed because of the birth of gods, Odin instantly understood why Yi was parasitized by this symbiosis. Karis would hate the gods so much.

  Because the thinking of the parasite itself is very simple, but as a symbiont, it can share the memory of the host and is affected by the bias of the host.

   And its previous host, with the Celestials and Eternals, is definitely a family-destroying enmity. It would be a strange thing not to hate it.

"And I don't know if it's a coincidence, I saw you from its memory fragments!" Gu Yi looked at Gilgamesh and said - implying that the civilization of the previous host of this symbiosis was actually Gil Gamesh and their last mission.

   "What? See us?" However, Gilgamesh was at a loss when he heard the words. They had never seen such a thing before.

"... I forgot to explain, we shouldn't have said this, but it doesn't matter now..." Gu Yi looked at the corpses of Ajak and Cersei, who had been restrained by Makali and Fastos, and then The true mission of the Eternals, and the fact that all their memories are wiped after each mission.

"No, it's impossible!" After Gu Yi finished speaking, Gilgamesh, who had always been calm, was fine, but Macari and Fastos were not calm. "And you are only over five hundred years old. Know this?"

   "I'm just telling you something, believe it or not, that's your business!" Facing their doubts, Gu Yi didn't care at all.

  What's wrong with being only five hundred years old? I have seen too many dimensional creatures, and I often go to other multiverses to visit, and I know more than you.

   And you've lived long enough, but what's the use? Haven't you been brainwashed again and again?

   "I know this may be difficult to accept, but I can prove that what she said is true!" Odin walked to Gilgamesh, patted him on the shoulder and said.

  Gilgamesh nodded when he heard the words. In fact, after Gu Yi told the story, he already believed it seven or eight percent.

  Because in the past hundreds of years, he stayed with Sheng Na who suffered from "Eternal Demon Disease" all the year round, and witnessed many words and scenes written by Sheng Na,

   I used to think it was inexplicable, but now combined with what Gu Yi said, everything makes sense in an instant.

  It turns out that the so-called eternal demon disease is caused by the awakening of memories that have been washed away.

   It's just that Macari and Fastos still can't accept such rhetoric in a short time.

"That's right, what they said is true, I remembered, Pangria, the civilization that was destroyed because of us..." At this moment, Ikaris, who had been bound to the ground by the ancient one, was sad alone Opened his eyes and said.

  As the most powerful Eternal, Ikaris' memory is far more comprehensive than that of Saint Na after recalling it, and even directly called out the name of that civilization.

   It was also at this time that a small golden ball suddenly appeared on the chest of the dead Ajak's body. After spinning a few times in the air, it rushed towards Gilgamesh, startling him.

  However, before the ball touched Gilgamesh, it was trapped by Ancient One's magic.

   "What is this?" Gilgamesh asked angrily.

"If I'm not mistaken, this thing should represent the leader of your Eternal Race, and it's also a tool to contact Arisham." Gu Yi explained, then looked at Gilgamesh and asked, "If you got it, How will you report the situation here to Alitham?"

   "...I don't know!" Gu Yi's question made Gilgamesh stunned for a moment, and then his face became a little sad.

   "Of course I have to ask Alitham to find out everything!" Fastos stood up and said dissatisfiedly.

"In fact, it doesn't matter. You can just report the situation here truthfully. In addition, you can tell Alitham that Ikaris' situation is quite special. I will take him back to Kama Taj and imprison him!" Gu Yi looked at several The expression of an Eternal Race, but said with a slight smile.

  Hearing the request from Ancient One, the Eternal Clan had no objection. They didn't like Icaris, and without the help of Ancient One and Odin, they would have nothing to do with Icaris.

  So on balance, letting Gu Yi take Ikaris away is the best choice.

  As for the symbiont, no one mentioned it, it was Gu Yi's trophy.

   "By the way, there is one more problem we have to deal with!" Seeing that everyone present had no objections, Gu Yi nodded in satisfaction, and then said solemnly.

   "What's the problem?" Odin asked.

"Although this symbiont is not a fragment of Gnar, it does not mean that the fragment of Gnar does not exist. A fragment of Gnar is imprisoned in the spaceship under the ice layer, and it is the guard of that spaceship. !" Gu Yi fiddled with the symbiote in his hand and broke out another shocking news.

  This is why the Inhuman Mande, who was good at telepathic communication among the Inhumans before, would get feedback that it was a prison when he tried to communicate with the spaceship in the ice.

   And what gave back to it at that time was the symbiont in the hands of Gu Yi.

  The symbiosis created by Gnar is actually a prison guard of Gnar's fragments.

  This may sound absurd.

  But it’s actually not the case. As mentioned earlier, although the symbiont was created by Gnar, its original trial is actually a species with extremely simple thinking. Basically, it symbioses with any host, and its thinking will tend to that host.

  So when it was created by Gnar in the early days, under the influence of this evil god, the symbiont naturally behaved more evil.

   But after Gnar was defeated for the second time, the connection between him and the symbiote was completely cut off, leaving only the largest body.

  Without the symbiont bound by Gnar, the search for a new host began.

  Because of the hosts they found, some are kind, some are evil, and some are salty fish, which leads to conflicts among these symbionts.

  But no matter what type of host it is, most of them don't like Gnar, an evil **** who wants to destroy everything at every turn.

  So the affected symbionts collectively chose to betray Gnar, and countless parasites built a cage around Gnar's largest body, trapping Gnar's body firmly to death.

  As the cage gets bigger and bigger, a planet is finally formed, which is the mother planet of the symbiosis, Kuntar, the hometown of venom.

  And this is not the end, there are still a large number of symbionts who are biased towards the good camp, wandering in the universe, relying on their own induction of Gnar, searching for those lost Gnar body fragments.

  For example, the closed one in the spaceship is one of them.

  However, this spaceship does not belong to the symbiote, but to the previous host of the symbiote, the Pangria civilization.

   That is an extremely developed civilization, its level of civilization is not even weaker than Kerry and Shia.

   It's just because this civilization has an extremely kind and peaceful personality, respects nature, and has no intention of expanding outward when it develops to a very high civilization in time, so it has a low reputation in the universe.

   But like Krypton in DC and Asgard in the future being poked by Surtur.

  No matter how developed the civilization is, it will be vulnerable to the planet-destroying disaster brought about by the sudden birth of God.

  So this civilization was so easily destroyed in the long history of the universe, leaving almost no traces, and only a very small number of people were able to escape in time.

   And this prison ship is one of them.

  The fragments of Gnar imprisoned above were also captured by several Pangria heroes and their symbionts when the Pangria civilization was still there.

It's just that tens of thousands of years have passed, and the Pangria heroes above have long since died, leaving only a few symbionts and the imprisoned Gnar fragments, which were locked in the spaceship and fell to the South Pole of the earth. Then it was frozen here for tens of thousands of years, until Josie sent a robot to activate it again.

That is to say, the symbiote in Gu Yi's hands, and several symbiotes that are still in a dormant state in the spaceship, all belong to the camp of kindness—of course, because of the destruction of Pangria, this kindness is in the When facing the gods, it does not exist.

   "Then how do you think it should be handled better?" Odin looked at Gu Yi and asked.

   These words seem to be concerned about the disposal of Gnar's fragments, but they are actually thinking about dividing up part of the spoils.

   After all, he had done his best to deal with this symbiont just now.

   "You can take half of the symbiote above, and I will seal the fragments of the spaceship and Gnar, how about that?" Of course Gu Yi understood what Odin meant, and said immediately.

   As for the Eternals? A group of robots is good enough to be alive, what more bikes do you need?

  Inhumans? Where did the Inhumans come from?

Um? Inhumans?

  Gu Yi was taken aback, what about the five Inhumans? What about their aircraft? And—what about the Tama?

   "Where's your Tama?" Gu asked Fastos.

   "The Tama is right there..." Fastos and the remaining Eternals were taken aback by Gu Yiwen, and they pointed to the crashed Tama.

   Just as their eyes moved over, the place where the Tama crashed originally, except for a huge and incomparably huge soldier pit, where is there any Tama!

Not only that, several Inhumans and their spaceships, as well as the machines at the original excavation site, all disappeared without a trace (because of the battle, their current location has been several kilometers away from the excavation site. )

   "Not good!" Gu Yi suddenly thought of something, opened the portal instantly, and stepped in.

  Odin and several Eternals looked at each other, and then followed in.

  The other side of the portal is the bottom of the ice well at the excavation site.

  But at this time, besides the white ice, where is there anything else?

   "What's going on here?" Odin and a few Eternals who followed Gu Yi and came here through the portal were also stunned when they saw the empty space under the ice.

   "...It seems that we still underestimated this Pangria civilization, maybe they have abilities like space teleportation that we don't know about!" Gu Yi said with the corner of his mouth, feeling a little toothache.

  Actually, she already knew what was going on, but she couldn't talk about it.

  She didn't expect this little **** to be so courageous.

  Dare to steal things under her and Odin's eyes, it's simply.

  That’s right, the fact that the Pangria civilization possesses hyperspace teleportation technology is just the serious nonsense of the ancient one.

The real situation is that when they were besieging Ikaris, Josie entered here, and in an extreme time, left the place half empty, and even took away the Inhumans, their aircraft and the Tama .

   And now Falkland Island is happily celebrating with Ophelia, Vito and the others with champagne.

  ...As Gu Yi and Odin said before, the moment Josie arrived here, he saw Odin's appearance and fell in love with Ikaris.

   Immediately retreated.

   Just kidding, although he didn’t know the cause of the battle when he just arrived, but no matter what the reason, the battle between Asgard’s leader and the strongest of the Eternal Race is something that Josie can participate in now?

  Dang even wanted to evacuate.

  But just when he wanted to evacuate, he discovered Ophelia's actions.

   And it was the actions of Ophelia and the others that gave him inspiration, and at the same time caused him to become evil.

  That's right, he can't participate in the battle between Odin and Ikaris, but does this prevent him from getting some benefits?

   Just recently, the little Abbydis of the Universe of Warcraft got him a lot of magic props, including various magic traps.

  These magic props are actually enshrined by the mages of the Abydis family, as well as some unsalable inventory props of the chamber of commerce in the fief.

  Because these things are just some functional items, which have no lethality and simple effect, but because of the material problem, the price is surprisingly expensive. They are basically by-products made by mages and alchemists who like to do research.

  But in Josie's view, these seemingly useless little magic props are simply magical tools.

   For example, a stealth cloak that can only be used once, but has a strong concealment ability.

  A secondary static trap that can make people lose their mobility for a few seconds.

   Small one-time teleportation rune.

  A transforming magic wand that can instantly turn a person into a small animal for a period of time.

   These are relatively normal things.

   In addition to this, there are some unusual ones.

   Like slime bombs that can stink for days.

  Drinking a potion that turns people green.

  A powder that makes grass grow on people's heads.

  Wait a lot of mess...

  As for the expensive issue, is that a problem for Josie who already has too much money to spend?

   The hard currency that is also commonly used in Azeroth is gold and silver.

  Although little Abidis is still young, due to his status as the son of the earl, and these magic items are not lethal at all.

  Those mages and merchants only thought that little Abidis wanted to play a prank, so they sold them to the little guy at a relatively suitable price.

   Then the little guy turned around and took these seemingly useless props, and exchanged a lot of snacks, drinks and game consoles from Josie.

   It is precisely because of these special magic props that Josie is ready to take a big gamble.

  Before Ophelia and Vito just wanted to steal something from the Tama, but Josie now thinks that he really wants to take everything that can be taken, whether it is the Tama or the spaceship under the ice.

   Anyway, these two spaceships are not large in size, and his system warehouse can hold them all.

  So... the embarrassing situation that Gu Yi is now facing appeared.

  The Eternals are a little bit better. They half-believe Gu Yi's words. After all, the facts are right in front of them, and those things have indeed disappeared.

  The only thing they wondered was that the Pangria spaceship disappeared, but how did their Tama get away?

  As for Odin, who is an old man, he didn't believe a word of Gu Yi's words, but out of a tacit understanding with Gu Yi who had known him for hundreds of years, he was very witty and didn't expose it.

  Anyway, whether it is a spaceship or a symbiote, the value to him is that much.

   It would be better to take the opportunity to make Gu Yi owe a favor.

  Gu Yi also understands this, but now she can only cover it up, but in the future, she must get the place back from that little bastard!

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